Damn Government

after packing the necessary things we on the boat.

I then carried the boat and placed on the ocean.

after checking on last time I take the submarine and anchor it to the oceans floor remotely.

I then told kai's mom to grow a tight wall of jumbo trees around the island for protection.

afterwards I started selecting people who will come with me to the mainland.













13 of us will go to the mainland.

the rest of you are in charge of maintenance in the island.

everyone is sharing a room with some one.

Andrew and David

Kai,jade and snow

mo and Tayo

Lora and jinx

Eric and Lin

Lia and xing

so only six Rooms are occupied.

but honestly the girls are funny, they used a whole bathroom to store pads and some make up.

so we have one less bathroom, I could fit some smaller vehicles on the boat.

Kai starts the engine and we are off.

the speed of the yacht is much faster than my submarine, within 24 hours will reach mainland.

the trip was peaceful.

after docking the boat.

I left Tayo,xing, Eric,Lin, snow,David and Andrew on the boat.

the rest went to the city side with our bikes and backpacks.

jinx and I where on the same bike

Kai and Mo same bike

Lia and lora same bike

we parked at a car repairs shop far from the bustling city.

we checked around and saw some rotten zombie crops and animal crops.

I opened the garage to see a place packed with luxurious cars.

I went around looking no one is here.

but man these cars are so cool some of them even of rocket engines.

jinx was opening the hoods of all of them. if I had the time I will unscrew all there engines to study them.

but we didn't have time.

I only took a tool box before leaving.

we all then check our weapons and left.

we raced to the city avoiding the packed car on the road.

we stopped at the cities welcome sign.

the streets where empty but there was a huge iron net wall.

we parked the bikes and climbed over.

I then climbed the nearest building It was a hair salon.

I looked around but the place was empty.

I tried to sense any living thing .

this place was deserted.

I went down and opened the salon.

some crospse and hair.

I looked closer and saw some of them tried to eat hair.

jinx came in and nearly vomited, she's not used to the smell of rotten flesh.

I chuckled and then ransacked the places I took a bunch of different scissors .

I then stopped to look at my self.

my hair was long and in my way a bit.

it reaches my shoulders.

I took the scissors and gave myself a crew cut.

I couldn't go much lower my hair was like 1 inch long.

I stared in the mirror I looked mean.

my sharp jaw line didn't help.

I turned around and saw jinx in shock.

she then said do mine.

I gave her a nice short pixie.

then we both left .

after stepping out Mo and Kai rushed over.

Kai went inside and packed all the freshly cut hair.

and braids them into bracelet.

and rapped it around our wrists.

I didn't know the meani of it.

we walked around for a while yet not a soul not even a zombie.

I told them lets leave.

we went back and noticed our bikes when gone.

Kai took off his gloves and touched the iron net.

she pupils where no where to be seen and he then said, a group of people in military uniform took it they then headed East, they where 7 in total.

then he came back and quickly put on his gloves.

we to also headed East, no one steals from h

jade and gets away.

we hurried threw the bush and came across a river.

all the fishes where dead and had floated to the surface.

we jumped over the small river and went in deeper.

after a few minutes of walking we saw an open area.

they where rusty old shacks everywhere.

it's a black market, or was one.

I looked at them and then at us.

I brought out the sicssors and made some cuts and holes in our clothes.

I took of one of my shoes and hide them in my bag I cut up my laces and rubbed mud on my face and exposed arms .

I did something similar to them I removed some people's shoes footsole .

or i removed the laces or tear of a part of the shoe make big toe holes then covered it in mud.

I tore there cloths a bit the went to the river I ripped open a dead fish and rubbed there gutts on my teams body and mine.

I disorganized everyone's hair I cleaned of any trace of make up and rubbed dirt on there faces.

I then checked each of them.

okay good to go .

we entered the place we got some glances and that was it, nothing more.

I went up to a shack and asked the boss what's with the iron net.

I scans me then said I need some thing for that information.

I dragged his collar and said it better be worth it and I want to know who stole our bikes.

I dropped a brown bag on the rusty counter he opened it and slide it inside his shop.

then open the door and told me to come in.

but my little friends aren't allowed.

I entered the rundown shack and he close everywhere.

he started talking while eating my lunch.

he said the government wants to turn that place into there base but peoy like us wouldn't be allowed inside.

when they start construction.

only pretty women and stongi men will be allowed in.

or if you have food or anything the government thinks might be useful.

but don't even bother with weapons they have tons of those.

and about your bikes don't even think about it.

a guy called bear who runs our little community took them.

that guy is strong.

and he has men who will fight for him.

if you want your bikes back you may have to sacrifice them beautiful ladies outside.

I looked at him with disgust.

he then said, rumors has it that it's the government who even started this zombies thing.

they said they where experimenting on human life expectancy to try and increase ones lifespan, guess what it didn't work and now we are doomed.

I pretty much knew the rest.

I left the dirty old shack and started looking bfor this bear guy.

he wasn't hard to find.

he was playing with our motorcycles.

I put on a hood and covered half my face.

Kai looked at me and did the same then the rest coppied .

we looked like some assassin's.

I took out my smoke bombs and threw it on the ground then wore my goggles.

I then rushed towards the guy on my bike and knocked him down I called for jinx and she climbed my bike we where off Kai and Mo then Lora and Lia.

Lora's point of view after killing the guy on the bike I got on I started the engine and Lia quickly sat at my back I was about to hit the gas until on guy grabbed Lia of the bike, I looked at him with my goggles man this guy was huge.

I took out my gun and aimed for his head someone knocked my aim off cource, I shoot his leg instead.

then Lia broke free and climbed the bike the all of a sudden guns where aimed at us and the smoke disappeared.

I closed my eyes and accepted faith.


a long 5 seconds passed.

I opened my eyes and stepped on the gas .

more bullets where shot but non of it touched me.

i then sped up to catch up with the others.

I asked Lia to hold on.

I was racing through the forest at full speed.

we caught up to the others in no time, but I couldn't slow down on time.

Lia was constantly hitting my shoulders to slow down.

we where going to crash into a tree.

I didn't want to.

I glared at the tree before jumping off with Lia.

jade and Kai rushed over to check on us.

Lia was staring at me with a bit of anger.

I wanted to see how bad the crash was.

I stood up and went after the bike.

to my surprise the bike seemed to had been fussed with the tree.