Wedding, Deputy Island Lord Fasci (2)

"Your Majesty."

"Greetings, Your Majesty."

Patriarch Pan Li, Mr. Lan, and Redeye and his wife greeted him.

The last name of the Ancient River Civilization's royal family was Ancient River, and it was also a bloodline that descended from Spacetime Island's owner! As one of humanity's three advanced civilizations, the Ancient River Civilization, its emperor's identity was naturally lofty.

"Matriarchal Uncle Redeye." His Majesty Ancient River bowed slightly to show his respect.

Redeye naturally bowed. "Your Majesty, there's no need for that."

In the Ancient River Clan, Redeye's seniority was extremely high! After all, he was the child of Spacetime Island's owner.

"Our Ancient River family naturally has to attend your wedding." Ancient River smiled and said, "Moreover, this is the first time I'm meeting you in so many years."