6:30 pm
After a calm evening with Yu Yan, Daiyu returned to her grandfathers' home, but, Instead of going directly inside, she walked to the garden.
As a little girl, she would always find herself going there to gain peace in her chaotic life.
The large fruit-filled land was the only place where one could forget about their burdens.
"Hello Mr. Bao"
Her low voice called to a red and white Koi fish. He was the largest of his friends and though he only carried two colors compared to the other multi-colored fish, she grew a strong connection with it.
"I haven't seen you in ages...."
Slowly, Daiyu lowered her body to the grass and placed a finger into the pond.
They say that water holds memories.
Wouldn't it be perfect if she could remember what happened before her accident...
Living in a world where you know there is so much about you and might never know it can be frustrating...
The many secrets that she made to childhood friends if she had any or the naughty things that she might have committed will all go to her grave.
Daiyu had faint memories of her life before a coma.
Other than the fact that her family didn't fancy her, she knew nothing else about them.
The scariest thing about her case is that from what grandfather stated, her accident could have been intentional. Every day she could walk next to whoever tried to harm her, she might laugh along with those who tried to make her sleep forever.
Having to pretend that you know someone is also stressful. You have to be on your toes with them. Listening for little hints to their questions and providing the right answer...
"Hey, kid!"
A loud voice called from behind her.
Turning around, Daiyu saw the head of Mo Quang poking out of the window.
With no intention of speaking, Daiyu waved her hand to say hello.
The head of Quang disappeared and his skinny figure soon came running at her after 5 minutes.
"What are you looking at?"
"Tonight was the first time that I looked out of that window. I never knew that this place existed."
"Welcome to my happy place."
"But you don't look happy"
With no words to combat, Daiyu slowly laid on the grass.
She really was not happy.
"Do you want to talk about it?..."
"I- I don't know where to begin. I have so much to get off of my chest but would you believe me if I were to tell?"
"I am all ears."
Daiyu began to describe her misfortune in full detail. Even spilling information about his brother to help paint a picture of what she saw.
Quang's face went from eager to learn to WHAT THE F-
Seeing the bizarre look in his eyes, Daiyu was expecting a messed up response but-
"You must have been so confused..."
"Living a life in a world that is not real, making connections with persons and becoming successful only to realize that everything was a dream PLUS, only having the memory of the dream and not reality."
"Summed it up perfectly..."
"Do you want me to help you get your memory back?"
"How can you help?"
"I have watched enough movies to know a thing or two."
"Your source of research is movies?"
"Yes! First, we have to go back to life before the accident. You can also visit family and ask for things that- You don't have a connection with family right... Oh, dear."
"First road bump?"
"NO! We can sneak into their house and find some source of familiarity."
"Or I can ask grandfather."
"But that defeats the fun if you are spoon-fed EVERYTHING! You have to relive moments."
"NO NOT THAT. Daiyu. come with me"
Quang pulled Daiyu into the mansion and snuck into the kitchen.
"Where are you going with this?"
"What is this in my hand?"
"A pot spoon..."
"Do you not have memories with this piece of wood?"
"You craz- Wait..."
"My mother used to hit me with it."
"Good heavens..... Anything else?."
"No- Wait!"
"I don't know why but when I look at it closely my grandfather appears in my head..."
"Did your grandfather cook back in the day?"
"Yes... He has many photos of himself from Chinese cooking shows.."
"A memory. You must have helped him prepare something."
Daiyu felt a slight ray of hope. Her first memory...
"So this is what you intend to do if we were to go to my parents' house?.."
"Bingo, but you don't have to if you feel uncomfortable.."
"I will go..."
"ok we just need to"
"What are you two doing back here? Your Grandfather called for you"
Chef min looked at the two suspiciously
"And why do you have my pot spoon?!"
"We should go Daiyu..."
"Run for your lives!!!!!!"
Both Daiyu and Quang erupted in fits of laughter as they sprinted out of the kitchen.
Chef Min must have misunderstood them...
To Be Continued...