Card Magic

The next few days after the "Diaper Changing" incident, which he wanted to forget, everything was pretty normal. Other than spending hours sleeping throughout the day, thinking about his past, trying to learn the language, and sucking on his mother's giant and perky breast.

He didn't care about the lack of memories pertaining to his family. He could remember everything else, knowledge about Anime, manga, history, etc. And as sad as it to admit, he really was one horny person.

Having over 10 TB of porn saved on his computer and he actually left his web browser open when he died. It left him depressed for days at what people thought of him before he got over it as he can only move one.

Despite not having memories of his old parents, he likes his new parents a lot, well his mother more. His mother's figure is a perfect match to his taste in a perfect women.

She has a curvaceous figure with exquisite curves, and large bosoms which invites lust from everyone. She has a long slender neck and a pair of wise beautiful eyes accompanied her matured, dignified face.

Her skin was fair and delicate. She had a slender waist, long legs and a well-rounded butt that perked in a perfect arc.

(Pic of body)

(Pic of face)

She is also a kind and gentle woman who never scolds him or yells at him. She gives off this warmth that makes him feel at ease and he sleep soundly in her arms.

His father on the other hand is a bit rough with handling him. He will either forget the baby powder or keeps him awake when he tries to fall asleep. He also still have his gangly beard which is annoying when it touch his soft skin.

So whenever his father changes him, he always tries to wet him with his piss. Catching him off guard a few times in the beginning before he catches on quickly. Dodging his attacks widely, unaware of the wet floor behind him, which he has to clean up anyway.

"Haha, you missed. Haha...You can't get one over meEEEE~" He said, laughing at his son. Feeling proud that he didn't get wet for the first time in days. While he was gloating at his son, he didn't watch his footing when he suddenly slip on his piss. His arms flailing wildly as fell down, trying to latch onto something, but it was not meant to be.



Hiro moan in pain as both his back and head hurts. Ignoring how his clothes are becoming wet with his son's piss. Soon his mother came running, fearing the worst, but end up laughing at the sight before her. "Shiro, Hiro are you al-...Pftt-Haha..."

It took her a few minutes to get herself under control before she squatted down at her husband.

"...You forgot about the floor being wet, didn't you?" She ask, covering her giggles with a hand, feeling amused.

"...Yeah." He answered, looking away from her as she burst into laughter again. His turned away, his face turning red in shame. It hurt his pride at forgetting that one detail. Soon he saw his wife changing their son, giggling to each other as he stared at them dazed.

'Why you little...'

He thought, feeling angry at his son for making it a chore to change him, while it is a breeze for his wife. Soon a desire to get back at his son begin to fill him, waiting for the right moment to pay him back. 'Just watch your back Shiro, I will have my revenge one day and I will laugh at you. Til that day coms, I hope you are ready. Hehe...'

He thought, laughing evily as he imagines his son getting in trouble. After that, nothing really noteworthy happens until a few months later when it was his 1st birthday. His mother, Yuki Yamamoto, (no relation to the 1st captain in Bleach), began introducing him to their family. His father, Hiro Yamamoto, is with other men of the family. Drinking something, laughing loudly with them. The first time he was introduced to his mother's sister, it tickled a memory in his mind, but he cannot say how she seems familiar.

She has a darker shade of purple hair than his mother and has the same features. She is wearing a pink kimono with many colorful flowers everywhere.

It was until he learned her last name when he finally remembered who she reminds him of.

A certain sadistic swords woman in a zombie apocalypse, Saeko Busujima.

"Little Shiro, this is your mother's sister. Her name is, Ami Busujima (Doesn't say her mother's name in the manga), say 'hi'."

He just stared dumbly at her, making his mother grab his hand and move it up and down for him. Which she wave back at him with a wide smile.

"Hi little Shiro. I'm your aunt Ami and this here is your baby cousin who will be born in a few months."

She said, rubbing her bulging belly with a happy smile on her face.

"Congratulations Ami..."

His mother exclaimed in surprise as she didn't know about it. They began talking to each other with Shiro watching them as he is lost in thought.

'Huh, it seems I'm doomed if I don't get enough strength to fight against the zombie apocalypse.'

A look of determination appeared in his eyes as he would fight to protect his new family against all threats. So it came a surprise to him when a few days later after his birthday, he was suddenly bombard with knowledge and pain in his body.


Soon his mother came barging in and took him in her arms, holding of him tight, after making dure he was alright. Rocking him back and forth, trying to soothe him. It worked as he let out small whimpers every few seconds until he was silent once more. Shiro was processing the new information in his mind. After about 2 hours later, he got a good grasp of it and was surprised by 2, well 3 things.

He can use magic now and he received the ability to use [Card Magic]. It lets him create two different types of card. Either a one-time spell card that can be used again to create another spell card.

Or a permanent spell card that can be used multiple times. However, if he creates a permanent spell card, he cannot erase the magic that is already in the card. He can add more magic to expand it, like adding more magic to a permanent [Lightning Ball] card, making it shoot out 2 [Lightning Balls] or more.

The one-time spell card can be reused as it will become blank again. By pouring mana into the card, it will take shape and gives him a brief description on how to use it.

There is another neat feature these two types of cards has. Whatever spells he placed in his cards, he can add it to anything. Like a bracelet that shields the wearer, placed an area protection on his home that drives away unsavory people. Or even gift people he is closed to magic, but can only use the spells he gave them.

But the are conditions that is placed on theses two type of cards when he wants to use it like that. The one time use cards are [Passive Spells], while permanent cards are [Active Spells] once they are placed in objects.

The [Passive Spells] can be used 10 times times before the magic dissolves, leaving the object in question the same as before.

[Active Spells] cards will be permanent after they enter the item as it charges itself by absorbing mana passively in the air or by a person with mana. It will continue to work, unless the item is destroyed beyond repair.

The other surprising thing was the window floating up at him with one word only.
