notice; a long break

Dear readers , thank you for taking your time to read this . I know it's kinda too soon but , I'm going on another break , schools back in session and now I'm a senior, and I have to prepare and study ahead to pass my college entrance exams .

honestly this exam make me shiver , I'm scared and I don't know if I am able to tackle it , but for now I want to give it my all .

I now I'm a good A student but .... Math , English and Biology are my biggest obstacles right now .

the other subject I have a good foundation in , but recently it's come to my attention that Math and Biology are giving me a hard time .

my English is making progress , but in still worried.

my father is very strict and , he want me to be really serious, he hates seeing a B in my report card .

I'm sorry but I have to take a break and focus on my studies .

see you ...