snow people

The next day we got ready to move .

the crunchy snow was very annoying , every time we took a step we would give out our location. scaring or attracting animals .

we eventually entered a thick forest , we where heading to the closest town that was on the map .

we just wanted to know the state of things.

we moved in slow and quietly as we approached a camp site setting.

we hid in the bushes , covering our faces as to not be recognized or remembered , we watched from afar as we saw a group of survivor living out there new daily lives.

there camp site is rather close to town .

about 20 to 30 of them .

I wanted to have a chat but that would be a really bad idea .

I lead my team to go around them towards town .

the town we where in ruins .

over grow plants , and spiky bushes , snow everywhere.

we could see them warming up next to large bonfires .

they created a barrier from the rest of the town .

they looked at us in aww and disgust .

but they did hold on to there pride for long.

they fell at our feet begging for food and clean water .

since we have a lot of bear meat .

I told Darcy to give them the bear meat and we walked away .

but these people are shameless.

a man stood in front of me and started demanding I give him water he even used his cheap abilities to throw rocks at us .

Mo stopped all the rocks at once , he then raised the man up using powers.

his stupid friend started throwing rocks at us as well .

they where treating us to drop all our belongings.

I can't deal with humans ignorance.

but jinx was far worse than me .

see threw smoke bombs at them before forcing her way threw .

and shouting where is your leader , if you refuse to tell me , I will drop a bomb that will kill half of you and the other half will be eaten by zombies , I hear mutant bears are asleep right now , I wonder what will happen if I wake them up .

all of them squealed and scattered.

jinx : HEY, I'm not done where is your leader.

a man approached us from the crowed .

I went up to the young man and asked if they had any interest in trade .

a pack of salt and pepper with more bear meat for a nice big sturdy tent.

the leader : and ...

a flash light , with a pack of cigarettes.

leader : deal .

we took our tent and we where on our way .

slaughtering zombies left and right .

harvesting them and kept on going .

usually I would like to sleep in high places but now the town is kids shaking.

but not complete useless.

we slept on top of a restaurant .

on the roof .

it was flat luckily.

we ate bear jerky and soup before calling it lights out.

Darcy is on watch duty .

I didn't sleep much that night I was up planning . how are we gonna convince them not lunch the bombs or how are we gonna stop the bombs if they end up lunching it .

I need to breathe.

I left camp to stroll around the town , braking all zombies corpses open .

I felt pressured by everything.

why do I do these , wouldn't it be easier to just hide my loved once away forever .

I could just use the submarine to say underwater forever .

I kick corpse around and random trash cans and various items .

I hate it .

I miss home .

I squat down. on the pavement and wish upon the full moon .

I want things to be back to normal .

CRaCK ...

I stand up instantly , and glare at my opponent.

I could see them but I know where they stood.

I levitated some rusty cars and lunched it at them .

but they managed to escape .

I felt a large sum of killing intent .

I rush at them with a powerful punch but , then flew straight up .

I missed them .

I have to warn the others .

I tap my pockets looking for my walkie talkie and I didn't bring it .

I rush towards the camp site before then stopping midway to go in the opposite direction .

I was being chased .

various burst of attacks where coming at me all at once .

I think they are about 5 of them .

I was trying to attack back when I dodged an incoming ice crystal .

but I didn't notice on time , and a girl used a whip to catch my leg and pull me down.

I tried to remove it but I got shocked into last year .

and she just kept on pulling soon the others joined her .

I tried to flee but the shock I was receiving was no joke .