Uncle Qi

In his personal space.

Tejano walked out of the void and smiled. "Xu Jingming, you haven't contacted me for more than 100 years… Huh?"

Tejano's heart trembled when he saw the person in front of him.

Although Xu Jingming's appearance hadn't changed, and he was wearing a pitch-black robe… Even in the virtual world, the invisible aura made Tejano's heart palpitate!

Over the centuries, Tejano had seen all kinds of people—space pirates with hands stained with blood, powerful slave owners, and some twisted existences in Origin lifeforms. However, none of them were as terrifying as Xu Jingming!

Xu Jingming's aura was dark and crazy, as if it wanted to drown out all rationality.

"Xu Jingming, what's wrong with you?" Tejano was a little worried. "Is it because of the high-dimensional corruption?"