Chapter I


Imperial Year 593

(6 years old)

My name is Chrysanthe Delkash, I have always dreamed to go to school but I've never gone. I was supposedly but since my family has suffered so I hadn't to go to school.

"Wake up Chrysanthe! Wake up! "Chrysanthe woke up.

"Goodmorning our little lady! How are you" said the maid while picking up things that has been scattered around the room. This is my maid, Anna, Anna Kardale , she is also coming from a baron family, Kardale family, but they are a little bit higher than us.

"Goodmorning too!Anna!" Smiling energetic.

"Oh, our lady is smiling today? What could be the reason? "

"Anna I always smile!" today is the day that I'm going to the academy! I'll do my best as I can whenever I get in there. Chrysanthe rush then to the living room where her father and mother were sitting after she take her morning routine.

"Daddy! Mommy! Today is my first day of school!" Shouting excitedly. The look of her parents was sad and...

"You know sweetie we know today is your first day, but we can't afford it we had suffered about making money," said baroness (Esde Veste).

"Yes sweetheart, but we promise we will let you go to the academy soon," said baron(Edward Delkash).

"Oh" sadly speaking, but I understand our situation, but I always want to go! Come on Chrysanthe you can do this stay strong! Don't be sad!

"Mom, Dad!" My brother Stefan Delkash, is finding a job to help our parents.

"I got a job from a government! "

"Oh honey, congratulations! "

"Congratulations! Son!" My father

"Thank you and tomorrow is gonna be my first day!" Then brother came ran in front of me and said" I promise that I'll let you go to the academy! Just hang in there!" excitedly. "Yes, brother! " I shout, my mother and father were worried about my brother the worried looks on their faces were clearly be seen, they are worried because maybe my brother can't handle the work properly by himself or his health condition would be worse, but my brother said to mom and dad to not be anxious and he's going to be fine.




I'm in my room today finding out what should I do while my maid Anna was worried about me not attending my school on my first day because of loans. I understand the situation of course and I know my parents are trying hard to make some money to pay and to our expenses, they even had a lot of credits at the bank.

"Hmmm...what should I do?" Thinking carefully.

"Miss are you fine?"

"Yes" thinking carefully.

"Are you sure?" anna was worried.

"Ms.Anna you've been saying that a lot"

"Oh, I'm sorry miss" she then bows.

"No, no it's okay, it's just that you are worrying yourself too much for me"

And back to business, what should I do? After a few seconds I have something that came up in my mind, let's do business!

"In order, to make money, let's sell something good!" Saying it in her mind and then she makes a fist for good luck with happiness.

After an hour she came up with a good idea of selling drawings and paintings that she had to make since she is really good at drawing and painting when she was a little...

Chrysanthe learn how to speak at the age of 1 year and a half months old, surprising right? She knows how to write and pronounce it right at the age of 2 when she was 3 she learn and speak fluently the hardest top 5 imperial languages, she even manages to draw and make art at the age of 4?! People even adore her craftmanship at age of 5.

As she think deeper, she was wondering another option of her business, if she can make a piece of jewelry made of iron, gold, or even beads with it many would like it but she need to draw a design, collect or trading for irons, golds and beads and then that is when she starts doing that. To all this plan she came up with, she can go to school and help her parents.

Early as the 2th-3th imperial year (160-240)Schools were built. They were the private school that was made by an elderly woman and name it as a dame school for girls who learn to read, write and learn sewing cloth, living, society, and etiquette. They are boys too! Grammar school for boys who also learn to read, write, do rudimentary arithmetic and so other more.

"Okay! Let's do this thing!" she shouted with shimmering eyes for excitement.

"Um, miss are you okay?"

"Yes! Ms. Anna, I just came up with a plan on how to make money!"

"E-excuse me miss? Did I hear it, just right?" She stutter.

"Yes! Ms. Anna and I am going to do it!" Her eyes were full of joy.