
My love how long must I watch this boy says a mass of galaxies.

Just keep watching him dear I sense that something amazing or terrible can stem from this boy says a mass of dirt and stone. Love, I will only wait two more years and if nothing happens by that time I will go back to my duties says the mass of galaxies.

Okay dear, but I think the thing I mentioned will happen soon maybe in the next two months or year says the mass of dirt and stone. Mother Father something has happened in the south side of the universe says a large blob of light while running inside to a grand hall.

Okay, Hemera your mother will go to investigate do you know what it might be my daughter says the mass of galaxies. I think Ragnar got out again father at least that is what I heard from different primordials said Hemera.

Ragnar got out again what has Azathoth been doing he was supposed to be watching Ragnar and the other primordial beasts says the mass of stars.

I don't know where he has been father but I heard that he has been spending time with Nyarlathotep recently said Hemera.

Okay, thank you for telling us your mother will leave with you to go stop Ragnar as I don't want the universe to be destroyed again. I and the other primordials don't feel like remaking it again since we had to again 13.8 billion years ago said the mass of galaxies.

Okay, father, we and mother must leave now follow me mother so we can help the other primordials get Ragnar back in his cage said Hemera. I will follow you in a second Hemera let me talk to your father real quick said the mass of dirt and stone.

Okay, mother, I will be waiting outside for you please be quick mother said Hemera as she starts walking outside. My dear we can talk after you get Ragnar back in his cage said the mass of galaxies.

Yes, we can talk after I get back but I have to tell you this now instead of later encase Ragnar doesn't get in his cage easily start preparing the materials for remaking the universe so we can save some time said the mass of dirt and stone as she starts walking towards the door slowly.

Okay, my love, I will start preparing the materials just in case Ragnar doesn't get in his cage easily says the mass of galaxies as he starts making and pulling stuff from the current universe into his inventory.

Bye, now my dear I will be back in a week after getting Ragnar in his cage just in case I have to make sure not too many worlds are in havoc because of him says the mass of dirt and stone as she walks out the door.

I will start to go make little pocket worlds for the time being says the mass of galaxies in his head as he walks down a corridor to his study.

{ Somewhere on Earth }

Today was really boring thought Percy as he sits down at his desk and opens up discord. Hey, Percy, you're finally on we have been waiting for like an hour want to make a youtube video man said Percy's friend.

Yeah sorry man I had work today and sure we can make a YouTube video in a little bit but did you hear how that we might go to war with Russia said Percy while opening Gmod.

Yeah, I did, who knew that we might get to live through WWIII said Percy's friend. Hey at least you get to experience Call Of Duty in real life and get to shoot people as our great grandparents did with nazis said, Percy while making ragdolls fuck each other in Gmod.


Hey bro did you hear and feel that yelled Percy as he gets up to check outside seeing that the sun blew up. Percy what the hell was that Screams Percy's friend.

Orrin the sun blew up the fucking sun blew up Orrin what the hell just happened I got to go, man, I have to go call my girlfriend screams Percy in panic while hanging up and looking for his phone.

Pickup goddamn it please I have four minutes until the heat of the sun reaches our planet and we all die I need you to answer the goddamn phone screams in panic while constantly calling and texting his girlfriend.

Shit, why won't you answer we have a minute or less left until we all die and our planet blows up says Percy as he looks out the window. okay, never mind I was wrong we have 10 seconds said Percy as he goes and jumps on his bed and everything goes dark.

Where the hell am well I'm dead so I'm in the afterlife probably but which one there is like a million of them because of all the religions in the world thought Percy while looking around.

Or is there no afterlife and it's just this giant area of darkness oh wait no there is a little bit of light over there thought Percy as he starts walking over to where the little bit of light is and ends up in a cabin.

How did I end up in a cabin I should at least be outside and there is nothing behind me now which is strange also why am I so calm right now I should be panicking I just died and lost everything in my life from my family to my apartment thought Percy.

Well, I'm just going to ignore why I'm so calm right now and rule it out as me not fully processing that I died thought Percy as he starts walking around the cabin to explore where he ended up.

Okay well, I figured out that I'm in a two-story cabin with an open bedroom up there but it still doesn't explain how I ended up here I was expecting to be reincarnated and forget everything or be chosen by god to do something I guess thought Percy as he goes outside.

-time skip-

I have no idea how long I have been here but I do know that I have a luscious beard now I haven't even felt hungry or needed to shower but this place gets really boring after exploring it about 20 times thought Percy as he goes and jumps onto the couch.

Knock Knock

Oh, I have a visitor I haven't had one before let's see who's here maybe god so I can finally leave this place thought Percy as he walks over to the door and opens it.

Hello, Percy says a mass of Galaxies in the shape of a human. Hi, mister who are you actually don't answer I want to guess even though it's really rude I will take ten guesses and if they're all wrong I apologize said Percy to the mass of Galaxies.

