The stars are still faithful to accompany the night. Gives light, although not as bright as the moon, but is able to dispel the darkness that always accompanies it. Like the figure of Ryan who always accompanies him in ups and downs. The bossiness of the assistant and the grief that always only sided with the poor man.

Walking hand in hand with the boss towards the parking lot, in fact again triggers the resentment that is piling up in the heart. About the various protests that he was never able to raise and always stuck in his throat.

Subconsciously his steps slowed slightly, making the boss clear his throat again to show displeasure. Yes, having accompanied the man for so long as an assistant, made him understand the meaning of that small act.

Shallow once and short, meaning that the man did not like what he was doing. Different length and pitch, so the meaning is not the same. It took a long time for Ryan to understand all the strange actions of his superiors.

Ah, he now feels sorry for the woman who will become his boss's partner in the future. Remembering how difficult it was to go through the day and carry out tasks because of the difficulty in communicating with the man. He had to adjust to Rendra's mood, which often changed rapidly.

The reason for reducing the conversation also seems very unreasonable. All because he was tired of seducing the women out there. Not surprising indeed, because the man was indeed strange. Sometimes he is very talkative and a perfectionist. Other times he would just stare without saying a word.

Ryan is now focused behind the wheel. Stopped all thinking about a Rajendra Alister. Set a classic song on the music player according to the boss's habits. He glanced through the rearview mirror, noticing the look on the man's face.

"My face has indeed been this beautiful since I was in the womb. Don't stare at me too long, I'm afraid that later you will deviate. Like Anggun?" said Rendra with his eyes closed, surprising Ryan. However, as soon as possible avert your eyes and start the car engine.

"No need to be surprised. Everything you think about is clear on your face. You are like a book wide open."

Ryan cursed his stupidity. He should have remembered that the man was no ordinary human. Hey, don't get me wrong. This is not a "handsome wolf" novel, just a romantic novel with a bit of comedy. However, it was undeniable that her charming boss from the time she was in the womb did have instincts as sharp as a wolf.

The man has everything. A beautiful face, full of wealth, and abundant lovers. Like he's a limited edition bastard?

"Hey, stop cursing at me," Rendra growled, glaring at his assistant through the rearview mirror.

"When did I do it?" the man avoided eye contact between them.

Can he hear my heart too? I don't think he's human. Ryan thought at the time.

"You did and just now. Don't argue, you can't lie to me."

Not wanting to prolong the problem, Ryan chose not to respond to what his boss said, which in fact was very intuitive. Even now he was trying hard to keep his mind from saying anything. It was his salary that would be the target, and he really didn't want that to happen.

Rendra refocused his gaze forward, when the assistant no longer responded to his words. Meanwhile, Ryan is also focused on driving.

Silence. Neither Rendra nor Ryan, no one made a sound. Only the sound of music accompanied their night journey. Instantly they were swept away in the chanting of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's song, until they didn't realize they had spent 15 minutes on the trip.

The streets this time seemed quite empty. Maybe because it was night, so not many vehicles were passing by. Rendra glanced out the window. For a moment his eyes widened, then he straightened his seat. He then sharpened his eyesight, so that his face slightly leaned forward.


Rendra's words that were full of emphasis managed to make Ryan suddenly step on the brake pedal.

Ryan turned to the side while throwing a questioning look at Rendra. "What's the matter, sir?" he asked in surprise.

"Switch positions!" asked Rendra without explaining anything to Ryan.

"It means?" Ryan tried to ascertain what was confusing him.

"Switch positions. Do you understand what I mean?" Replied Rendra a little annoyed. "I drive," he added later.

"Why, what's the matter, sir?" Ryan asked, still wearing a surprised expression.

"All right, just obey!" Rendra demanded.


"You saw that!" pointed Lucas forward so that it led Ryan to follow his gaze.

"Miss Aleeta?"

Ryan was a little surprised when he found Aleeta who was standing alone in front of a white car.

"You get what I mean, don't you?" asked Rendra which of course was immediately understood by his assistant.

Without waiting any longer, they immediately switched positions until now Rendra was driving.

Rendra immediately sped back his car, approaching a woman who seemed to be standing confused on the side of the road. He stopped the car exactly three meters from Aleeta's car.

"Miss Aleeta!" called Rendra as he jogged over to Aleeta, after getting out of the car with Ryan.

Aleeta, who was fiddling with her car at that time, immediately turned around.

"Mr. Rendra, Mr. Ryan?" Aleeta was a little surprised.

"Miss Aleeta what are you doing here at night?" asked Rendra after he stood beside Aleeta.

"My car suddenly broke down, sir," complained Aleeta without further ado.

"Strike? Why strike, ma'am?" Ryan innocently asked.

"I don't know, Mr. Rendra," Aleeta answered flatly. 'If I know I've already corrected it earlier, what can I do!' Aleeta thought to continue.

"May I check it out, ma'am?" Rendra seemed to volunteer himself to provide assistance. this seems like the right time to get the cold woman's attention, he thought.

"Please, sir," Aleeta whispered as she shifted her feet, just to give Rendra access to check his car.

In just a matter of minutes, Rendra managed to restart the car engine. A happy grin appeared on Aleeta's face.

"Thank you, Mr. Ryan, because of your help, my car is back to normal," he said happily.

"You're welcome, ma'am." Rendra responded curtly.

"Well then I'll excuse myself, Mr. Rendra, Mr. Ryan. Once again, thank you for your help." Aleeta seemed to bow slightly, just wanting to show respect in front of the two men.


Aleeta had to undo the intention to leave that place when she heard Rendra's voice clearing his throat quite loudly.

Meanwhile, Rendra's gaze seemed to be on Ryan who was also looking at him.

"Hm ... Mrs. Aleeta, you should just go home with Ryan," said Ryan, who seemed to understand that there was a hidden meaning in his boss's gaze. Whoops!

Aleeta did not immediately answer Ryan's offer. Actually he wanted to go home alone, but was afraid that his car would break down again.

"I can take a taxi home," he said, looking at Rendra.

The man seemed to wiggle his index finger left and right as a form of rejection.

"I will never let anyone in need of help. If you don't mind, I'll be happy to escort you safely to your destination. What if the car breaks down in the middle of the road?"

That question was right on target. That's what Aleeta was afraid of, so she decided to go home by taxi instead.

"But ...." Aleeta still wasn't sure to accept the man's invitation. Somehow he felt uncomfortable when he was with her.