
'How...' He thought in a dazed, not even looking at the ceiling as he could only sigh with amazement. He didn't believe this was even possible, having 2 ways to get points for the shop. It also begs the question on why the system chose this criteria and why it didn't pop up before with notifications.

Before remembering it will show up in the night like clockwork. He could only sigh again as he has to either get [Hate points] from males or [Love points] from females. The last one it left him baffled.

He could understand if he get hate points from males as it was his favorite time to do in his past life online. But getting [Love points] from females is a new experience for him and didn't know how start.

Despite living for 23 years in his last life, he never interacted with females that much, if at all. In his last life, he surrounded himself with novels and his computer doing "research" whenever he has some free time.

A loner that has no goals in life, but he wanted to change that and turn his life around. And a good way to do it was by losing his virginity to an expensive escort and a pornstar at that. And maybe get her to teach him how to please women in bed, what makes them aroused, and how to make them orgasm/squirt first.

Unfortunately, he died before he could even gather up the courage to contact one of the pornstar escorts on their website. Leaving to whoever finds his dead body with questionable, (respect) or gross looks after they saw what was on his computer.

And in this life, he has just made his mother cum from breastfeeding him, not even 30 minutes ago for over a year now. Which he screwed their mother-son bond forever when he first brought her to orgasm.

It also didn't help them when she didn't stop him after the first few times after making her feel good. 'Well, now I'm depressed.' He released a small sigh after remembering his past once more and his recent screw up, before a determine look appeared on his face.

'This time, I will live my life to the fullest with no more regrets and I...WILL...LOSE...MY...VIRGINITY...TO MY...MOTHER~!!' He yelled righteously in his mind after the injustice of dying a virgin at 23 and not having an experience women guide him for his first time.

But this time he will lose his virginity and have someone guide him in sex. Calming down once more, he get serious as this was important for his future. Closing his eyes and relaxing his tense mind, he began meditating to find his magic.

'Breath in...Breath out...Breath in...Breath out...' *Snore.* After sometime of thinking this, his breathing began to even out until he doze off.

(Time skip)

The next 3 weeks turned into a blur as he began trying to find his magic, bring his mother orgasms and even visit his aunt. And when they visit his aunt, it was pretty hectic as his mother shows her how to change a baby's diaper and letting her practicing on him.

Much to his shame as she saw 'little Shiro' up close and personal every time, which she giggled at. To which he blushed in embarrassment and could only think, 'JUST YOU WAIT, AUNT AMI UNTIL THE TABLES ARE TURN. THEN I'LL BE THE ONE LAUGHING!!!' He did nothing to mess with her like he would do to his father.

Startling her as he peed in her face or even on her clothes. He was soo~ tempted to do it, but he couldn't as this was his aunt and the mother of his future wife, Saeko. After she got comfortable changing him, she then ask his mother something that caught them both off guard.

They were in Ami's house, their husband's were out buying some more baby supplies, while their wives stay at home and chat with each other. He was in his mother's arms, staring dully at nothing after being changed once more by his aunt.

When his stomach growled in hunger and life returned into his eyes as he used his hand to pat her breast. Interrupting their chat as they begin to laugh at his actions, knowing that he was hungry now, having done that before..

"Haha~ Sorry about this Ami, but it seems my little man is hungry right now." His mother said, a brief blush formed on her face as she move to get up from the couch.

"It's alright Yuki, I will probably be the same in about 2 months from now." She said with a motherly smile, rubbing her bulging 7 month stomach. Before shooting her sister an uncertain look as she open and close her mouth.

"U-um...Yuki..." She hesitantly called out to her sister as she barely made her way to an unused room for some privacy. "Hm, yes?" She asked in surprise and turned around to face Ami, watching her fidget in place.

This was the first time she stopped her from feeding her son and it made her curious. Walking back to her sister, she sat down next to her as she wait for her to start.

Seeing her sister waiting for her to continue, she took in a deep breathe and began. "Well, I was wondering...If...maybe...I could breastfeed your...son..." She started out strong looking into her sister's eyes before looking down in her lap and nervously twisting hands as her voice trails off in a soft whisper.

When Yuki heard her sister's request, her mind went blank as she could only stare at Ami in a shock daze. She was torn between two sides; letting her sister experience the mind numbing pleasure she gets from feeding her son or denying her request.

Ami on the other hand was feeling nervous as she glance at her sister every now and then. Catching glimpse of hesitancy on her face. Knowing that she was asking much from her sister, but this was her chance to experience what breastfeeding was like.

Since she has experience changing a baby's diaper, she didn't think it was too much to ask for. However, this decision change her life for the better as she looks back at this moment fondly, before smacking Shiro on his butt for taking advantage of her as a baby.

As his mother was in shock, he too was in shock as he stared at his aunt. Before blinking his eyes rapidly as he look down at her large, plump breast.

He then lick his lips in want as he picture himself sucking on her naked breast. Despite sucking on his mother's breast for an entire year, he wanted more and this was a perfect chance to bring her into the fold.

Since he was planning on stealing his mother from his father, he want to make it a complete set. It's also hot to see two sisters kiss each other. *Growl~* The sound of his little stomach broke each of them from their thoughts as they look towards him.

Which he gave them a tearful look as his bottom lip trembles as he patted his stomach in hunger. Looking at her son's hungry expression, she finally made up her mind. Sighing softly, she agreed, "Sure, Ami. But we have to do it in a private place, ok?"

