Angelia: a dedicated teacher trying to help the school


I don't think it's a good idea but Nah, someone needs to help me take care of horsemen classes, The only caster I got is Nitocris. But hey, I got my little Jackie to deal with those Riders, Noice.

On my other acc, I will try to get Gilgamesh since I missed Super Orion.


(3rd POV)

Ishiyama high school, a school which have a crime rate of 120%. The Highest in the whole world!

Or at least it was. Now, a strange activity is being held by a newly arrived teacher: Angelia and her twins' sister Tenshira. The two evil angels forced every single former gang's member and student in Ishiyama high school to clean up the school.

Of course, this is act isn't illegal and all of the equipment is bought by Angelia... and Tatsuya Himekawa who was forcefully beaten to his knee after getting discovered by the fallen angel.

The rich playboy was beaten more hardly than others since he dared to insult Angelia, who have the sin of pride in her. Fortunately for him, he got anime's logic to back up so he survived.

From outside, you can see a big group of students are assembling at the school's front ground and many of them are using brooms to clean the playground. Some of them are bringing the garbage to the trash car that is stopping outside of the school's gate.

Inside the school building, another group of students is cleaning the hallway, some of them are trying their best to hang on the wall to clean the graffiti on the school building's front wall.

To Angelia and her counterpart's surprise, the delinquents who only specialize in messing things up and causing problems everywhere are decent in fixing their school.

Chain quest: A teacher's job

Objective 1: become a teacher at Ishiyama high school [x]

Objective 2: prevent every fight inside the school building for 1 month [x]

Objective 3: renovate the school [in progress]

[You have received 2 skill books and a skill Disc]

Skill disc (epic)

Increase any epic-grade and below skills level by 10 instantly

"Hm, good stuff," Angelia mumble silently and then turns to her hard-working students, "Everyone, you can have a 20 minutes break time, do not sneak away or else you know the consequences." She shouted out loud for the whole school to hear.

The poor students that were forced give out a long sigh before returning to their respective gang to discuss their private matters. Not a single person dared to sneak out since they know how deadly the punishment can be, it's not worth using 100 members against her.

{On the rooftop}

"Where am I?" Oga finally awake from his half-sleeping state and look around, "Crap, I should have dozed off."

"You big liar! You are pretending to be half-sleeping so that you could get away from Angelia-sensei's task." Furuichi yelled furiously

"Huh? What task?" Oga asked cluelessly

"She just forced the whole school to clean up our mess dude! My back feels like breaking at any time damn it!" Furuichi yelled while Oga's face began to lose its colour

"Wait... does that mean I just successfully skip one of Angelia-sensei classes?" He slowly asked

Furuichi look at his friend for a bit then smirk "it won't count as a success if I report you to sensei now! This will be my sweet revenge!" Furuichi process to takes out his phone and began to type at the speed of light. Oga was confused at first but then quickly realize what his best friend is up to.

"Damn it Fuiruichi, give me the phone!" "Never, this will be sweet revenge!" And then they act like a child again, great.

After 1 minute, Oga successfully takes away his friend's phone but unfortunately for him, the message has already been sent away.

At that moment Oga knew he will be fucked up soon.

While Oga is depressingly waiting for his death, Furuichi noticed a tattoo on Oga's hand and asked about it.

"Did baby Beel scribble it?" Furuichi asked

"Oh, that must be... Yes, it's that." Hilda suddenly arrived and speak in a mysterious tone

"Hoho, quite a specimen of that." Alain also appears out of nowhere and added.

""Ara ara, Oga-kun even have a tattoo now? Guess our harsh education isn't enough then."" Angelia and Tenshira voices sync together perfectly, surprising everyone is present because of how creepy their voices sound.

*Sweating intensively*

"Ah, good morning sensei, now I have an important matter to deal with," Oga said in a robotic voice and stand up to leave.

But before he could rush away with baby Beel, two different yet similar hands were placed on his shoulders, pinning him in place. "You won't go anywhere Oga-kun, not until you finish explaining about the tattoo and an extra class for skipping school's activity."


