Glow (7)

Sitting at the dining table, one can see Kevin very disappointed after seeing the yellow empty bento box, he didn't know that it literally is just a lunch box

[There's nothing written in the item info] System 111's words made Kevin more sad, he is really hungry now, he also don't know why he felt it so fast since he used to skip them longer before than how it is now, it's as if his appetite grew bigger ah

[You should wear clothes first now, looking at you makes me think I'm at fault] 111 sighed, it don't know whatever the Fancify Pill did but it's host now is currently very blinding and it still needs to adjust itself

"...Alright," With low energy, Kevin went to his bedroom, randomly grabbing clothes from the floor

[Aren't those used already..?]

"I don't remember using them, it probably isn't," He mumbled his reply

[...You know what, just use this] A violet card with a silver wardrobe, some flowers, diamonds and etc., around it is the design back to back came out of 111's furry, round body

"What's that?" Kevin interestedly look at the card in his hand, it's like any normal playing card but just have different prints

[It's one of your newbie rewards, the Doll Up Dresser one] System 111 then continued [It says that you should hold the card and then imagine the clothes you want, there is a bolded sign tho, it says that it will add some positive effects randomly]

"That's amazing!" Kevin was delighted, he imagined a simple white shirt and a huge pajama, he can feel some clothing forming as he opened his eyes, very amazed at the magic!

111 have no other feelings with he situation until a notification came that Kevin also sees

[[Glitterry Upgrade: May you shine as the brightest Star in the Universe~!

Duration: 1 hour]]

"What does that mean?" Kevin tilted his head towards his system

[I don't know, probably something that will break your current peace more than I did?]

Kevin has no comment, "It's not like I'm going to go out?" He was unfortunately too narrow minded with this thought to know the future events

Kevin didn't bother about it anymore and just look through the kitchen and the places where he usually stock foods at

[Why would you even store snacks in the shower?] 111 is frowning, very much not agreeing with the idea

"Convenience?" Kevin unsurely answered while sheepishly laughing, he somewhat got conscious of the act

"Anyways! At least we have a cup noodle!" Kevin joyfully hugged the spicy plastic cup and hurriedly went in the kitchen to pour hot water to it, his stomach is gurgling because of greed ah

The two did not wait long as after 5 minutes, the fast food is ready to eat, Kevin slurped the hot soup while creating sounds that made his satisfaction evident, his chopsticks literally flying and clamping huge portion of the noodles

[Slow down, no one will steal that from you, you might--] choke.. 111 wasn't able to say the next word since Kevin already choked because of his actions, he gulped down some water while thumping his chest for support

"Ehehe, sorryyy, I'm really hungry ah," Kevin scratched his nose out of habit

This time, he learned his lesson and ate more normally, but this also caused him to crave more foods

"Ugh, this is better with more spice, Coke sounds good too! Spicy Chicken sandwich.. Spicy Pork Dumplings.. Spicy tuna Spaghetti.. Spicy Pizza.. Spicy Hot Pot!!" Kevin became hungrier and hungrier as his thoughts continues

"Ahhhh! No good! Why am I so weird today, I'm still not full unlike before!" He is anxious because of this change, not only because he think this is weird it's also because this will be troublesome in the Apocalypse ah, he also need to stay fit since it will be very hard to move with a huge body!

[You've been weird since earlier] System 111 mentioned it politely, if it got limbs it would probably be raising it's hand with a nice smile on it's face, as if a good student who helped their teacher

"You sound very sinceree," Kevin was sarcastic, he sulked and then looked at the lunch box beside him

"Maybe, maybe if we asked this magical lunch box to create some food it really will create one!" His eyes widened and squealed like a little girl seeing their crush

[Yeah sure] System 111 is also curious if there really will be food produced by the very normal looking item

"Alright!" He grabbed both sides of the box using both of his hands and then closed his eyes, "Dear Cool and Powerful Lunch Box, please create a bountiful spicy hotpot with 30 varieties of ingredients!"

[That's a lunch box not a pot] 111 thought that it won't work--

"Woah! Woah! It's shaking!"

[It is??] System 111 gaped and then scanned the movements of the thing--!! [It's really shaking!]

"Yessss! More fooddddd!" Kevin grinned so big he is literally glowing while System 111 didn't took notice because it also is interested in what will happen next

The phenomenon made the two very much happy as they diligently focused their sight at the lunch box not knowing that this is simply a false alarm, this was proven correct after a small notification ring broke the silence


The two looked at the phone, coincidentally, the warning issue also appeared

[ ⚠️: Eastern Side of China, Xianxuang District, Junchu District and others that surrounds Huzinyang City at 5:45 A.M Will feel an Earthquake with a magnitude of 4.5 --]




Kevin roared in sorrow whilst 111 snickered, [This, pft, this is too good!]

Kevin glared at the yellow puff ball and sniffed sadly "Hmp!"

The sadness didn't last long either, he thought of another illogical idea that sounds really reasonable even if it doesn't make sense but considering the fact that Kevin has already experienced so many things that can't be considered normal, it ain't any different that usual!

Kevin thought so triumphantly, he took some of the leftover soup of the cup noodles and then put them in the lunch box, he then wished..