When angels fall and raise

Back again with another chapter

Got an exam go I delayed the chapter for study purposes, pretty sure it calls the mid-term exam or something in English idk.

Anyway here is the chapter


(3rd POV)

After the beach episode, the students rest their tired bodies in the hotel which Angelia may have rented the whole place, why? Well, she is rich and money is not a problem anymore so why shouldn't she do it?

While everyone is sleeping, Angelia and Tenshira sneaked out and sit on the quiet shore, the scene in front of them is beautiful as if it comes from a painting.

Tenshira glanced at herself and asked "You know? I always wonder what it feels like to be reincarnated into another world, while I don't know how other reincarnated people feel but I'm enjoying this."

"Maybe a bit too much I'd say. Too much power and freedom to do whatever we want since logic doesn't apply." Angelia sighed and look at the time on her phone.

"It's nearly 10 already, wanna go back now?" Angelia stand up and brush off the sand on her clothes then she froze as a hand groped her ass.

It's just more confusing when she turns around and grabs her own hand. As two similar sets of eyes stare into other, Tenshira smirked and grabbed Angelia's collar and pulled her down again. Tenshira quickly takes advantage of her confusion and presses herself down.

(A/N: confusing screaming)

Not letting the confused angel question, her counterpart started explaining "You know, having the same mind doesn't mean we always share information at the same time, multitasking makes sure of that, especially when it's maxed level already."

Angelia takes a glance at her skills panel which showed the skill has indeed been maxed out and follows that is an additional crazy new effect.

Multi-tasking (passive) lv max

Allow you to do a hundred to a thousand tasks at once in your head, if necessary you can also split your mind into multiple parallel minds for better management.

"Hold up, how does that even work? Why I didn't notice anything?!" She yelled, trying to free herself from the grasp but nothing happen. Having the same stats and most of her skills unusable due to her position, Angelia's mostly powerless now. Although she could break out of this, she is also curious about what will happen next.

"Well, having 2 minds to control is weirder than controlling both bodies with 1 single mind you know? You never know how, it just happens." Tenshira shrugged and then lean forward, their faces are now just a few inches from other, while Angelia is sweating nervously, Tenshira's smile morphed into a more lustful one.

"Remember the 1-month deadline, dear?"

Angelia's mind immediately went into hyperdrive, trying to find whatever was related to the one-month deadline. Her eyes widen as she realizes what is she talking about.

"Oh... nope." Angelia struggles to break free, it's not very effective

"Oh, yes." Tenshira quickly closes the gap and lets their lips meet. Tenshira uses quick attacks, it's super effective

At that moment, the only sound one could hear is the waves hitting the shore as Angelia is too shocked for a reaction. Kissed by someone? Sure, she has but it's only on the cheek or her forehead, not a direct lip kiss.

What is more shocking than that? she is kissed by herself, French style! And she is enjoying it and even using her tongue, does this count as masturbation?

After a few moments, both of them release their tongue to take a deep breath. While Angelia quickly gets up and runs away from the scene trying to hide her embarrassment, Tenshira's smile becomes even more lustful as she thinks about their next session, and both of them didn't notice a new pop-up from the system.

[Your trait: Sin of lust (low) has been changed to Sin of lust (medium) due to your action]

[Skill acquired: kissing (active)]


[The next day] (Angelia POV)

"Everyone pack up your stuff, we will start to move back after lunch." I can imagine the rest already so I left the stage as quickly as possible.

Now I have settled, let me think about my life again.

The worst kind of best thing happened to me the previous night. The best thing? I got my first kiss stolen by a beautiful girl. The worst kind because the kiss was from me, I kissed myself!

God, I don't know what is wrong with me anymore, from splitting my own mind without me knowing somehow and then nearly... doing a forceful masturbation on the shore.

My god, I feel like a fucked up person.

Now I can't even hear what my other self is thinking anymore, why did my life suddenly take this... lustful turn on my road of life? And why do I feel like a cheap knockoff from Kumoko-chan parallel minds?

'Yup dear, this is the naughty teacher's mind, the lustful mind is in charge of Tenshria right now.'

'And this is the sadistic mind, waiting for some torture, wait I mean punishment!'

... Ok, I can indeed split my mind into more personalities like her, how can I erase all of you...

'Please, don't dear, we haven't existed for a week yet!'

'And I haven't punished any sinner yet, you can't do this!'

And now I feel so fucking weird, why did the original mind do this again? What is the nickname for the my-this mind then?

'I think the original called ya normal mind or something.'

... Original, if you are hearing please remove me forever.

"Haha, no, we all suffer together." And now I officially hate myself, why did my life become like this?


This chapter is kinda short cause I speedran it in 1 hour or something.

The next chapter is going to be the last chapter of Angelia's stay in the Beelzebub world. And for the vote: you already know what happened.

So 100% removal of crime rate, I will give u 1 guess of what can be the reward of the last objective.