"Did you get it?"
Her manager questioned, looking at her empty hands.
"I got scared and ran off"
"He is dangerous..."
"You could have been the richest girl in the company with your paycheck....OH WELL"
Mr.Lu sat back into the seat and ran his hands over his face.
"You didn't upset him ..did you?"
"I don't think so..."
"THINK? Buddha calm my soul.."
"Don't worry, he got what he paid for!"
"shhhh before you anger me"
Mr. lu warned with his hand covering his eyes.
"I don't think that you understand who you are messing with Daiyu. He is not just a rich man, HE IS A F*CKING DANGEROUS MAN WITH STRONG CONNECTIONS TO THE UNDERWORLD!"
Daiyu gazed at her lap, trying to keep her eyes away from Mr. Lu.
"What if you get hurt?! If I had known that you would screw up then I would withdraw you from the candidate list!"
"I DID NOT SCREW UP! I just became emotional and left...besides , he did not seem like the vicious person that you portrayed!"
"Why did you become emotional?"
Daiyu sat quiet for a while.
Should she tell him?
Why bring up the long gone past.
"I am tired. I will rest my eyes for a bit"
She announced, slouching into the leather seat.
"HEY! I asked you a question"
She refused to answer..
"ok- play it your way. Just know that if he every makes your life difficult then I wash my hands clean of you.."
Lu Shan was dumbfounded by her dismissal!
The van soon stopped in front of Daiyus' house.
"Wake up"
Lu Shan pleaded to Daiyu.
She hissed while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
"I have not had a proper rest for the past 24 hours.. Please go into your house so that I can return home as well"
He begged tiredly.
Quickly she jumped out of the Van and rushed into her house.
"That brat didn't even say goodbye"
Manager Lu whined while shutting the door that Daiyu left open.
After typing the code into the door, Daiyu directly went to the kitchen.
Grabbing a bottle of wine, she sat by the island.
"How are they possibly the same people?!"
"There is no way that this vicious human is -"
She realized that she did not know his name...
How could she share her personal problems with someone whom she did not even know their name?!
At that very moment her house phone started to ring.
Miserably she got out of the high chair and hurried to the phone.
She answered cautiously..
"Daiyu...It is Grandma, I was worried about you"
"Did I not tell you to lose my phone number?"
"Since when was it ok for younger folks to be disrespectful to the elders?!"
"If you don't want to be disrespected then stop calling me!"
"I talked to your parents...I understand how they felt. Can you clear some time next week to speak as a family? Grandma only has one wish. To have a peaceful family.."
Daiyu stood frozen and her grandmothers' words.
to her parents and found how they treated her ...FINE?
how was that FINE?!
Jades' body started to shake with anger!
"If you wish to live a peaceful life then I suggest that you cut me out of yours. I will do the same...If I see you In public, I will ignore you but, dear you touch even a strand of hair on my body and I will show you what HELL FEELS LIKE ZHAO LINQI!"
She gritted.
After speaking, Daiyu slammed the phone onto its stand.
Painful streams of water gushed out of her eyes as she pushed her weak body back to the island.
Glass after glass, Daiyu downed the bottle of wine.
Daiyu desperately called out.
She knew that he would not appear but, she longed for his reassuring hugs.
For his short but meaningful words of wisdom!
With her head resting on the table, Daiyu began to sing the lyrics to his favorite song.
He would spend hours dancing with her to this artist!
"When i was around your age, I started my first business."
"But Grandpa, wasn't that illegal?"
13 year old Daiyu questioned.
"Illegal?! Nonsense! Back in my day you could work as soon as you could walk. The government is just making you kids lazy! You should all be able to work."
Her grandpa hated the government with a passion!
She still did not know why though-
"Grandma gave Zhao Miao a Birthday present but- How could she forget about my birthday? It was only a day after..."
"Worry not about those simple minded people Jade. Grandfather will give you what you want and need. Okay?"
"Why couldn't you have stayed a little longer?.."
Daiyu cried while burying her face into her hands.
To the outside world, she was a fierce woman and she upheld that title very well!
But when she was alone....
She became the neediest human alive!
There were way to many things that she lacked as a child!
And it was taking a serious toll on her now.
To Be Continued...