"Ahem, I will put that matter aside for now. Hilda-san, do you mind explaining this?" Tenshira asked the demon maid.

"Please let me explain this for you lady Angelia." Alain Delon rush in and bowed his head in front of the twins, "whatever, just do it."

"That is the Zebul spell. To put it simply, it's a symbol of Oga-Kun's contract with the young master."

"Contract?" the humans questioned.

"Think of it of an honour, there had been only a handful of humans who has been recognized by a demon lord," Hilda added

"...That doesn't make me feel better at all." Oga looks at the crest on his hand uncomfortably.

"U-um, I have a question..."

(The author is lazy so he skipped some unnecessary lines)

"The mark will grow along with the master's attachment to you. In other words..."

"The power will grow the more you beat the crap out of your opponent. Coming ever closer to the true power of a Demon Lord." Hilda finish the sentence for Alain

Oga immediately imagine the future where his body was covered in tattoos and standing on a pile of people. "Don't say it like it's a good thing! I wanna know how to get rid of it!" He doesn't want to reject his humanity yet, what a weakling.

"Then... just don't punch anyone?" Furuichi suggested. Oga looks at his friend for a brief moment then an idea comes into his mind, "understood, no more fighting for me."

"huh?" Furuichi, Angelia and Tenshira

"Listen everyone. As long as I stop hitting people this mark will get smaller and smaller. Then, my contract with baby Beel will be broken. I've made up my mind! I won't punch people! I won't make them grovel before me! Thus I will become what people called super nice guys." He declared

"I think it will be impossible Oga-kun, you should stay who you are. I don't have any experience to deal with this situation." Tenshira said

"But if you want to become a good citizen that can contribute to society, you can ask me for advice," Angelia added

"Yeah, Angelia-sensei and Tenshira-san are right, you won't be able to change no matter what. Even if you change, you won't be a good guy, you'd be like a normal guy." Furuichi mocked.

"SHUT UP!" And Oga breaks his promise not even a minute later.

"I knew it." the two angels sighed while the demons didn't care at all.

Angelia look at the timer and saw the time is up so she just casually pull Oga down and remind everyone in the school to start doing their work again.


(Angelia POV)

Mn, let me re-check some events I remember from the original series:

- Oga is Baby Beel's father - yep, I don't wanna take care of a troublesome demon child

- 2 members of the Tōhōshinki has fallen - well, I technically defeat them but the majority of students acknowledge that Oga has done it, I don't have any problem with that, it's good for him, I guess.

- Oga get the tattoo - yeah, can't prevent that

- Ishiyama high school... - the dots part there is for me to fill in, well, mostly because I can't remember this old funny series that much but I'm sure that the school will be destroyed by Oga's ultimate punch which caused all of the student to transfer to another school.

- Kunieda-chan comes back with the Red Tail - to be honest, I could use my wings and scout the surrounding area to find their base but the amount of paperwork I get myself into doesn't let me do it.

- finding Hidetora Tōjō-kun - I'm going to beat the crap out of him for sure. He is lucky that I haven't set off to find him yet.

Is there something I still missing... Nah, please forgive this poor teacher's brain, I have too much stuff to take care of.

"Angelia, where are we going?" Oh yeah, I'm busy taking Qiqi out to play so let throw those problems aside. "We are going out to play Qiqi-chan, today we are free of works so I wanna spend some time outside with you." Thank you my other self, you stole my line... our line.

"So... where are we going to?" 'that is a good question Qiqi-chan because we are gonna do some stalking on a couple,' that is what I wanted to say but I have to keep my dignity

"We are going to spend time playing in that park, you may find some friends to play with there. If you want we can also have a walk around for fun." And she nodded, I'm a bit disappointed about her reaction but no one can blame her for this.

If you want to blame someone then blame that Mountain shaper bird.

*Sigh* Talking to myself again, I'm such a weirdo.