A new body

Jade jolted up to the sound of the birds chirping outside, his dazed look is plastered on his face . he whispers to himself ' where am I ' he look around and noticed that something is odd with his body. he stood up from the bed and walked straight towards a door . he opens it and sees various people dressed in white lab coats by the door. they looked at him shocked and in disbelief. Jade quickly ran to the other door opposite his bed, a bathroom. he locked the door and stepped back he then saw his reflection in the mirror, white hair fluffy that reaches his shoulders, green eyes,a small nose and thin glossy lips, and a soft round face. he thought " it was way to pretty" suddenly he heard a soft click, the door to the room was open foot steps made there way to the bathroom door . the Doctor 1 said: ' please i would like to have a word with you'. Jade slowly opened the door meeting the doctors eyes. Jade pushed him to the side and went to the bed he picked up a chart and it said: jade Long, 16years old, birthday place H city ....,....

.....,Time of death 4:37pm,..... weighs 53kg and height 168cm

he was in disbelief,he asked' Am I meant to be dead'. he looked at the doctor. the doctor said ' I will call your parents and will have to do quick check up'. Jade sat on the bed displeased with what the doctors said. he looked at the digital clock beside him(November 17 2027) he realized that is only 4 years and 3 month before dooms day, he lied down on the bed and decided to make a plan if he wants to survive. ( get a bulky food supply, weapons,a car, bus or boat, first aid kit,books,a base,mutant cores, fight) it was a rough sketch but that was the plan. the comfortable bed made him sleep off. 3 hours later a group of people barged into his room Jade jolted upward and about to throw punches all of a sudden he paused six people stood before him an elderly couple, two adults, a teenager and young adult. he stared at them confused and uncomfortable. the young man standing in front of him grabbed him and hugged him, the elders, the two adults cried while joining the big teddy bear hug. Another person around his age ran inside and flew to hug him. she had dark skin and green eyes and blackhair , a heart shaped lip a button nose, freckles across her nose and cheeks,she stood about 170cm and weighs 64 kg, she had curves in all the right place what a boyfriend snatcher, all the boys had there eyes on her. her name was willow brews, the young adult name was Nathan brews the older brother to willow brews, unlike his sister Nathan had black curly hair,a sharp nose and thin lips he had light blue eyes and fair skin but a little rough around the edges.he had a height over 190cm and he weighs 72kg he had muscle under those thick clothes.the two adults had similar feature to him except the white hairs and pale skin, the elderly couple had some wrinkles hiding there facial feature but you would know that they are indeed related.