Ami's head snapped up in surprise as she didn't think her sister would even agree in allowing her to feed Shiro. Soon a smile blossom on her face, "Yes." With the help of her sister, Ami stand up and walk with her sister to an unused room.

Sitting down on the bed, she watch with a curious eye as Yuki locked the door before sitting next to her. With a blush on her face, Yuki gives a heads up to her sister about her son's way of getting milk from her breast.

"Ah-uh, before we get started...I just want to warn you that Shiro..." She hesitated for a moment before giving her the truth, "...likes to use his tongue and gums to coax the milk out with his mouth. It will feel weird at first, but it will feel very good after sometime." She said with a bright red face, not even looking at Ami's open mouth expression as she place her son down on the bed.

"...huh." Was Ami's only reply as she look at Shiro in wonderment. Can't even imagine how he learn to do that. "Ok, then what else should I expect from him." She asked Yuki, who was helping her loosen her clothing to let one of her breasts hang out.

"Well, Shiro is a greedy little baby that after finishing drinking from one breast he will move on to the other until he is full. Isn't that right my little man." She said cooing at her son as she picks him up from the bed and handing her son to Ami.

Once he was in her arms, she move her breast closer to Shiro and put her nipple into his mouth. Opening his mouth wide, he gently bit on her nipple and licked all over it slowly, at different paces to stimulate her more.

"Mhmm..." She moan lowly in her throat, surprising them both as she can already understand what Yuki was talking about. The feeling of it! Oh god, the feeling! Her nipple felt like it was on fire. She had the same burning feeling deep within her pussy.

Shiro sucked her nipple hard, his tongue circling and lapping at her swollen nipple. She could feel the milk flowing from the breasts, to her nipples, to his mouth, then down his throat as he gulped, swallowing everything.

"Ah~!" Ami let out a loud moan from her mouth; startling her sister in the process as milk flood his mouth. It was uniquely sweet, yet with a hint of something he couldn't quite work out.

'Oh well, it doesn't really matter as I'm going to milk this for all it's worth.' Shiro thought as he spent the next 15 minutes on her breast, bringing her to the edge of orgasming before stopping as he slows down.

As Ami was feeding her son, she was watching her sister's reactions to his technique, feeling both jealous and smug at the same time towards her sister. The jealously she is feeling right now was that her son was not sucking her own breast right now.

After having his talented mouth on her breast for the past year, she is feeling a little lost before perking back up. As the smugness she felt made her happy once more as she knew no other baby will be like her son.

The tight suction of his mouth ended, causing her to cry out slightly in disappointment, but then gasp in shock at her Yuki's voice next to her. "Use your other breast to finish feeding Shiro, Ami." Yuki said, helping Ami pull the other half of her top down, freeing her breast as she ignores Ami's blushing face.

When she was done, she move back to her previous seat to watch Ami feed her son again with a teasing smile on her face. Ami didn't say a word as she bend her head down to hide her blushing face as she move baby Shiro to her other breast filled with milk.

Then gasp with desire and excitement when he began to suck on her other hard nipple. Her hand slipped down subconsciously to her crotch, where her pussy was beginning to soak her underwear. When she stop herself a few inches above her crotch as she suddenly remembered her sister is watching her.

Shame began to fill her as she could only think, 'This is wrong, This is wrong, This is wrong, This is wrong,' like a mantra in her head, but even that failed when Shiro bit down on her nipple. And this time she couldn't resist.

She rubbed her fingers on top of her clothed crotch, working them furiously while her nephew sucked on her nipples like a lover. Not even bothering to care that her own flesh and blood sister was even watching her like a whore getting fucked.

Shiro sucked again and his aunt moaned out loud as she unconsciously spread her legs and continued working her fingers. All the while Shiro sucked even harder, completely unaware of what she was doing as he lapped up her milk.

To bad as it was hot to watch as it made Yuki hot under the collar, but she had enough willpower to resist rubbing herself right next to her sister. 'Besides, it's almost over anyways.' She thought in parts relief, and jealousy.

The relief was the awkward feeling was ending soon as she feels weird watching her sister masturbate in front of her. The jealousy part was that her sister can get off right now, but she will have to wait a few hours later when Shiro is hungry again.

Then, she watch as Shiro sucked one more time, harshly and Ami screamed in pleasure as she had her first orgasm in more than three months, finally accepting the fact that she had just masturbated while her nephew sucked her tits to drink her milk. If anything, that just gave her a harder orgasm.

Ami's mind was in a haze as she pants lightly, feeling relax as the unknown stress melts away from her body. Not even minding her sister taking the baby Shiro from her arms as she then burps him. *Burps~*

Turning her head towards Yuki, she asked her, "Why didn't you tell me that was going to happen?" Ami was a bit, ok a lot, peeved that her sister didn't tell her that baby Shiro can make her cum.

"Well, I did warn you that it will feel good, didn't I?" She said placing her son on his bottom as she then went to help Ami fix her top. "..." Was her only reply as she did say that, but she though Yuki was exaggerating it.

Letting out a sigh in defeat, she could only move on. "So is it like that every time you feed Shiro?" Ami asked her sister, feeling a bit jealous of her.

"Yeah, every time, but I have to shower afterwards if I don't clean myself quickly enough. Which you need to do, so bye." She said quickly leaving her sister there on the bed, gapping at their retreating form as her eyebrows twitch when she saw baby Shiro wave 'bye-bye' at her with a smug grin on his face.

"YYYYYUUUUUUKKKKKIIIIII~!" Hearing her sister screaming her name after closing the door own her made her laugh as she waits for their husband to come home. "Hahaha..."