Glow (1)

Kevin can only wait for the other to log in only to be disappointed since the other didn't even came back after waiting for hours

"Did he run away?"

[He's just probably busy]

This has been their state for the last five hours, the latter losing hope whilst the former was giving hope, at the middle of the two are cake crumbs that is already halved, Kevin forked another piece of cake and ate it begrudgingly, "I'm bored," It's not that he have nothing to be entertained with, it's only because for some reason he have no enthusiasm towards the said gadgets, which the poor gals would surely be envious of, it's probably because he's found something better to do which is also where his boredom also started at, the whole problem about his main mission just also keep destroying his concentration--

[Hmm.. Then, why don't we do something?] 111 thought of an idea that it knew they'll do sooner or later anyways

"Hm? What is it?" Kevin perked out from his thoughts and listened only to grow more and more unwilling towards the suggestion of the system

"Are you kidding me?? I'm only going to befriend that guy! I'm not seducing anyone and no one!"

Before jumping to conclusions, what the system said was, [Why not start your clean up glow up? Let's use the rewards of the beginner package and then turn you into a shining star! I bet you'll be pretty as a brand new shoe!] 111 just thought of the metaphor randomly, it just popped inside it's network out of nowhere

There's nothing wrong with what 111 said, but Kevin subconsciously thought of those female leads turning beautiful that needs to actively approach the targets because of some tasks as then she unknowingly seduced the people she never want to be more than friends with while also getting into dangerous situations because of some love rivals and book plots ah not only that, it's also because of the implicit meaning behind 'Hug a golden thigh,' He still have slight psychological fear

[Hmm..true, then just find out on your own how you'll entertain yourself] 111 don't think that beauty is indeed the most needed necessity but it still believes a pleasing appearance is still needed

Yeah, pleasing

System 111 don't find the looks of Kevin pleasing to the eye at all, although it won't say it out loud huhu

Kevin was left speechless, he was expecting the other to react badly and then they can start a superficial argument not like this ah what about all the face slapping sentences he thought of??!


One thousand years later---(joke only)

"....Arghhhhh!!! Let's do it! Let's have a glow up!!" He resentfully compromised after waiting for another hour

[??] 111 don't know why Kevin said so but it's extremely delighted after analyzing it! [You've made the right choice Kevin!!]

"..Ugh..what do we do?" Kevin mumbled audible enough for the system to hear

[Easy! The first thing to do is eat the Cleansing Pill! It's better if you munch it first for better effect!] 111 danced around Kevin, it's excited! It wanted to see Kevin's change, [Ah, right, you should do it in the bathroom!] 111 popped out a red, jelly like pill as it precisely landed on Kevin's hand

Kevin is still sulking but it did what was told and entered the bathroom, put the pill in his mouth and bit it..

"So bitter!" His brows scrunched as he stretched out his tongue after swallowing the pill that was turned into bits by him

[Oops, I forgot about that..] 111 honestly confessed, due to it's joy, it forgot to tell about the bitter taste of the pill

"Hahaa," The laugh were extremely dry, "That better be an accident and not a pay back..!!!" He abruptly stopped saying anything and then looked down at his body that is still the same as it was, "I.. I think something is happening inside me..? It's like bunch of uncomfortable drops of liquid coercing while forcefully pushing my dermis!" Kevin explained nervously

[I think that's normal? It's probably the toxins and impurities inside your body that are very unhealthy] System 111 replied but it still focused towards it's host more attentively

"Probably..A black liquid came out!! Ah, no, it's flowing out of my pores!! Gwah, why is it so smelly?? (ᗒᗩᗕ)"

[...Can you not narrate it?? ತ_ʖತ] 111's fur straightened, it can imagine what it's host is saying like a 3d movie with perfect senses and it's very unbearable!

"Can't help it! I need to distract myself and not actively focus towards the suspicious liquid!" Kevin explained aggrieved

[Then keep quiet about your thoughts!!] 111 would love to say that but it can't really blame it's host for thinking so, of course, 111 would've never thought that there are different types of humans and that there is this type called, 'Childlish'

Although it seems slow, in all actuality, half an hour had already passed but Kevin's body still haven't stopped extracting black, mushy, and stinky water

"Whensh willsh tis endsh?" The words came out muffled since he was covering his nose and mouth while sitting cross legged on the tiled floor

[..maybe after an hour] System 111 don't really want to look at it's host now, 'Is the pill expired? Why did it's host seems to have gone..uglier?'

"A-achoo!" Kevin sniffed and thought, 'Is someone despising me?'

Anyways, if the one who's despising me despised my looks then he have nothing to say since..he looked at the mirror and cringe

"I look like a charcoal," Kevin poked the small mirror, he didn't cover his mouth anymore since it's actually pretty useless, the pores around his mouth and his hands also produces the inky water which didn't help at all

[What about turning on the shower?] System 111 have been curious since a while now, 'Why did it's host didn't open it?'




[...Is something wrong with the faucet?]


[What's the problem?]

"....I haven't payed the water bill yet,"

[....] System 111 find out, from that day, February 14, how much he misunderstood Kevin's IQ