The Target

Kevin was dumbfounded, he suddenly felt chills at his back, 'Don't tell me he have to.....m-maybe the system meant it differently, deep breaths Kevin!'

System 111 didn't hear his silent pleads and continued speaking, [Aren't you amazed! Hugging a Golden Thigh will be easy! You just need to charm him with beauty!] 111 thinks that this is the most convenient and easy trick to complete the main mission!

"What? H-he? Did I hear that right?? It's a he???" Kevin is very much nervous now! This just made the hypothesis he thought of true and worst is that it's a man! He shouldn't have agreed to take on such a mission ah!

It's not that he is homophobic okay? He dreamed of having a child and a sweet wife on this life and he never thought men as love interests and more so he don't know how men do 'it' without a hole! Gahhhh, why is he thinking about how men have sex, he's supposed to think of the current situation!

Kevin hurriedly said, "No, no, noo! As a man, I have never thought of hugging a thigh to save the planet! I can save it using my own capability! I-I don't need to offer my b-b-body to a man!" He blushed while he thought of such

[??? You were thinking of offering your body?] 111 skeptically looked at it's silly host, what is Kevin thinking again?

"I-isnt that what you mean by hugging a thigh..?" Kevin tilted his head as a sudden realization came to him, "Aghhhhh! I'm so stupid! Who said hugging a thigh means having a relationship!" Kevin rolled to the floor while covering his face that have a suspicious tint of pink

[???] System 111 don't know what it's host is thinking now but it sure know that it's host is officially going crazy now

Five Minutes Later...

[How long will you roll on your dirty floor?] If 111 have a face, it probably would be rolling it's eyes towards Kevin

Kevin finally calmed down and obediently stopped cleaning the floor with his body, his whole self covered with another layer of dust, "Emm, who's the target?" He coughed intentionally to keep away the embarrassment

[Great! Your target issssssssss! This guy huhu] System 111 happily thought that it's host is finally back to being sane


Name: Qiang Qing (Blooming and Golden Age)

Age: 23

Birthday: November 1, 1997

Height: 190 cm

Weight: 85 kg

BMI: 23.6

Blood Type: O Negative ]

Kevin looked at it, "That's all..?" He was expecting for a detailed one and even a picture of the unknown man, how can he find the other fast enough to form a good brotherhood in 5 months time?

Yes, Kevin plans to prepare for the upcoming apocalypse two months before it starts, it doesn't know how saving the Earth have anything to do with..umm..Qiang Qing, but it's better to at least be ready in case of emergency

But, if he needs to search for the man that he have no useful lead of then that will take a long time ah, he don't have enough money to ask someone for help either

[I'm sorry, that's the only thing given to me] System 111 aggrievedly look down, the ball turning light baby blue

"Pft. your so cuteeeee!" Kevin hugged the small ball and then took his phone, searched for a guy named Qiang Quan, he might get lucky again huhu

He was left disappointed, there isn't any search engines for a guy named Qiang Quan at all, it is only some websites and all, Kevin slightly find it weird that there is no person with such name at all, he scratched his hair and searched at every social apps that he knew, Weibo, WeChat, Twitter, etc., but it all ended without any outcome

Kevin frustratedly lay on the couch, all those searching tired his brain too much, "Ugh, I want to play games,"

[Cheer up Kevin! I'm sure the guy is only too low key but it's impossible for no traces to be found!] 111 comforted it's host, it sighed and thought that if it only have some energy it might be able to help it's host to find an ordinary person

Kevin smiled and optimistically went in his room, "That's true System~ well, I've done too much work I need to refreshen up!"

He opened the computer and logged in to 'Angels and Demons', an RPG that he usually play since it can convert the gold coins into real life money, he can pay the rent of the apartment because of that after all 乁[ᓀ˵▾˵ᓂ]ㄏ

His character, a demon, was a handsome man with charming features and a beautiful dark wings that produce black fog, it looks very dangerous, a straight black neck length hair, sharp ruby eyes, long eye lashes, well trimmed eye brows, tall nose, thin lips, bronze skin and a well proportioned body that have 8 packs! Kevin raised his mouth, 'Aiya, I really have a nice aesthetic!'

Kevin calls himself, 'Sephtis', it also means eternal death in game, he usually grinds level at the Dark Forest where high level monsters appears more than ordinary ones but it seems that he had already toured the place whole

He should probably go to the other continent that was mostly avoided by gamers, Kevin himself didn't dare go at that part at the beginning since it's really cruel, but since that has been months ago he thinks that he can handle those evil ghosts sniff

Yes, he hate to admit it but he really don't like ghosts, most of all since the graphic of the rpg is too realistic and excellent that he, a lonely gal in the huge house keeps on imagining that some unknown spirit will appear to scare him ah (╥﹏╥)

Meanwhile, he flew to the location and killed some air type creatures, the last one on the way was quite troublesome since he is already at the border of 'La Guarida del Diablo,' in English, 'The devil's lair'

This place is the kingdom that is not safe to anyone, the Npc's here fights and also commit crimes like stealing, slaving, etc., not only do they have such rude personalities and unwelcoming attitude but they also have large levels that a newcomer cannot defeat at all

It's owned jungle consists of unique monsters as traps are laid almost at every path, despite all this, EXP, status points, treasures and gold coins are rewarded thrice the amount of the norm that's why it is quite popular, there is also the fact that the territory haven't given out achievements to anyone yet, achievements gives thousands of gold coins base on how difficult it is to get the titles

Kevin stepped on the dry ground, flattering the wings at his back to stop the force and folded it, step by step, he entered the rusty gates..