
'Hm, nice.' Feeling happy with his progress, he decided to reward himself and his mother for the insane amount of points he has now. Looking back at his mother's flush face, he cold tell she's going to orgasm soon.

And being the loving son that he is, he will help her reach it. Lightly nibbling on her aroused nipples nipple with his baby teeth, making her release a moan as she threw her head back causing her hair fly around.

"Ahhh, yesssss~" She moans out. Her pussy gushes juices as she fingers herself rapidly and buckling her hip upward as her palm brush against her clit every time. Enjoying how her son toys with her erect nipple to receive her milk.

Brothering haggardly she managed to moan out between each breath, "You're….making…..Mummy….gush!" Then without any warning, bit her nipple hard enough to push her over the edge, but not hard enough to break the skin.

"Aaaaahhhhh~" She howled, her hips thrashing about, her fingers continued to pump in and out of her gushing slit as an intense climax rocketed through her body. Shiro was too busy sucking and biting her pink nipple to care.

Having already experience this before, Shiro continue to milk her dry, prolonging her orgasm as well. Soon he let her nipple out of his lips with a pop before making his way to her other nipple.

Once there, he began sucking on her lactating nipple, gulping down her milk as she smiles sweetly at him, while stroking his hair tenderly. She is tired from her recent orgasm and allows him to do as he pleases.

After sucking her breast dry, she placed him back in the crib and went to take a shower. He watch her walk away with shaky legs, feeling pleased with himself to make her orgasm like that as she can still feel the after shocks.

Today is his greatest achievement yet, spending a year and a half to figure out how to make her orgasm with her breast. Despite using her fingers to pleasure herself, Shiro felt it was his mouth and tongue alone that drove it home.

'Still, it's quite rare to see her squirt like that.' He thought, his gaze thoughtful as he look at the couch where she squirted. 'Does my mother get off from being me being a bit rough with her nipple.'

He was lost in his thoughts, before turning away from the couch. 'Focus, Shiro. You can see whether or not she likes it rough later. I need to be making cards right now that can help me protect the ones I love.'

After making sure he was alone, he closed his eyes in concentration once more and started making a card he needs right now. A temporary card that allows him to know if he is being spied upon and where it is located.

Then after that, he will have to create the shades, similar to [Men in Black] as he found a good test subject to try on his [Temporary Neuralyzer] card. Without anymore distracting thoughts, he began pouring mana into the card.

(Time skip- Christmas)

"Ah, what a lovely gift you have, Yuki." Ami said, holding up a hand made drawing from Shiro. It's a drawing of her, but as a stick figure. Seeing as he is almost 2 years old now, it's a master piece for children his age.

"Yeah, I know. It is much better than his first drawings he drew. Here, look." She handed her sister, his previous drawings that was scribbles all over the page. A crazy chaotic mess that only the drawer can possible understand.

"...Yes, I can see that. So what is it?" She said, after failing to understand what it is, so she asked her sister. "Well, from what son told me. It's us."

"W-What?" She said in disbelief. "Yeah, see here. That's me, my husband is here and this is our son." She pointed out two big circles that is connected to a little circle. "And here are you guys." She pointed to another area on the page.

"...oh. I see." After giving back the drawing, she was handed another paper with drawing of her and her daughter. "And here is your present from Shiro."

"Thank you." She said. After taking the paper from her, it glowed briefly before turning dim as the light traveled into her body, but neither of them notice. 'Good. She is now marked too.'

Turning his "gaze" away from them, Shiro placed another piece of shredded chicken in his mouth and chewed. The glowing light that went into Ami was a curse of a sort that he made.

A curse where every male, other himself that is, will not find Ami or his mother sexually attractive. Since he doesn't want his mother or Ami to be targeted by sexual predators before the apocalypse even starts.

And as a added benefit, his father and uncle will not have sex with them either. They will have a sexless marriage, while his mother and aunt will fall in love with him after satisfying their needs.

'Though I need to take it slow as I want them to naturally fall in love with me without any trickery that those popular hentai mangas dabble in.' He thought, before pausing as he then release a sigh the next second.

'Damn! Am I using the same methods in the hentai universe, making married women fall in love with me through pleasure? Fuck, I am!'

Sighing once more, he was feeling conflicted about what he supposed to do now. He is torn between two choices that will shape him into the man he will be in the future.

On one hand, he can undo the curse he placed on his mother and aunt, allowing them to be with their spouses and live normally. But, on the other hand, he will have 3 ravishing beauties waiting for him at home and who will do anything for him.

After thinking about it the whole day, he decided to go with the second option. After dying without even experiencing love, left a deep shadow in his heart. Wondering even if he could find love in his life.

And after being reborn, that shadow of doubt disappeared after seeing her face, he finally knew what love was. And he would do anything to make her his.