"Regain" Chapter 1 Update

It was the coldest night you could have seen in Frankfurt in a small province of the Prussian Empire, in those cobblestone streets a boy with sodden eyes walked with no fixed destination. With no memories to hold on to and no hope. He kept walking until he reached a crossroads, wanting to cross it was then when a carriage at high speed came towards him.

Author Tear Sonyeon


Hotel K: Episode 1 "Regain"

As the icy wind blew outside, Aldegrezter Tsuyoshi, a once respected detective, awoke from his drunken slumber. The small office where he used to receive his clients was a mess, with empty bottles and overflowing ashtrays adorning the desk and shelves. Despite his current state, Aldegrezter's mind was still as sharp as ever, but he was no longer the same detective as before, the one who used to solve complicated cases and win the admiration of his colleagues.

Without a sense of purpose, he began to tidy up his office and search for some unsolved case among his papers, hoping to find something that would bring him out of his lethargy and give him back the motivation of yesteryear. He knew he would have to work hard to restore his reputation as a detective, but he was tired and nothing seemed to be able to change his situation. His last case had shattered him and brought him to the brink of losing his job at the Shadow Watch, the police district in London controlled by members of Parliament. Sadly, the person he had investigated was connected to the police, which led him to lose everything. He now vented in alcohol, trying to forget his failures and disappointments.

Suddenly, someone knocked loudly on the door and left a crumpled envelope under it. Aldegrezter slowly stood up, trying to keep his posture, and spread out the letter inside the envelope. The handwriting was almost illegible, but it was still readable. "Dear Mr. Aldegrezter," the mysterious letter began, "by the time you receive this note, they may have already come for me. They will soon close the Kaiser Hotel murder case, however, it turns out that there are more cases of which no more will be known. The hotel owner will close them, I need your help. I will be silenced and evil will follow. They are after me, please help me."

Reading these words, Aldegrezter felt a shiver run through his body. What was behind all this? Who was the sender of the letter and why had he come to him for help? The real horror would come later, however, when he opened the envelope and found several photographs, including some with gruesome images of people dying. It was hard to believe that this was all a joke, but it was also hard to believe that someone had simulated such atrocities.

Aldegrezter knew he could not ignore this letter. He had found a case that might give him a chance to regain his reputation as a detective, but he also knew he was entering dangerous territory. Nevertheless, he decided to take a chance and prepared to investigate the matter, hoping that he could help someone and find some redemption in the process.

Aldegrezter frowned as he looked at the pictures. He couldn't afford to ignore them, but he also couldn't afford to get involved in something that might make his current situation worse. However, the letter had piqued his curiosity, and his sense of justice was beginning to awaken. Nevertheless he decided that, while he couldn't get involved in the case officially, he could investigate on his own. Perhaps he could find some clue that might help the person who had sent the letter.

He began to examine the photos closely, looking for anything that might give him a clue as to what was going on. Meanwhile, his mind flew back to the past, remembering those days when he used to be a respected and energetic detective.

"What the hell happened to me?" wondered Tsuyoshi as he continued to examine the photos. "How did I end up here?"

But he knew he couldn't get stuck in the past. He had to focus on the present and the case at hand. If there was any chance to redeem himself and regain his former reputation, he would have to take it.

As he made his way through the cobblestone streets, Aldegrezter could feel the cold biting London wind hitting his face. Despite this, he did not falter in his march, his serious and gloomy face reflecting the determination that had been reborn in him after the receipt of that mysterious letter.

He walked steadily, as if each stride brought him closer to the truth he sought. But he knew he could not be carried away by his impulse. He had to keep a cool head and think carefully about how to proceed in the investigation.

Meanwhile, his mind kept wandering through memories of his past. He had been a renowned detective, but life had led him down a dark and dangerous path. Plunged into despair, he had lost his way and his purpose. But now, with this new case on his hands, he felt he had a chance to regain everything he had lost.

Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks as he realized something: the letter had not mentioned the location of the hotel he was looking for. He wondered how he could get that information.

Besides, he knew he couldn't afford to buy a train ticket to Scotland right away given his current financial situation.

Aldegrezter stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a figure in the darkness of a nearby alley.

I think Aldelgrezter will have to develop his character in the very near future. Dear readers I am Tear Sonyeon, I would like to thank you and invite you to comment and of course to subscribe to this series that will be published every Friday with a lot of effort. Att. Author Tear Sonyeon.