Chapter 2 - Daughter's Training

*Slash*Slash*Slash*, with a few clean cuts the rocks in front of Kyoko were turned into smithereens.

"Hehe, see Dad? I've been practicing as you told me and now i fully grasped the technique." With a lightened expression she was jumping around while showing off to her dad.

"I see it, my little girl is becoming really strong, soon you will be stronger than me." With his daughter becoming stronger each day he was really in a good mood, Kenshin really felt like making some small jokes.

"Dad, i wanna spar with someone, you beat the master of this city's dojo right? I wanna beat a disciple." Already swinging her sword in excitement and punching the hair like in a street fight the cute girl looked like she was ready to fight in one minute.

"Huh, if you want to challenge a disciple you need to be a bit stronger, all the disciples of master Yu are already full-fledged swordsmen, even if you're truly getting stronger you're still a step below then." While Kenshin was a proud father who would always put his daughter up he knew it was no use doing this and letting her be beaten half dead, the best action there was telling the truth and helping her, so she could truly be an amazing fighter and win without problems.

"I'm still lacking? Geez, that's too hard, i've been training for 8 years." Shaking her head Kyoko was a bit sad and also disappointed at herself.

Grabbing her arm Kenshin pulled her inside his hug and gave her a warm smile.

"You will be able to overcome this step in no time, look, you just need to learn how to physically manifest your chi and control this manifestation with just a thought." A flame was lit in his daughter's eyes that moment, she just needed to do this and all her hard training would pay off, finally turning into a full-fledged swordswoman.

"Ok Dad, teach me!" With a flaming expression she asked to start the training right away.

Walking a few minutes they reached a good point in an isolated part of the forest, here it didn't matter if Kyoko's chi ran out of control as no one would get hurt, Kenshin would just need to look out for her so she wouldn't hurt herself.

"Ok my dear, start breathing deeply to clean your mind and concentrate, you will need every ounce of your mental power to do this." Kenshin started the preparations with her and she was obeying and paying all attention.

Haah... exhaling deeply Kyoko exhaled all of her thoughts together with the air, focusing on what her Dad would say next.

"All right, remember how you focus your chi on a part of your body to strengthen it? Now try doing the same to the air right in front of your forehead, try to remember the feeling of strengthening it and slowly liberating your chi, but instead of using your internal perception for the localization you need to perceive the chi in this point, use it as your guide." Kenshin was slowly and fully explaining the method to her, whilst manipulating the chi around them so that it was easier for her to perceive.

Nothing, nothing, still nothing, using her own chi to search the surroundings Kyoko was making all of her efforts non-stop but to no avail, it wasn't easy to detect chi outside her body, even with her experience she was still struggling to do so.

The caring father, noticing his daughter's struggle, started gathering all the chi he could to make it easier for her, he knew after the first time it would be 10 times easier, all the help he was able to give in the first practice would be good.

*Flush*Flush* anyone near could hear the air moving as an enormous influx of chi headed towards the father-daughter duo, it was still invisible to naked eyes but now easily detectable through chi senses, with this helping hand Kyoko started to see, hundreds of green dots popping everywhere, so many and every single one so beautiful that she felt amazed.

"Now you see it right? Use your senses to track the exact spot and shower your chi there, the faster the better!" Kenshin was excited but kept his cool, he couldn't lose it like his daughter, that was the perfect moment, if she did it now she could master it!

"I'm doing it Dad!" Kyoko quickly tracked a green dot right in front of her forehead and linked her own chi to it.

Pouring chi non-stop the green dots in the area started glowing more and more, more more more, bigger and brighter as she poured her chi, til they weren't just bright while being sensed with chi, but even someone who knew nothing about it could see, cause it was visible to naked eyes.

"DDDad! I did it!" She was amazed, before Kyoko was amazed at mother's nature, at how it was able to create something so perfect, but now she was amazed at herself, she did it, she created this green light from thin air, there was nothing in front of her, but now she saw this beautiful green light!

"Haha, i told you it was easy, as i expected you were able to learn it in no time, now let's go for the next step, mold your chi into something usable. First things first pull your sword from it's sheath, after that you need to feel all the dots in the sword and mold your chi to fit exactly in them." Kenshin was now really proud, when he was her age he also amazed his master by doing it in his first try, now it was his little girl's time to amaze him.

The first time was the hardest, after doing it once Kyoko was able to feel the chi dots in her sword with ease, locking them with her chi she started moving the chi agglomerate towards them, wrapping around the sword in a beautiful green light.

She felt the power this blade carried, with just a swing she cut through the air and destroyed a large area, nothing remaining to show that this area was once full of rocks and trees.

"Flawless. You just need to restrain your attacks a bit, if you go all out on every single blow like that you will get exhausted quickly and your opponent can easily dodge. So, do you still want to get that match?"

"Of course Dad! I will show my strength to everyone hehe."

Walking to Master Yu's dojo the two of them were really excited for what was next.

"Hey Yu, get one of your strong disciples, we are gonna arrange a match between them and my daughter." Kenshin spoke up his intentions the moment he stepped on the dojo.

"Haha, come Ippo, Master Kenshin is really arrogant to demand this match without even asking me before, but i'm curious about little Kyoko's power, so i will accept it this time."

Both Ippo and Kyoko stepped up for the fight, they were facing each other without any expression, just preparing to get their swords of their sheaths.