System 111

Kevin didn't know that there is a small white ball watching him with indignation, he yawned for the fifth time as he closed the computer, went to his fluffy bed with half lidded eyes and fell asleep once his head touched the pillows

4:25 A.M

System 111 took a big sigh and then fell asleep on top of it's chosen host, 'Whatever, I'll just tell the old man tomorrow,'


"Mn.." Kevin woke up at 8 in the morning, he feels like something is wrong with his chest, he looked down groggily and saw a white fluffy looking ball..

"Ah..?" A confused groan escaped from his mouth as he shifts his body, waking up the System as he did so

[Ah! Finally!!! Old Man, I'm called 111 and I am a high intelligent A.I created by the Lord God, I'm also one of the special creations!] 111 finally can proudly introduce himself

Kevin only blinked his eyes in response, still a bit out of the world, [And I am here because I choose you Uncle! It means you're a lucky gal! Now, let's go to business! You are tasked to save the world! How? By following the missions presented by me of course! Not only can you experience countless adventures, ups and downs, but you also get mysterious rewards plus the beginner package!]

[You must be curious why a seemingly peaceful, quiet, and worry free Earth is in need of saving? Then I'll satisfy your curiousity! It's because in 7 month's time, du du duuu, a zombie apocalypse will comeeee!!!!]

"Oh??!" Kevin's eyes shone bright! As a 22 years old otaku who love adventures and is still quite energetic, what he wants the most is fun things! He accepted this all quite fast, but..

"A zombie apocalypse??" He looked at the ball with unease, if it's apocalypse, can he still survive? Although he like doing something new and unique he still can't do murder ah, what if he fails the mission? And, and, a seven month preparation is a bit weird?

[Yes, don't worry, failing will only deduct things that you owns, but too much failures have big consequences, such as, dying with a whole bunch of ignorant people, why? since your missions are only connected to the situation you are in and situations you will be forced to enter to complete the main task]

Kevin nodded in relief and was about to ask something when his stomach growled, he blushed and stood up as he went out of the room, getting the leftover meal from yesterday

While microwaving it, he chatted with the odd ball, "Sorry, I'm quite hungry," He rubbed his nose out of habit

[It's fine!] 111 don't really care much, it knew that humans need to do so many things to live

"By the way, why was I chosen?" Kevin asked as he munched a cake, his left brow rose up in wonder

[Because my navigation told me that you are one of the capable people to do the job!] 111 also wants to know how an Uncle was chosen

"Are the requirements so low?" Kevin can't help but tease this proud ball though half of it is purely doubt

[Wha-! It's not! Just so you know, my parts are made with thousands of little mini tools that can access items that won't exist here! May it be interstellar, ancient or even from the cultivation era! I also am not any ordinary robot and will have more abilities as I upgrades, mouu!] Kevin can imagine the ball pouting and produced a snort as his efforts to hide his laugh was of no use


"E-ehem, now, now, what are the requirements anyways?" He knew that he have to stop now or else he won't be able to stop himself from laughing loudly

[....high grade appearance and average IQ and EQ] 111 spoke gloomily, he can understand the intelligence and the emotional understanding of the male but hah? High grade appearance? Tch, tch, where is it?! It's only a face with huge eye bugs that even defeats a panda's eyes and a rough beard like Santa Claus and unkept, long, smelly hair that is more like Medusa's, that myth creature

Kevin knew about his oh-so-handsome features but he definitely don't agree that he have average IQ and EQ! He has always been a top student when he was still in school ah! He don't think he's emotional quotient is low too! I gave love advices many times to girls! Although he don't know why they didn't reply to him anymore after he asked about their situation with their crushes, must be busy being lovey-dovey, how enviable sniff


"This is fake!" [I think it's fake] System 111 and Kevin reached a consensus, slightly adding some points to their likability towards the other even if the two don't have the same reason for disagreeing, well, sometimes, ignorance can be mysteriously useful

[Hu! It seems like an Uncle like you still ain't senile]

"..Uncle..?" Kevin's eyes twitched, now that he thought about it, he remembers being called 'Old Man' earlier..

"I'm only 22 years old you damn data!" He roared and cried lasagna tears, his while body shrouded with an imverywronged.jpg aura

Honestly, 111 can't see it's host basic status unless Kevin told him to check it so it, it also don't have enough ability to find out his info without permission, it can only judge Kevin base on his physical appearance.. which is quite...not taken care off

Kevin looks like a thin, malnourished 30 years old man with his long hair untied while some hairs at his chin unshaved, the fact he have huge eye bugs, acnes and pimples on some places, wearing huge clothes that doesn't seem to have been washed for days, it is already polite enough not to be called homeless

System 111 quieted down and spoke hesitantly, [..Really? You're not day dreaming right?]

"..." Kevin just looked at the ball with a deadpan

[W-what? You only slept for 3 hours and 29 minutes, in case you're still sleepy t-then..] 111 didn't continue since it thinks it's reason is well justified

"...I'm 22, remember that brat,"

[You sound like a cranky, moody grandpa though..] 111 whispered sulkily

"I heard that," Kevin once again felt his eye twitch, "What about my background? Don't systems usually access that?" He decided to take the topic to a turn

[Nope, im a very good system who don't look at anyone's life without consent!] 111 cheered up only to get poured by cold water

"Heh, say's the same thing that went inside my house without acquiescence," Kevin still is quite sour with the fact he was called 'old' and 'uncle'

The room went quite again, 111 felt like crying, it now knew this host is a petty person who keep grudges

"So you only need my consent?" He poked the white ball while saying so

[Yep!] 111 bounced up and down in agreement, it ignored the hand since it don't want another unbearable conversation

"Then okay, I wanna know it too, let's look at it!" Kevin finally calmed down and quickly forget unpleasant things, he hugged the ball, who fortunately can't smell, while waiting for some hologram to appear base from experience which is what really showed up in front..