Chapter Five

Today the bus was late. I was freezing for about half an hour until the bus came. I can't say for sure whose fault it was but it's not like I care. I just know that it was cold and that thankfully I didn't have the first lesson, beacuse if I did, I would have missed half of it.

The bus was also cold, I am not sure why, but obviously the driver didn't turn on the heating. And that bothered me so much. Of course I didn't say anything about it, but still.

I also feel sick. I am not sure if from cold or from lack of sleep, probably both. I just can't wait to go back home and wrap myself in blankets. Multiple blankets.

Today's lessons where boring as always. Thankfully it's friday, so that means I have a whole two days to regenerate my strength and try to survive until the winter break finally comes.

Life sometimes feels like a race. You just have to continue running and never stop. When you're tired you just continue running, when you are exhausted you just move your legs forward and continue running, beacuse the moment you stop is the moment you lose.

I sat down on the bus and because I felt sleepy I decided to close my eyes for a bit, but before that I turned on the music and put on headphones, so that I don't actually fall asleep, since I don't wanna miss my stop.

After eating lunch I went on my computer and spent lots of time watching videos and playing videogames. When I realized how late it had gotten, I actually didn't close the computer and went to sleep, like I normally would.

My brain was like, just this one more video and before I knew it, it was already past midnight, and so I finally decided to close the computer, and got ready for sleep. When I came back to my room and sat down in my bed I just wanted to check my phone and that lead to me getting an idea for a design and then design it.

I also watched some more videos and scrolled through social media. It was already 1 am. Now I really had to go to sleep. I turned on airplane mode on my phone and let it charge, and then I actually went to sleep.

Next day I woke up really late, it was almost 1 pm and my parents weren't so happy about it. I usually help out around the house on Saturdays. I work from when I woke up till my mom makes lunch, but beacuse I woken up today so late, I had to do chores even after the lunch.

Beacuse I had to do chores till later, I couldn't do things I wanted to, so in order to do them I actually went to sleep late again. I tried my best, but I didn't go to sleep before 2am.

Sunday I spent whole time on computer just playing games and such. And then I yet again had to go to sleep, this time at 11pm, since next day was monday.