
"Okay,I think it's time for me to sleep, maybe I'am just dreaming, maybe I'am still sleeping at the Car or maybe I'm still at my bed sleeping"

OPOV(Omniscient point of view): Zen looks completely drained, His face became so pale and his eyes were shaking.

"Maybe I just have to slap myself so hard so that I might wake up"

Zen slapped himself so hard that he almost lost his consciousness and his cheeks became as red as a tomato.

"God, that hurts a lot, I slapped myself so hard that I think my ear drums were damage"

"I guess I'am not sleeping or dreaming"

Zen was completely devastated, he is afraid of something, something that he doesn't even know.

"What the hell is this feeling, my heart suddenly ache and why do I feel something dangerous is coming"

Zen lay down to his bed and closed his eyes,he tried to relax his body and he cleared out all of his thoughts but he still can't sleep because his mind keeps on asking some questions.

Zen's POV: Is this even real? or am I even real?, What if I'am just part of a Story, a story of someone's life and what if I'm just a background character.

If all the things that is currently happening to me,all of those impossible things that became possible, does that mean Gods, Demons, Angels, or whatever do people like to those miraculous and Divine beings are real?

And maybe the fear that I'am feeling right now is the fear of being a PAWN of those so called GOD, a pawn that has a responsibility to protect the world and everyone, a protector that is force and was basically kidnapped to protect everyone.

Maybe I'am just nothing but a Play toy of the GOD, NO, maybe it's all of us, maybe were just nothing but an entertainment to GOD, life is just so fair, is this what they call equality? it was stated that all of us were born to be equal but I don't think that's even true in a slightest way.

OPOV: Because Zen can't sleep he tried to check his phone and to see what time is it but he saw something strange.

(Date: 00/00/00)

(Time: 00:00)

"What the hell, why is the Time and Date doesn't appear? Ohh right I forgot this world is different from ours,but wait a minute, How come was I able to call my Mom?, Ohh come on my brain is starting to ask some questions again"

"Come on brain why can't you just stop thinking for a minute,I just need to take some rest and to relax my myself so that tomorrow I will be able to understand what are the words that Old Man Winsor going to say"

Zen kept on hitting his head because of anger and he didn't stop until he accidentally created a Steel bar and he accidentally hit his head so hard that he fall asleep.


A couple of hours later....A bell randomly rings out of nowhere and it's so loud that the entire infinite white room was covered by the sound and because of that Zen woke up.

"What in the world was that? God I think my ear drum and my brain exploded"

After a few seconds the Bell stops and after that Zen is fine, it's just like he immediately recovered.

"Phew* I'm glad that was over,Shit my head still hurts because of that stupid steel bar I accidentally created and how the hell I was even able to create it and how come I only Lost my concuiosness and I didn't even. bleed?"

"Okay, that's enough question for today, wait a minute, is it even night or day?"

Zen got out of his bed and he just stand because he doesn't know what to do.

"What am I supposed to do now? do I have to take a shower first or eat?, I haven't even eaten anything yesterday".

"Huh, what is that?"

Zen saw a small fragments of light that is building Infront of him and when he tried to touch it something suddenly happened.

"What the fuck is that....AHHHHHH!!!!!"

Zen was shock when suddenly grab his hand and he immediately shake his hand so that the thing that is holding his hand let go of it and he succeeded and he immediately draw back and get away as far as he could and he even remove his room so that he can run even further.

"What the fuck was that?"

Zen kept on running as far as he could but the Infinite white room is just too big and he got tired easily because he lack some stamina.

"Breathing In and Out intensifies*, This is.....the....reason why....we should..... exercise everyday..."

Zen was breathing so rapidly as if he was inhaling his own lungs out and then suddenly the light fragments appeared Infront of him again.

"Ohhhhhh..... Come on, I'am already so tired , wait a minute something is happening"

The Small fragments of light kept on growing and growing until a human figure that is made out of light appeared and Zen immediately ask...

"Who the hell are you? or should I say what are you?"

"I'am your personal assistant,Sir"

The Human figure that is made out of light, doesn't have a face and it speaks like a cute girl, directly answered Zen's question.

"Assistant?, so you're trying to say that your my slave?"

Zen asked sarcastically.

"As whatever you please sir, I'am just an Entity that is made up of energy and was created just to serve you"

Zen's POV: Should I trust this Light Entity?She or whatever gender does it has, is acting kinda suspicious and why the hell it sounds so cute?

"Okay so your my Assistant? tell me what's your name and What's your gender?"

"I doesn't have any name nor gender, You have the authority to name me and chose my gender as you please, Sir"

"Gulp*, Ahhhh...wait let me think"

OPOV: Zen was sweating because he can't make a decision

(Author's Note: He's horny)

"Ummm, How about "PHOS", cause Phos means light and you're made out of light so, you already what I mean"

Zen was shaking nervously while saying it.

"Phos? I liked it and how about my gender? Sir"

Phos asked in a very cute tone that made Zen even more nervously.

"Ummm .....Gulp* How about a girl"

"As you wish, Sir, I shall now analyze your mind to know how you actually sees me so that I could copy it and transform to your liking"

Phos didn't even hesitated and immediately followed Zen's instruction.

Zen's POV: AHHHHHH..... was I'am that so down bad? I mean this is normal because I'am a teenager after all, and I deserve it since I never actually talked to a girl before.

OPOV: After a Few Seconds, Phos transformed into a cute and beautiful girl, with a messy bun,wearing baggy clothes and has a cat ear headband and a glasses.

"How do I look Sir? did my appearance matches your imagination?"

Phos asked while posing cutely.

"All I can say is, you totally nailed it and don't call me Sir, MASTER is fine to me"

Zen didn't even hesitated to say it.

(Author's Note: Oh boy! looks like he really is horny)

"As you wish MASTER"

"Gulp*, Okay that was cute"

Zen, a boy who looks completely sad and devastated before, is now a man who just recently ascend to adulthood.