"Why must you push yourself further into this heap of trash, Huh?" An elderly lady anxiously questioned Daiyu before continuing.

"I want you to be safe but if you continue to act this way then it will be out of my hands!"

"I never placed it into your hands so stop bothering me!"

Daiyu answered in an irritated tone.

Her grandmother was one of the most double-faced persons on the planet.

Truthfully, she only wanted Daiyu to return home so that she could marry her off to her friends' Rich son.

"Daiyu, come home with grandma, ok?"

"I have an appointment now so I will be off. Don't contact me."

"Why must you sell your body so cheaply?! I did not raise a prostitute ."

"No you did not, I just chose to be one. This is my life and I will do what I feel like doing with it!"

"Is it because of what your parents did to you?.... Grandma can rid you of the pain so don't go .please"

"You are one of the reasons that I suffered. LEAVE ME ALONE"

Daiyu structed out of the restaurant and into the busy streets of Shanghai.

As she made her way to Red Lotus Services, Her Agency

Most men laid their lust-filled eyes on her.

She was dressed in a short red dress and Black 6 inch heels, Her long straight Blond hair completed her look.

If one even laid one eye onto her, they instantly fell into a trance. It was as if she was sculpted to match perfection!!!

But, contrary to the men were the women.....

Some gazed with admiration for this Badass looking woman

and the others with disgust...

To them, she was a vixen who was out for their Boyfriends!!

Little did they know that they did not have to worry about their Useless men!

In Daiyus' eyes, all that she saw was her future!

Her future contained power and money. So the only persons that she interacted with and provided services to were powerful men or women that could give her a larger reward.

Her charge price was a minimum of 1225000 yuan !!

She had stopped using her heart several years ago and only used logic.

If she couldn't obtain love or warmth then she would Gain power and wealth!!



As Daiyu walked further down the street, a slight chill ran down her spine.

To the left of her were at least 5 crate trucks all headed to the docks.

She did not know why but whenever she saw container trucks she froze and became fidgety. It was like they had done something to her to cause a trauma.

Daiyu stood on the sidewalk silently shaking as the Trucks passed. With each vehicle, the panic in her eyes grew.

"Save me," she whispered in the softest of tones.

These painful words escaped her lips naturally.

One lonesome tear fell from her eye and traveled down her face.

"Are you okay dear?"

A passerby realized that this woman was standing on the edge of the sidewalk shaking for the past 5 minutes.

Quickly she snapped out of her scary trance.

"I-I am fine thank you."

"I thought that you were about to faint, your face went so pale."

"I am okay."

"That is good, I have to be off now."

"Thank you, Goodbye."

Daiyu raised her purse to cover the trail of the Container truck and hurried to her agency.



"You are Finally here."

"What is my next job?"

"You have an important guest from Tanny Entertainment."

"Let me guess, Someone that Chu Hau didn't want."

"Just be thankful that you are getting clients. Plus, he is not that bad. He is a higher up in that company."

Daiyu gazed unimpressed at her manager. Why must she always be content with someone's trash?

To Be Continued…