Without the Death Stalker, the meet cute between Teams JNPR and RWBY was a droll affair. One quick Biotic Lash and I snapped the giant Nevermore's neck like an outlaw in the noose. My performance and likely Pyrrha following me around through the entire initiation secured me the Leader role of JNPR and Ruby despite her lacking the big cinematic kill on the huge bird was made leader of RWBY by process of elimination.
Yang is a hot head who would get the team killed charging headfirst into a problem that needs to be side stepped. Blake is a snarky self absorbed introvert outside of the bedroom. Weiss would drive both Yang and Blake to mutiny.
Ruby wasn't some last minute showpiece choice, she was the only choice.
That drama aside I now had to lead a team of plucky teenagers through the worst school year ever to happen outside of Hogwarts. I've got the quiet bro-hiem with the tragic past, the girl who fills all that silence with constant chattering and is sending me the occasional bedroom eyes, and the all star champion who hasn't had any genuine socializing in years and has absolutely latched onto me as her obsession slam piece.
A role I was born for.
"Alright, troops, gather round." I indicated as I sat down on one of the middle beds in our studio style dorm room.
The team sat down with Pyrhha next to me and Ren and Nora across.
"I'm Jaune Arc, and as Team Leader I have no interest in running your lives academically. Each of you can put in as much or as little into your education as you feel, but our performance as a team is my business." I stated firmly, "We'll be working an hour of team formation, communication, and drills each day till we move like a well oiled machine. Grimm studies, wilderness survival, geography, and first aid. I expect excellence in all of these things above anything else they teach here, but above that is cardio."
"Cardio?" Nora nearly squawked.
"Cardio." I confirmed, "We need to be able to run to combat, fight, and run away if necessary. We can't be sucking wind during any of that. If any of you need help with strength and conditioning, let me know."
Everyone shook their heads no, which worked for me.
"Okay, to start off our jolly cooperation let's tell each other our short and long term goals both personally and professionally. I'll start." I grinned at the panicking faces of the socially awkward teens trying to figure out what to say, "As I said earlier, I'm Jaune Arc. In the short term I intend to hit the books and figure out how to be the best Grimm Killer possible, and on the personal side I am going to get more swollen than a bully whippet. I'm thinking six foot six with twenty-four inch arms and eight pack abs washer board style with legs that look like fleshy tree trunks and ass cheeks that can crush rocks bent over."
Ren looked disturbed and Nora had shining stars in her eyes, but Pyrrha looked very doubtful.
"I don't see how growing five inches and adding…seventy pounds of contractile tissue is a short term goal." she stated.
"Oh yee of little faith." I smirked, "SCIENCE!"
"Like eating chalk?" her countenance fell at the memory.
"Those chalk bars have everything I need to grow super swole." I nodded.
"No gains are worth it." Pyrrha said in a haunted tone.
"I will look like god forged in the temple of iron." I declared, "It is worth any sacrifice."
"What are your long term goals?" Ren asked.
"To become the King of Remnant and to forge the ultimate set of Grimm slaying gear." I smiled at them man while Nora erupted into laughter.
"King of Remnant!" she chuckled, "That's good, but you will have to get through me first as I… ~am the Queen of the Castle~!"
She sang that last part and I smiled at her, "Why fight when we can marry and unify my kingdom and your castle, sounds like a much more happy solution, and pleasurable."
"Be still my queenly heart, what will my Only Fans simps think if they discover their Queen is being pleasured by a King." Nora put her wrist over her eyes and fake fainted.
"Only Fans?" I asked Ren.
"She sells pictures of her feet on the net." Ren shook his head in shame.
"Paid for my hammer!" Nora chirped back up.
"I make videos on meditation and herbal remedies." Ren added.
"Don't worry Renny," Nora comforted, "Any day now people will realize how helpful your videos are and the ad revenue will start streaming in."
I suddenly felt an incredible kinship to the man and put a hand on his shoulder, "I believe in you Ren. Don't let the fact that no matter how many hours you spend making content you will never make more money on the net than a girl with pretty feet get you down. Keep grinding!"
Ren and I connected at that moment on a spiritual level.
"I am Lie Ren!" He stated, "And my short term goal is to study hard to become a fine Huntsman, and to make a video on my channel that generates more money than one of Nora's feet pictures! My long term goal is to become a powerful Huntsman and help retake land from the Grimm. I want to be proud of my accomplishments in life."
I nodded at the young man.
"I'm Nora Valkyrie." Nora took over, "I want to eat pancakes, break legs, fight grimm, and surpass my rival Snow White Feet in monthly income. Long term I want to be the strongest woman in the world and the Queen of Remnant!"
Hmmmm… I can think of a number of women who could be the Snow White Feet account, as many of women have that skin tone that I remember from being here personally and from the show. Weiss, Winter, Willow, Ruby, even Blake, Yang, and Pyrrha are very light skinned. Maybe Neo… Raven... Salem.
Honestly hoping it's Weiss. Girl could use some dirtying up.
Pyrrha looked very uncomfortable as we all stared at her expectantly before she took a deep breath.
"I'm Pyrrha Nikos." she stated, "I want to have a… quiet school life, and I want to make good friends. Long term… I want to be the number one Huntress in Remnant. I want people to see me and know that everything is going to be alright, and I want… I want a family."
I wrapped an arm around her shoulder and smiled, "We may be a weird pack, but I got a good feeling about us. Keep an open heart and we'll make those dreams come true. I guarantee it girl, cause you ain't never had a friend like me."