Round after round, Daiyu experienced his full capability and stamina!

From Different toys to Various positions!

In fact, This session was a record breaking 10 hours!!!

He was never satisfied . Always hungry for more.

Daiyu and Mo Lei had only just finished, Leaving her panting and exhausted from their activities. He made sure to satisfy himself and her!

She laid with her frizzy hair on his chest, fighting to keep her eye lids open, Not so surprisingly she was failing miserably...

Every man that she provided services to had never made her reach her climax, or if she did, it was ruined...

"Look at you...You don't seem so feisty anymore. Where did your boldness go?"

He asked playfully.

She did not have the energy to play along with his game.

What was she to do now? The had no more reason to hang around. She was meant to grab the check and disappear as soon as she finished but..

SHE WAS FAR TO TIRED TO EVEN MOVE!! Plus she was only running off of 3 hours of sleep.

Within a blink of an eye she had fallen into the deepest of slumbers.


Mo lei watched as her eye lids shut and smiled to himself.

She was finally in his arms!

After all of those years of searching , she was here.

Mo Lei felt kind of hurt when she entered his room. They had formed so many memories when they were younger...

Did she forget?

All of the times that they snuck out at nights and ate junk food jamming to hip hop songs, Or ranting about their problems.....

Where they so meaningless in her eyes that she forgot them?

They were not the closest or best friends but they still had special moments.

He did remember that day that her grandfather passed. She had bawled her eyes out in his arms but after that day....She had completely disappeared from his life.

And what happened to her becoming a Teacher?

Mo leis' hand rubbed her back as her stared confused at her.

"Where did things go wrong Daiyu?"

The nation of china named him the Dictator because of the power that he held in his hand.

It was a dangerous law breaking power that was passed to every generation from their ancestors hard work! A power so great that even the men in charge of China feared him.....He was practically invincible !!

Back then he had not revealed who he was, Or anything about his family...

Soon after Daiyu stopped showing up at their meeting sites, his Father had sent him broad to "Man up"

The mafia like men in his family did not like seeing him walking with his fragile heart on his shoulder. As soon as he had seen her in the club he wanted to pull her into his arms But....She didn't recognize him. so tonight, he decided to start quoting dialogue from her childish novels hoping that she would catch on....

[ This is going to be fun]

[Brace your self]

She did not....







To be continued...