Malika smiled happily. At least she could lighten Ryan's job.

Meanwhile, Rendra is still loyal to accompany Aleeta shopping. He followed Aleeta's steps.

"Ryan ... is it okay for you to bring it? Aleeta's eyes glanced at the push trolley that Rendra was holding. "If you're tired, let me do it." Aleeta was about to take over the trolley,

However, Rendra swiftly prevented it.

"Come on, Aleeta. It's just being pushed. It's not heavy at all. Even I would still be strong if I had to push this trolley while carrying you." Aleeta rolled her eyes hearing Rendra's words.

"I'm just kidding, Aleeta." Rendra chuckled seeing Aleeta's expression. "Come on, let's find what we need again." Rendra continued his steps.

"Us? Isn't that my stuff?" murmured Aleeta.

Accompanying a woman shopping turned out to be quite tiring for Rendra. It's just shopping for Aleeta's kitchen needs. What if he accompanied Aleeta to shop for clothes, bags, shoes and other women's necessities. Maybe the man will wave his hand in surrender.

"Ryan, are you really okay?" Again Aleeta asked Rendra.

Actually, she couldn't bear to let Rendra carry all his own groceries. It wasn't that Aleeta didn't want to help, but the man was adamant that he wanted to bring himself.

"Of course all this is not free, Miss." Rendra smiled meaningfully.

"Huh? You mean?" Aleeta stopped her steps. Rendra followed him.

"Don't worry, I won't ask anything weird."

Aleeta smiled worriedly at Rendra's words. After saying not to ask for anything strange, the woman became even more anxious.

"W-what do you want?" she asked anxiously. In her heart she said a prayer that what he asked for in return really wasn't something strange.

"I ... just wanted to ask you a favor, Aleeta. Only you can help me. You want it, huh?" persuaded Rendra in a sad tone. In fact, he had cupped his hands in front of his chest so that the woman felt compassion and wanted to help him.

Aleeta's brows furrowed until her brows almost knit together. 'What help does he need?' Aleta thought.

"I want you to come with me somewhere on Sunday," said Rendra, careful not to want Aleeta to misunderstand him.

"A place?" Aleeta muttered, repeating Rendra's words and the man in front of him immediately nodded in agreement. "But where's Ryan? You're not taking me to some weird place, aren't you?"

Rendra wiggled his palms in front of his chest as he said, "It's impossible, Aleeta. I just want you to accompany me to a place to meet someone."

Aleeta is getting confused and just curious. Though usually the man always talks to the point. However, for some reason today was very long-winded.

"Meet who?"

Rendra was silent for a moment. His right hand holds the tip of his chin, while his left hand is half crossed.

"Hm, I already promised someone to take my girlfriend to meet him on Sunday. But, you know yourself that you haven't given an answer to my feelings. In fact, today is the first day I'm waiting for your answer. It's illogical to bring another woman, while I have a woman that I like. So, will you help me to meet that person and practice being my girlfriend, "Rendra said at length explaining his meaning.

Aleeta was quite surprised to hear that reason. However, she was confused and unsure to accept the invitation.

On the one hand she wanted to come along and make sure who the people he would meet. Was it his ex-girlfriend or woman who was after him? Or he just wants to show off to his friends that he has a girlfriend.

But the most disturbing thing is if he refuses and asks another woman to pretend to be his lover.

"What time? Was the meeting long?" Rendra's face lit up hearing that. This meant that she would most likely go with him.

"I'll pick you up at ten. It won't take long because it's only for lunch," answered Rendra, smiling happily.

But all that was only momentary.

"Okay I'll think about it?"

The man smiled wryly when he saw Aleeta again asking him to wait.

"Hhh, again she told me to wait," complained Rendra in his heart.

Rendra didn't say anything anymore, so Aleeta started to walk again to continue her activities. He hasn't put all his needs into the cart yet.

While Rendra followed him from behind. Ah, the man couldn't understand how the woman he liked was thinking. He thought that Aleeta was the right and fast decision maker. However, he always needed time to think more. Unlike her who always acts fast in any matter

Aleeta glanced at Rendra briefly. It seemed that the man had become quieter after their conversation earlier. "Is he sad for not giving an answer, huh?" The woman thought anxiously.

Aleeta walked to the trolley after picking up an item at random, then placed it on top of her other pile of groceries.

"You want to buy something, Ryan?" asked Aleeta trying to lighten the mood. However, the man didn't answer and just shook his head slowly. Just like someone who's exhausted.

"Okay." Aleeta said with wide eyes and Rendra just nodded his head.

"I said okay, Ryan." Again, Rendra nodded in response.

Rendra was a little surprised to hear Aleeta's words. Somehow the woman looked annoyed just because she didn't want to buy anything.

"Yeah, okay. I really don't want to buy anything, Aleeta. I'll just accompany you. So, enjoy your time," Ryan said with a smile that was clearly forced.

Aleeta closed her eyes and teased her long mane roughly because she was annoyed that the man in front of her did not understand the meaning of her words.

"I mean ... okay, I'll accompany you to meet someone next Sunday. Got it?" said Aleeta after taking a deep breath to calm herself down.

"Really?" shouted Rendra unconsciously holding Aleeta's hands with a sparkling face.

A small grin graced Aleeta's face. Didn't think the guy was a little cute.

"Yes. I'm answering now because you seem sad after I asked to wait for an answer from me." Aleeta tries to tease Rendra. However, the woman was very surprised by what happened next.

"Ah, I'm very happy, thank you, Aleeta." Without realizing it, Rendra hugged Aleeta's body while jumping up and down with joy.

Aleeta's eyes widened in shock. She could have resisted the touch and pushed the body of the man she had not known for long. However, for some reason her body gave a different reaction.

Her heart beat three times faster than usual when Rendra hugged him. However, she also enjoyed the warmth that radiated from the man's body. Especially with a very back-able chest area. Makes the hug even more comforting.

A moment later, Rendra realized that he was still hugging Aleeta. He was just about to let go of his arm. However, the woman he loves did something strange.

"What does Aleeta mean?" Rendra thought in surprise.