
after evicting all the zombies we star to make a defense round the building.

broken cars , bus , trucks we will use them to form a wall around the building.

the hotel wasn't that big but it was large enough to fit over a hundred guest without issue.

we cleaned the place up.

it still ricks of rotten flesh but .

we gathered in the hotel lobby and prepared to sleep for the night .

but Tayo and jinx wanted to do a little exploring to see if they could find a nice pool area.

I told them to be careful and watch each other's back.

I was kinda drained from carry various heavy objects .

so I closed my eyes to relax a bit .

Tayo's perspective:

Thank, come on jinx lets go .

we went to the roof of the building.

are you ready Jinx .

the silent and empty roof began to get filled with a bit of pressure from jinx .

I got ready in my stance and dashed towards her.

I threw the first fist , it missed the target.

I had to admit, Jinx your flexibility is really superb .

i take out one of her legs and man did that hurt .

I felt like I hit a metal board.

we both collapsed in pain .

her calf was a bit red .

my foot was , I don't know , it just hurts.

my bones are irritated and won't let me move my feet.

my ankle is throbbing.

jinx was up within a few seconds but I was having trouble place my foot flat on the ground .

jinx carried me to Aunty Lora .

she was really shocked to see my disgusting throbbing feet.

I begged her to not tell our parents .

even jinx helped me beg her but , she said an injury like this , sorry kiddos but I can't Handel it .

we need Jade.

Lora called for our parents, but came back with only one of them , kai

Dad , wasn't too pleased with me .

he lifted my leg , I think he was checking if it was a broken bone , or fracture.

I don't really know .

he sighed and got up, he said, well jade is sleeping and emmm , there isn't anything I can do about this , bullet and knife wounds no Problem but this is out of my hands , I call your daddy.

Kai's POV:

I shook Jade to wake up , he wasn't really into that idea , I know he is tired from all the heavy lifting he did but I need him to wake up, I thought.

I told him that Tayo is hurt and , he didn't seem to bothered .

I then said your son is hurt.

he got up faster than a heartbeat.

but then slumped back, he stood up way too fast.

his half awake body struggled to stay on his feet .

after meeting up with Tayo.

his finger nails started turning into claws , he used a finger to slit his wrist and pushed his bloody wrist against Tayo's mouth.

and very coldly said , Drink IT .

Tayo sniffed a bit before sucking the blood from his wrist .

and slowly he healed .

after 3 minutes, Jade pulled away .

the fangs of Tayo was buried deep into jade's skin .

but he too started to heal up , much faster than Tayo.

he then pulled both Tayo and jinx into his arms before giving them a hard hit to the skull.

he watched them climb into there sleeping bags before doing the same.

I went to the roof to do my rounds , I was on watch duty , I watch the yacht and witness other survivors from afar .

they really aren't a lot of zombies around here .

from afar I see a large group of people, and a wild bone fire .

it's risky to be in such large groups .

maybe a hundred plus of them .

I went on observing the area .