Okay Percy take ten guesses I'm bored and I have time said the mass of Galaxies as he walks inside and sits on the couch. Okay, mister, I'm going to say my ten guesses really fast Aither, Nuun, Ymir, Ouranos, Atum, Astraios/Astraeus, Brahma, Dagodeus, Atlas, Asteria are any of those correct mister asked Percy.

(A/N I don't know how many space gods actually exist and these were the ones I could find if you can think of any better ones I will change it out.)

No none of those are it Percy but those were some decent guesses but my name is nebula and before you say like gamora's sister from marvel no I came first and I know my name sounds a little feminine said Nebula.

Okay well, it's nice to meet you nebula but can I ask a question where am I and why haven't I been reincarnated or something asked Percy.

Well, the reason you haven't been reincarnated is that your soul somehow slipped through the system of reincarnation and ended up here, and I'm here to fix that said nebula while pointing to tell Percy to sit down.

Okay so I slipped through the system of reincarnation does that mean I might get to be reincarnated in another world with wishes asked Percy with stars in his eyes.

yes, it does mean that because surprisingly you haven't gone insane yet or you were already insane as someone secluded here for 300,000 years would usually make someone go crazy said nebula.

Did you just say 300,000 years screamed Percy while jumping off the couch with his jaw opened wide enough to fit an ostrich egg.

Yes, Percy, you have been dead for 300,000 years which is very surprising but the good thing is that your entire planet has been remade and your family has been reincarnated back onto it near the same time your planet blew up said nebula.

Oh okay well that is somewhat soothing to my mind said Percy but since I'm being reincarnated where am I going to reincarnate asked Percy while rubbing his chin. You get to choose where you want to reincarnate like what world like a random Gacha or one of your choosing said nebula while looking at Percy.

Ohh okay well if I get to choose I would like somewhere nice and comfortable to start off with maybe like dr. stone or food wars said Percy while bouncing his foot up and down constantly.

Well yes, you could pick a nice and comfortable world but what about an adventure that you could have in One piece or Tensura or have some action in Naruto or Bleach said nebula.

You make a good point how about I go to demon slayer I can be comfortable there but also get some adventure and action because of the demons said, Percy.

Okay so Demon Slayer is going to be the world you go to but what time frame before the beginning or after it asked nebula. I would prefer about 5 or 15 years before the start of demon slayer or sometime between those two-time frames said Percy.

Okay so you will go to demon slayer about 7 years before canon starts and you will be a 15-year-old orphan who has recently died of pneumonia does that work for you nebula asked Percy.

Yeah, that works but can I start with my wishes, and what are the restrictions for my wishes asked Percy. well your wishes are only limited to where it can't be reality-breaking and if it's too strong it may take more than one wish to make it happen okay said nebula

Okay, that makes sense but how many wishes do I have asked Percy. You have about 6 wishes and 2 perks and perks are just minor wishes which are like talents said nebula.

Okay that works I will use my perks first and since you said there like talents I want an affinity with beasts which is including animals and parasites.

The other perk should be with weapons so a full weapon affinity with any type of weapon. Okay so a beast affinity and a weapon affinity I'm just going to put those in as talents does that work for you Percy asked nebula.

Yeah, that works and I have an idea for one wish I want to be able to be three intelligent races from any world I travel to and I can customize things about the race like get rid of a weakness I go to since I don't plan to stay in the demon slayer universe said Percy.

Okay, Percy but that will take up 4 wishes since it's a big one and can be very powerful said Nebula. That's okay I was expecting it to take up a lot of wishes said Percy.

Okay, another wish is for me to have a system that has Gacha and shop features to it so I can advance faster in the worlds I plan to go to. That works a system is a good support wish but no map or inventory asked nebula. I don't need one I can probably get those from the Gacha said, Percy.

That makes sense so what is your last wish asked nebula. I want my last wish to be where I can travel to other universes and have more adventures but the worlds are random unless I get a ticket in the Gacha that makes it where it is saved.

Okay, that is all of your wishes now Percy I will also let you customize your appearance which you will keep forever so don't make it look too stupid said nebula.

Okay, I plan to have black hair with the occasion white streaks with eyes that have an amethyst iris with a black sclera and an athletic swimmer body said, Percy.

Okay now that you did that and there are only two races in the world of demon slayer you will have a demon form and a human form or you can be 50/50 of both forms and what is the thing you are changing about them asked nebula.

Okay for the human form, I want it where I have very strong lungs so I can learn more than one breathing style and be able to make my own and for the demon form I want it where I am immune to sunlight also that I won't need human blood to survive and get stronger and my blood demon art is that my physical prowess is boosted by 2 said Percy.

Also, Percy, I will give you improved comprehension and mastery so your not constantly training that is everything Percy it is time to send you to demon slayer I hope you enjoy your new life of fun and adventure said nebula as everything goes black again.