Chapter 2, What a night.

Jack quietly opened the window to see what Sky was going to do, "Its your choice." Sky nodded, she counted her coins then put them back in her bag then into her pocket. "You know, ever since we met I've always had this one thought in my head, why? Why care for me?...I'm just an outcast hex, even the people in bounds think I am. So if people call me a hex, then I'll be one...Al doesnt want me around after I nearly 'killed' him. You showed me how much of a disappointment I am so...Ill just go and be the reckless deviant I am!" Sky began walking away, towards the city and Jack watched her with sorrow in her eyes. Gidget looked at her, "Is she really leaving?" Jack sighed, "...Ill give her a couple hours, if shes not back I'm going to find her." Al looked confused, "So you were never going to let her leave for good?" Jack turned, "Of course not! ...She's apart of this family, and until I hear that she doesnt want apart of it any longer then I'll let her leave."

Sky walked through alleyways to shortcut her way into the city. When she walked into the city their were bright colored lights everywhere, including a bright sign saying 'Welcome to the city of Idophos'. Sky walked passed a group of girls that stared at her, she couldnt help but glance back and blush. Sky wasn't used to it yet, she only snuck into the city twice. But this time she wasnt sneaking, The Bounds has never been this bright and local. Her town is always dark and gloomy, people dont often come for nice visits. Idophos is so much better, at least in Sky's eyes and many more people that actually live there. Sky walked passed some people and talked to others, no one knows she lives in the bounds.

This one girl caught her eye, she looked wealthy and high priced. The girl was walking with what seemed to be her parents, they looked in wealth too. The girl glanced at Sky and made a disgusted face, Sky rolled her eyes and looked away. "Yeah go ahead look at me that way Ms.Priss." She kept walking and looking around, she saw a restaurant that screamed the name good food. As soon as she stepped inside she was pulled aside, "Excuse me, we don't allow...people like you in this fine establishment. What even is your name?...If you have one." Sky could hear people laughing in the back. "Listen here you little-" "Are we having a problem?" This tall man walked up, it was the man she saw earlier. The girl was standing behind him, Sky couldnt help but stare at her. "My eyes are up here Mrs." He said, he towered over her. "Ugh- Retched people like you belong in the rubbish. Why dont you leave and let us non-filthy folk go into this fine establishment...we dont need outcasts like you ruining this place." Sky burst out laughing, people in the background looked at her in silence. "...look I get it, you dont want hex's like me walking into this fancy place but what you dont realize is...your filthy too." She spit on his shoe, everyone gasped even the girl behind him. Sky ran away as soon as possible while laughing. "YOU RETCHED HEX!" He yelled, he wanted to follow her but he took off his shoes and threw them away. The girl looked behind her, she smiled a little but stopped as soon as she realized what she was doing.

A few hours passed and Jack was still looking out the window, she then sighed. "Is Al asleep?" Copper stood beside her, looking out aswell. "Yes, Al and Gidget are both asleep...are you going to look for her?" Jack put on a jacket with the hood over her head. "Yes, watch the house while I'm gone." Copper nodded and hugged her, "Stay safe Jackal." She nodded and headed out the door. Copper walked into everyones room, which everyone shared, and watched as Gidget and Al slept.

Once Jack got there she roamed the city until she stopped hearing a grown man shouting. "That little hex, how dare filth like that spit on my shoes! Destiny, go buy me some new ones!" The girl, Destiny, nodded and did as she was told. Jack locked her eyes on Sky who was drinking what seemed to be unholy mix. Jack sighed, "Sky what have you gotten yourself into, making wealthy people angry, gambling, and now drinking?" She muttered keeping her eyes on her.

Sky chugged the beverage with people cheering around her, "Thats how the bounds do it!" Jack kept her hood on and grabbed Sky's arm. "Skyler, its time for you to leave." Sky smacked her hand away, "Your no fun, Jackal...Im much fun and your here to ruin it? Lighten up Jack!" Jack yanked her out of the crowd, "Were going home!" Sky tried to pull away, "I already said I'm leaving!" Jack held onto her, "What are you exactly leaving too? Your new best buds you hang out with while your drunk? Next thing you know their beating the crap out of you and criticizing you! Thats what people do in this dump, on the outside they seem fun but on the inside their laughing and not with you, at you." Sky stumbled and fell on top of Jack. She put her arm over her shoulder to walk her back. Halfway through the alleyways, Jack heard a whistle but ignored it. "Hey cutie! Wanna have a drink?" She kept walking and didnt stop the man followed and quickly stepped infront of her and thats when she stopped. Jack put Sky gently down, "I dont want a drink now get out of my way." The man smirked, "I dont think I ever gave you a choice." Before the man could do anything, Jackal had a knife to his throat, "Listen, I would rather go home with just my freind then go home with your blood all over me got it?" The man backed away, "It seems this is a misunderstanding, I dont want trouble." Jack kept the knife in her hand, "Then leave." And with that the man left, Jack continued with Sky back home.

When they got home Jack placed her in a chair and gave her a glass of water. She felt her head to check her tempature, "Drink the water to help get you fever down, then you'll sleep in the basement instead of our room. You'll have a bucket beside you because I know you'll need it sometime tonight and definately in the morning." Jack checked their room to see Copper had already fallen asleep. When she walked back in the kitchen, Sky already passed out with the water spilt and the glass in her lap. Jack sighed and put the cup up, she then picked Sky up and carried her down in the basement nearly tripping over a step. She placed her on the long couch with a blanket on top and a bucket beside her. Then Jack finally sat down beside her and got some rest for the rest of the night.

The bounds: the town Sky lives in.

Idophos: the city Sky snuck too.

Unholy mix: a very strong alcoholic beverage.