'Wow. She still hasn't noticed I am on autopilot.' Pyrrha thought as she looked down at the petite heiress of the Schnee Dust Company. She kept her face pleasantly polite and made well ingrained noncommittal responses as the little woman in white discussed - at length - the many pros of them teaming up in the coming Beacon Academy Initiation. The pros certainly existed for the team up between the four time champion of Mistral and the heiress to the single largest corporation in the world. Weiss represented resources and connections to the highest possible degree, and all Pyrrha needed to readily tap those resources was give up her soul.
At times Pyrrha felt that way about the many sponsorships and advertisements she secured using her status as the world's premier combat athlete, but none of those came close to the dousing her being in sewage that would come with teaming up with the SDC. The international juggernaut was known as an absolutely ruthless corporation before Jaques Gele (now Schnee because the man is just that sleazy) took over and launched a one man crusade against ethics and good sense. These days the Schnee dust mines operated more as concentration camps, and any profit generated from turning his workforce into surfs was lost in manning the defenses that keep the workers in and the Grimm - attracted from hundreds of miles in every direction - out.
Atlesian cruelty at its finest.
So no, Pyrrha was not going to team up with Wiess Schnee and desperately needed an out from this conversation. Fortunately it came in the form of a tall blonde guy dancing over their way in his briefs.
"Never been to college
Leave your comments in the message box" he sang as he shook his hips and moved his arms and legs to a beat only existing in his head.
"You!" Weiss barked venomously.
"Me!" he grinned as his gaze snapped on the SDC heiress.
"Don't think for even a moment that I will allow a degenerate cretin like you cozy up to THEE Pyrrha Nikos!" Weiss spat, her face reddened with rage.
"Well… THEE Jaune Arc left his stuff in this locker and as much as you enjoy the show," A few well executed pelvis thrusts brought both girl,s gazes down to his groin, "I have to get ready for the day."
The physical choking noises that emerged from the little woman as her face turned bright red in ballistic rage almost made Pyrrha chuckle, but the sight of his obviously stuffed underpants presented just enough of a mystery to keep the champ's attention away from this morning's tormentor finally shutting up.
The man opened his locker and pulled some clothes out of a duffle bag before hooking his hands in his waistband.
Averting her eyes for a moment allowed her to see the stupefied look on the SDC heiress's face as she had her gaze fixed on one specific point of the man's anatomy. Pyrrha followed the other girl's line of sight to find out that no, the man didn't stuff his briefs.
He just had a cock that looked like one of the three pound hamburger tubes at the grocery store hanging over a pair of apple sized testicles stuffed into a smooth hairless sack.
Was it the sheer weight pulling down the skin making them so smooth, so mesmerizing? Or was it the back and for penduluming of his penis that made her unable to look away. She felt her consciousness diving into the gravity well of his genitals, and didn't regain her clear thinking mind until this Jaune Arc pulled his new set of briefs on.
Looking up at the man's face she caught sight of him smirking before he sent a wink at her. Pyrrha's face squished in confusion until she realized what happened, then came the heavy shame and embarrassment.
She'd been hypnotized by his hog.
Most people who felt the level of embarrassment Pyrrha felt after this incident would be unable to face the man again, but most people weren't champions and Pyrrha had learned to stuff down her anxiety and keep performing. Rather than avoid him for the remainder of their time at Beacon, the red head champ chose to tackle this problem head on and make him her partner.
It had nothing to do with creating more chances to witness that glorious man meat in the co-ed dorms.
Not at all.
Unfortunately, Jaune Arc didn't seem serious at all about being a Huntsman. An old school sword and dagger, a street level handgun. The guy was stuffing his tactical vest with more protein bars than ammunition.
Opening one of the bars revealed a particularly spongy looking piece of chalk.
"For the gains." he chanted before raising the bar up to his lips.
He wasn't going to eat that chalk, right? That's not food.
"That's not food!" Pyrrha yelled as Jaune Arc put the chalk in his mouth… AND ATE IT!
Despite her outburst, Jaune Arc continued pushing the bar of chalk into his mouth and washing it down with a bottle of water until it was all gone.
Weiss had backed away from the obviously crazy person, realizing that tangling with someone so cruel to himself bode ill for her.
"Why?" Pyrrha asked in a voice colored with horror.
"Gains." Jaune nodded before putting his leftover things in his locker and leaving for the initiation ceremony.
Approaching the highest of cliff over the Emerald Forest - the obviously organically named Beacon Cliff - Pyrrha took up her place among the freshmen hopefuls on what she assumed were launch pads.
To her left and right she saw just enough candidates to make an average freshman class, meaning that everyone had the chance to succeed in this initiation. That was a relief, not because anyone here could hope to compete against her - her earlier evaluation of the crop leaving her less than impressed - but because it would be fairly stupid to use an eliminator style initiation for a Hunter School. There just weren't enough people willing and able to participate in the dangerous profession.
Headmaster Opzin and his Deputy Glynda Goodwitch stood before them one holding a coffee and the other a pad which she held while explaining that Beacon would break the students up into four man teams, completely standard information for anyone who'd done as much research as to have read the brochure for the school.
Ozpin, a man in his middle years but fully gone gray in the hair of his scalp informed them of the importance of finding partners they can work well with. Right before he stated that they would be partnered to someone for the next four years based on whomever they first established eye contact with in the forest.
'Maybe I should have just stuck with Haven…" Pyrrha internally sighed.
It turned out that switching kingdoms would not free her up from her celebrity status, and already people had flocked around her to rub elbows with a famous athlete. Everyone except Big Dick Jaune… ahem… Jaune Arc. Ignore the 'Big Dick' that is definitely not on Pyrrha's mind right now and further entrenched with every blushing glance she sent to the man who seemed content stretching out on top of his place in the lineup.
With Ozpin's instructions to locate a series of relics in an ancient temple located in the northern reaches of the forest, the champion's aim was set. Secure first eye contact with Jaune, march north, find relic, discover way to communicate with others her desperate need for healthy companionship without sounding desperate or needy.
Taking her ready position on the launch pad, Pyrrha grinned.
'Eyes on the prize, girl.'