
I decided to get the resources first and let Kai come to pick up the survivors.

I told him where we should meet in 3 weeks.

I departed on my journey.

1 week later:

most of the shops have no food but they do have materials .

I pack them on in the shipping containers and leave them on the beach.

honestly I'm getting really tired of zombies so far I've killed 3,437 zombies but only 29 of them have blood pearls.

it's getting really annoying .

today I'm heading to gas station first thing in the morning, I want to get trailers filled with petroleum.

I search the whole area no zombie in sight .

I levitates 3 trailers filled with petroleum to the beach, and go back for the last one.

I step back, ready to lift the trailer , the next thing I saw a vision of myself falling .

I then hear cracks from the pavements.

the floor split open.

builders ,rocks, iron rods came crashing down.

into a pit filled with fuel.

the area is about 200meter .

I stood up but , something wasn't right, the floor was soft and squishy.

I scanned the area but it's was to dark.

I climbed the walls but it was slippery.

I'm at least 150 meter away from where I came from.

I tried to jump to see if I could grip a iron bar attached to another structure but it collapsed and nearly killed me.

after escaping it I heard a loud growling scream.

tentacles rapped around my body.

I was suffocating and my clothes where melting off me.

I used all my power to get a grip on any Sharp objects and pointed it at the monster .

I stabbed it multiple times.

it didn't like that at all, it threw me outside the pit, I hit a a concert wall.

I stood up and saw that my shirt was completely gone and bruises where around my body .

I feel like it broke a couple of my rips.

I removed twin sabers from my bag.

I controlled my breathing, light feet and strong arms.

the monster crawled out of it's hole into day light.

it was a giant octopus, and it was mad.

it shoot all it's tentacles at me, I easily cut the bone less piece of meat but the octopus just grew them back.

I looked at my blades and smelt them.

they where no salt based mixture in the creation of these blades.

but how come, I made them myself I take a closer look at the blades and saw Lia signature at the handel.

a tentacle swings at me knocking me off my feet.

I drop the blades and took out the guns.

I took aim and fired, my bullets where more useless.

I went back to pickup a saber and fight .

after countless stabbing and slashing I finally found the monsters weakness .

I was about to attack it when the octopus opened it beak and bit my arm, he crushed it.

before swallowing me.

the inside was wet, cold and slime like, I was killing the octopus from the inside, hopefully.

I cut open a part of the octopus and encountered it's rotten organs.

I looked for it's brain and cut of it's attached to the test of the body.

but the monster was still clearly alive.

it was trying to vomit me out.

then I started looking for it's power core.

I tore the beast open, but it would just heal itself.

then I felt my head touching something hard.

I use my arm to feel around it.

found it.

I ripped it out and shoved the black pearl into mouth.

a tentacle dragged me outside of the octopus.

and I was shocked.

but I realize something the beast was slowly dying.

before I could even react, I was throw into the forest, while crashing against multiple trees I finally landed on a hard surface before losing consciousness.

2 weeks later:

kai's POV:

it's been half a day and jade isn't back yet.

I removed my gloves and touched a nearby tree.

jade was hear at some point.

I walked around the beach area before getting blocked by containers.

I touch them all.

jade was the one that brought them so where is he I saw the path he used and followed it.

I was getting annoyed.

I took of my shoes and walked so I would always have to touch everything.

I traced his steps to different shops, car dealerships, malls and other places but no Jade.

I then follow his trace to a fuel station.

looks like a fight broke down here.

I moved closer and all my senses where hit with pictures and voice of jade.

I went inside and saw a giant octopus, it's as big as 3 floor building.

I backed up but then I looked a bit closer , it was dead.

I touched the beast and saw it throw jade into the distance.

how dare you bully jade.

I removed one of the bombs jinx gave me and shoved it inside it opened wounds.

I then walked after Jade, after getting to safe distance I blew up the octopus and within seconds the area around the gas station was on fire.

and I ran after Jade.

I encountered a wall.

a area surrounded by large trees which where put together by human activities.

the huge stumps had a sharp edge on top.

I carried one of the trees stump it was around my height and weights a lot.

I removed the piece and placed it back in it's place after entering .

I saw tents where set up .

it was an open area nothing to hide in.

I blended in with the crowed as much as possible.

jade was hear.

I followed his traces and ended up in a white tent.

I entered and saw jade on a dinning table, he was hooked up to an IV bag.

I went to his side, he wasn't hurt but his face was pale.

I then heard foot steps approaching, I grabbed a scalpel knife and waited .

I heard a couple of people say,

it's time to check on our puppet.

we still need him alive

that's right the mindless bastard should do our bidding.

he fell into our territory , and lost his memory.

he doesn't complain at all.

they then entered the tent.

I made sure to kill them all silently but very painful.

I lifted jade up and gave him a piggy back.

I knocked down the closest wall . I threw a bomb into.

and ran back to the boat.

after reaching the shipping boat I saw all the containers have been loaded onto the ship .

I rushed inside and told Mo to head back to Jaden island.

I went into the I dropped jade in our bedroom and went to the engine room and saw Lia.

I tied her up.

her hands and legs where detaches from her body.

I opened her mouth and made her swallow 13 bombs before activating it I threw her outside to swim with the fish.

then activated the bomb.

a small splash was made and I didn't even turn back.

I went to jade and saw that he was dirty and thin.

his unconscious body reminds me of the night where he wanted me to do it but later changed his mind.

what are you thinking about Kai.

I took him to the shower and held him up.

this is the first time we bathed together.

I couldn't bath him properly so I went into the tub.

I laid him there and washed him.

his hair grew a bit.

I then went on to wash his abdomen.

then his legs I lifted on of it up and saw he had a female private part underneath his own male private part.

the Virgina was in-between his members and butthole.

and it was bleeding.

actually at first I thought he was hurt but......

I called in Lora after covering up with some sheets.

she saw it and was shocked, she went back to her room and brought out pads.

she took an underwear from my bag and stuck a pad on it.

she then helped jade in wearing it.

afterwards we looked at each other.

Lora asked dis you know

I said no.

she then said but you have been together for 6 years.

I said jade is not a easy person to get with, it took 3 months for me to hug him, a year to kiss him .

so what makes you think he would let me easily f&#! him.

last time I tried he rejected me before I took off my clothes completely.

Lora then said alright it's enough.

I then said can you make a cup of coffee for me.

Lora flicked my head before saying on it bro.

days passed we where already in Jaden island.

I already assigned the 41 new members into there positions.

everyone has a role here.

the kids are getting anxious by the day.

but after a few days we where hit with some great news.

jade is awake .