Members of the Harem (this part of the chapter will be updated every time a new member joins the harem):
Ty Lee.
Toph Beifong.
Below is the original text that was used in the first vote.
After I counted the voices of the people, I came to the conclusion that I hate y'all. Although I chose to count each vote from all the comments myself (if it was not repeated twice).
So, the results, from last place to first!
Kanna - unanimous nope.
Katara - 1 + 1 (chap comments) = 2
No one - 1 = 1
June - 2 + 1 (chap comments) = 3
Suki - 3 = 3
Mai - 3 = 3
Yue - 7 = 7
Azula - 17 + 1 (Ty Lee comments (you fucktwat, I will find out where you live and eat everything from your fridge. Even the stale cheese. Especially the stale cheese.)) + 3 (chap comments) = 21
Toph - 18 + 4 (chap comments) = 22
Ty Lee - 23 + 4 (chap comments) = 27
I was tempted to add another point to Azula because my boy MrMike voted for her, but that would be a little rude to everyone else. In the end, everyone's favorite Ty Lee wins! A round of applause, please!
From the very first day, I was expecting something like this, so I have a good idea how Ty Lee will meet Michael.