Glow (9)

Kevin smiled gleefully, very elated towards the fact he have so many dishes to eat, he should first eat the appetizers!

Using a chopstick, he clipped a slice of the crunchy looking cutlet, took a big bite and moaned, very much pleased that the meat is still hot and crispy

"The meat is too good~"

System 111 wasn't focused towards it's host, it's more focused to the package that is not ordered by any of the two of them

[Who would give this to us? For free even]

"Probably a nice gal? Or it could be the lunchbox?" Kevin talked as he chew the white rice, he drank some soup using a spoon after speaking

[It can't be that box's doing, the details should've showed in me] It denied without any doubt

"That's how it works?" He wasn't really curious, it's just like any communication politeness to further continue the topic

[Yep, if it's a nice person, have you ever been in contact with someone that will give you this expensive hot pot set without payment or even notify you about gifting you something you coincidentally is craving right now?]

"..." Kevin reddened and skims his memories, he ended up with no results unfortunately, "T-there's none..." His mouth curved downwards as fluffy dog ears appeared on top of Kevin's head, deflating softly, yeas, mot an imagination or any sort of invisible creativity but a realistic pair of ears moving and twitching that is synchronizing with Kevin's movements who still haven't noticed the change on himself

[W-what the heck..??! Why is there a-a-a dog tail and ears on you now??] 111 uttered stunned as it's mouth gaped while it's color dulled, it became duller as it read the notification that just popped out of nowhere in front of them

[[ Doll Up Dresser's Mini Event, Animal Festive ^v^ : A Tibetan Spaniel's ears, tail, booster, ability, stats SS+ imitation~

Duration: 2 days~!

Message: Congratulations lucky user~!]]

Kevin felt the difference significantly, his ears became more sensitive as he can also feel the additional part at his back, he brightened up, not really uncomfortable or inexperienced when it comes to controlling the new limbs he just got

"I'm glad that the clothes adjusted itself, it wasn't ripped," He spoke gently with a hint of cheerfulness

System 111 got goosebumps, [Bro, what's with you?] It's half jokingly and half seriously asking

"Hm? What are you talking about 111? Everything's alright," Kevin gave off a 'must protect lil bro' aura as he ate noiselessly and slowly

System 111 cringed [Sure] It gotta have to do something with the notification that suddenly popped, it just ignored the sudden changes since it's host is still probably okay..if not, it should just call a therapist, it can wait for it's host to get better

[But, what will we do with this thing?] It floated by the trivet to indicate what it meant

"What do you mean 111? We'll use it of course, It would be a waste of we don't," Kevin replied after the food in his mouth had already been swallowed

[We don't know where it came from?]

"How could someone have plans to kill me who haven't gone out the house for 2 years,"

[Some patient gals I guess?]

"...Yeah, no,"

Kevin is sure that there is no use arguing with the system as he just quietly ate, the puff ball knew it had won again, it hummed and thought secretly, no matter how it's host changed it's still the same host it knows

Ten minutes passed by and Kevin finally have enough energy to assemble the pot, he searched on BaiDu..

[You must have some kind of talent to turn easy procedures into epic ones] System 111 commented

The soup stock tastes bland, the veggies still haven't been properly cooked while the meat is still hard..

"I..I don't know why either ಥ╭╮ಥ," Kevin sighed and slumped his head on the table, he already gave up, it was fortunate that he ate something earlier or he'd be famished for sure

[Now, should we find who sent this to you--] Kevin interrupted and spoke strongly, "No! We must go down the road of beauty and be the most handsome guy in the world! Let's take the beautification liquid!"

[..] System 111 frowned, it don't know if this is good or bad but it's host current state of appearance is already above the normal human constitution

[What about not? Look, you're too handsome already, you said it yourself that the end of the world won't have any use of a useless only face gal, it can also bring trouble] 111 persuaded, it really want to slap it's past self that underestimated the diamond in front of it

"That's true," Kevin nodded but he grew worried, "D-do we have to wait for hours again?" He spoke quietly ಥ_ಥ

[...Don't get too negative, the target probably is online already..] It weakly comforted it's host and itself, that damnable target should go online now or it will have no more reason to stop it's host from taking the beautification liquid to avoid bore-- Right!

"What's wrong 111?" Kevin asked once he noticed the furry ball turning yellow

[Hm? It's nothingg, let's goo]

"Alright..?" Kevin didn't thought much and log in the game as he arrived at the place where he logged out yesterday, he took a deep breath after seeing no familiar character in the vicinity and look at the history of players he met

Kevin was elated after seeing the active status of the other!

"Woah.. 111, look at it, he's online!" He gasped delightedly, If the situation allows it and if he was not affected with the Tibetan Spaniel's innate personality he would've already been dancing crazily

[Yesss!! He is!!] System 111 is also thrilled as it bounced up and down, it's kinda bothered that it's host doesn't seem too happy but after looking at the glitter in it's host eyes it knew it got nothing to worry about

Kevin did not waste any more time and tapped some keys on the keyboard as he teleported to where Qiang Qing is, "I'm glad I have a stock of tracking items," He smiled in gratification

He is actually a bit nervous to talk to the target he misunderstood before but he still typed..


At the other side of the screen was Manager Long questioning life, no way---!!!!


Manager Long slapped it's 13 years old niece's shoulders unconsciously while laughing so hard and evilly

" UNFAIR!!!" An Jishi cried, technically not, but it's quite animated so it looks like it..

"HEHEHEHEHEH," Manager Long need to take five long breaths to calm down slightly and also type back with wet hands out of nervousness..

[[Is there anything you need Male God!]]

Kevin and System 111 blinked..

