Rendra did not immediately contact Aleeta after taking the cellphone on the work table. He held the flat object and played with his right hand. Twirling while lost in thought.

"Should I call Aleeta right away or eat first, okay?" muttered Rendra worriedly.

Usually he would immediately contact the woman without having to think first. However, now the situation was different. The man was a little reluctant because he felt played by Aleeta.

"Eat first, please, Boss. Let's see if you hear Mrs. Aleeta's voice, you are strong," Ryan concluded with sarcasm.

Rendra seemed to think for a moment. Actually he really wanted to contact Aleeta right then and there, but at the same time he was reluctant. Ah, the man was so confused by his feelings.

Ryan left Rendra headed out of the room. A few moments later the man came in with some food in his hands.

All of this did not go unnoticed by Rendra.

"You can become an employee of a Padang restaurant," said Rendra when he saw Ryan who was having trouble bringing food.

Ryan just stared lazily without giving a response. However, his legs still swung closer to the boss.

"It's different, sir, Boss. At Padang restaurants they bring food using plates, I only use plastic bags," Ryan protested shortly after landing his body on the sofa opposite Rendra.

"The point is both bring a lot of food, Ryan."

Again Ryan just didn't budge. The man was too busy taking the food out of the bag.

"That's up to you, Boss. You'd better eat soon. Don't pass out when you meet a client." Ryan handed the food he had prepared to Rendra.

The two men ate in silence. They seemed to be busy with their own thoughts.

Rendra is confused whether to contact Aleeta again or not. Meanwhile, Ryan is still guessing if Aleeta and Dimas' engagement is just a play. However, if it's just a play, then what is Aleeta's real purpose?

When Ryan was busy with his thoughts. Suddenly the image of Malika flashed in his memory.

"Yes, Malika. I can ask her for help." Without realizing it, Ryan's lips had formed an arch.

"What are you doing, Ryan?" Rendra looked suspiciously at his assistant.

"It's okay, Boss. I was just being happy, you're finally back to normal"

"Normal? You mean?" Rendra glared at his assistant.

"The point is I'm happy, Boss. Just eaten, Boss. We have a client to meet in a minute." Ryan tried to distract Rendra.

Without protesting, Lace continued to eat. After all, the assistant had worked hard today.

Meanwhile in Aleeta's office, the beautiful woman has been staring at her cellphone screen.

"Why doesn't he call me anymore, huh? Is he mad at me? What if he really backs down?"

Aleeta kept muttering to herself. Rendara's voice sounded hoarse, typical of someone who had just woken up, making his mind feel uneasy.

"Shouldn't I be the one calling him?" He grabbed the flat object, but a moment later put it down again.

Aleeta repeatedly did the same thing. Once again he glanced at his cell phone, it was already three in the afternoon.

"Did he ignore me?" Again the woman mumbled to someone. His mind was too distracted by the possibility that Rendra would give up and turn away from him.

I would like to contact the man first. However, Aleeta recalled Rendra's words to wait for a call from him.

"Prestige, please, if I call first." Aleeta confirmed her thoughts.

"Besides, he was the one who chased her passionately before. Is it just because I have a fiancé that she backs off?"

It felt like time was running very slowly while Aleeta was waiting for the phone. Finally the woman decided to go to the restaurant located on the second floor of her hotel to eat. Waiting made him nervous and hungry.

The woman walked unsteadily while staring at her cellphone from time to time. A soft sigh is heard every time he looks at his cellphone.

"When, anyway, will he call?" annoyed Aleeta for the umpteenth time.

The woman seemed to only pay attention to the cellphone that day. He chose a table that was right next to the large mirror. His attention was turned to the blue sky that looked beautiful at that time.

"Please, Miss Aleeta." A waiter who brought food for him made the woman look away.

"Thank you," Aleeta said with a smile.

Either because she was enjoying the food in front of her too much or was too focused on her cellphone, the woman didn't realize that a pair of eyes had been watching her for a long time.

Aleeta supports her chin with her left hand, while her right hand is still faithfully feeding food into her mouth.

"You know, Aleeta. You made a play to test Ryan. Don't call or think about it," the woman muttered, staring intently at the clouds drifting across the blue sky.

His gaze shifted to the piece of steak he was stabbed with with a fork.

"Why didn't you call me, hm? You got angry and gave up? Come on, confess!" Aleeta looks like a person who has lost her mind from talking to food.

He looked at the piece of meat in annoyance, then put it in his mouth.

Rendra who had been watching Aleeta just smiled at the woman's behavior. It's really a healer when the student is not doing well.

"What is he doing? Why is he talking to himself? Doesn't he realize that he is in a public place?" Rendra continued to develop a smile from his lips.

Whether by coincidence or what, Rendra, who was meeting a client at the hotel, actually saw Aleeta eating alone. Ah, or should he say seeing Aleeta talking to her own food? The man seemed excited to approach the woman.

"Nadi, how are you, Mr. Rendra?"

A call from his client managed to wake Rendra from his focus on Aleeta. Immediately the man turned his gaze towards a man who was sitting in front of him.

"Okay, Mr. Kusuma. We will discuss the continuation of our cooperation at the next meeting with several other colleagues." Ryan, who knew what made Rendra distract him, immediately responded on behalf of his superiors.

"Thank you, Mr. Ryan. I hope Mr. Rendra will cooperate with our company." the man who has a full body measures his hands on rendra and ryan.

"Boss, are you going to just hang around here?" Ryan asked when their client had left the restaurant.

"This is your chance, boss." Ryan is encouraging.

rendra smiled at his assistant. a moment later the man stood up and adjusted his coat. hastily he stepped to approach aleeta. The smile continued to grow from his lips.

However, after only a few steps the man walked, he immediately stopped. He stares straight ahead. His smile suddenly disappeared when he saw who came to Aleeta first.

"Let's go back to the office, ryan." rendra walked out of the restaurant.

Ryan, who realized what was happening, rushed to catch up with his boss.

Disappointed. Of course. When that hope reappears, but is again destroyed by circumstances.