Making a run for it

I was dragged into his tent .

the soldier leave before he could take off his pants .

I sneak a a small bottle out of my pocket .

a bottle . the size of a finger nail.

I popped it open and splashed it on his face .

I jumped on him the knocked him out .

I made sure to do permanent damage to his neck and make him unable to use his partner down there.

I grabbed a knife from his desk.

I sliced it off , which woke him up and I knocked him out again.

I took a good look at his office while making loud moans .

and occasionally hitting him so he took could moan in pain .

the poison I splashed into his mouth makes him paralyzed and effects his speech .

but he didn't moan lustfully so I shoved his dick into his mouth .

I have to disinfect my body later.

I fumbles through his cabinets and desk .

I finally found a couple of useful things in his stacks of naked women and men on magazines.

it was a list of candidates for an experiment.

they are testing a cure for zombies.

but as I continue, all the names of the candidate are labeled dead.

and the next batch is coming soon.

wait are the next batch US ?

this guys are psychos .

I then laid my eyes on a document , reporting the time of the bomb blast .

it 6 months from now if all runs smoothly.

first it's gonna be in China since the population of zombies is growing to fast .

and that's all, the info he received is too limited.

I wonder why, as I roll my eyes , no one who trust such a lust addicted man .

I searched his clothes for anything useful .

Nothing, but women's underwear.

how did he reach the position of a general .

know how can I leave this tent .

I get a throbbing message from Kai , my head , I told Kai to hypnotize the two guards out front and get Lora to get a speed boat so we can leave , tell everyone to follower her and tell jinx to lunch a bomb on the ships out coast .

I hate yo ditch the others but I can't do much right now .

after getting on the boat , I used my telekinesis to create a massive wave to push us far from the base camp.

the wave was a little too big it knocked us off course .

I tell David to fly up to see if he can spot any island or place we can stay .

a few hours later we hit a very sandy beach island.

the only food there was coconuts and bananas, the bananas aren't the ones which are edible, these ones are not yet modified.

I spend the whole trip back to Jaden island manipulating waves to push the boat cause we ran out of fuel a long time ago .

Mo and I spent the whole trip torturing our brain and eyesight.

it took us two weeks to get to Jaden island.

when we go there , I realized we forgot Leo and the kids.

I radioed Leo to tell snow to teleport you back home .

soon I saw a yacht on top of our heads, I used my powers to take it to the beach side .

Man I felt like I would break .

I went inside the cabin to get a nice relaxing cold shower.

I need to step up my game.

Mount Redoubt , that's our next destination.

after taking a shower I went to the watch tower turned on all the speakers .

and yelled we are going to Alaska.

why first, the zombies wouldn't making it past the cold weather.

there heart wouldn't be pumping blood anymore there joints will freeze and become stiff, the terrain is terrible.

no form of mankind for miles .

it's the only place left undisturbed and not yet conquered by mankind.

the only thing that can get to us is bears, wolves and wild animals no zombies.

and it's probably the last place the government would look for zombies and I already have a base there close to

Mount Redoubt .


I told everyone to hold onto something tight .

I ran over to Snow and got pictures of mount Redoubt lake where Jaden. island should land .

I told her to take the island there .

she looked up and I saw a large portal coming towards us .

it was expanding Soo fast .

but on the other side I saw mount Redoubt.

I smiled Snows power grows fast .

the portal swallows us whole .

.... after dropping from roughly a hundred meters I could finally open my eyes.

I look over to see snow passed out and twitching.

I rushed her to the medic bay .

see was given pain killers and something to calm her down .

I squeezed my hand . snow isn't gonna be using her powers for a while .

I instructed Kai to tell everyone to put on there winter clothes.

thick layers of clothes.

I moved garden island close to the other lands and mold them together .

I took my team to our base which was a short walk from here .

it was a nuclear proof , lab and storage facility.

it went on for miles beneath the ground.

I get all the animals into the farm section and basically .

this is our new home I guess ....

the kids are liking the snow .

they already made a Snow man Soo fast.

I sit by the massive lake wondering will things ever get back to normal .