Identity Crisis

After clicking Y a virtual screen appeared in front of me.

—Status Page—

Spirit Gathering rank 0

Name: unknown

Race: Black Panther (newborn)

Gender: Female

"What? Female? What the F#%k? How am I a girl? This can't be real there has to be a mistake, let me check… Oh dear Goddess my jewels are gone, no package, it's gone I can't believe it's gone! Ok… Ok, calm down. Let's just see the rest of it."

Health points 5

Spirit Points 0

Stamina 1

Strength 0

Dexterity 0

Agility 0

Intelligence 3 (-1)

Wisdom 3 (-1)

Charisma 3

Luck 5

Cultivation points: 0/25

"Wait what kind of stats are these, a rabbit could kill me!"


—-a non-cultivated ant could kill you at this moment—-

"Thanks for the clarification!"


—-Intimidation Lvl 2 (locked until 1st evolution)

With the right look or hateful glare, many will stop in their tracks

Effects: Once the skill is cast target loses 25% of the host's Strength from their strength stat.

Cost: 5 Spirit Points—


—Hateful Cub: (locked until 1st evolution)

Host's hatefulness has reached new heights the host's mere presence can bring discomfort and/or fear to their hearts.

Effects: this title grants the host the skill intimidation Lvl 2, while deducts 2pts from the host's charisma (no one likes a hateful Cub)—-

"You can't be serious! A -2 to charisma, crap I need to be careful in what I say, or I can end up being shunned by everyone."

—Status Effects—

Identity crisis: Host is confused about her identity, this confusion leads to distress, this distress causes strain on mental capacities wisdom -1 intelligence -1.

The status will remain in effect until the host comes to terms with and understands her true identity.—-

"What kind of status effect is this! Just because I'm confused. How would I not be confused, just a few moments ago, I was a man!" Ah hell, with these stats what can I even do.

—New daily Quest: Latch On

You are still a newborn, and all you can do now is eat and sleep. Host must latch on and get mother's milk. Drink milk until satisfaction. This is a daily quest available until 1st evolution.

Rewards: 5 cultivation points—-

I reluctantly looked up and saw a massive white panther shaded slightly blue laying on her side exposing her nipples for latching on to. I also saw my new brothers and sisters already partaking in our mothers milk. Oddly enough they were white as well. "I wonder why I'm the only one that's different. I hope this isn't going to be a repeat of my previous life. Well let's get this over with. This is so weird at least in my last life, I wasn't aware of it when I was Brest fed." Then I climbed over my siblings heading straight to my mother's nipples latching on.

Wow this milk is the best milk I have ever tasted, I can't believe I was even hesitant of this. After this I couldn't get enough, I drank until my mother ran dry.

Just as I was about to lay back and sleep fully satisfied, I felt something grab me on the back of my neck. Before I could freak out or respond I noticed it was none other than my mother lifting me, and placing me right in front of her. My mother said "well then my child, since you have had your fill what shall I name you? Hmm Black fur, as black as night. So unique and so beautiful, I will call you Mishi Yoru. My sweet Mishi your sisters are going to be so jealous of your midnight fur. Now rest and continue to grow."

—-Congratulations : you have completed your daily quest "latch on" you have gained 5 cultivation points. 5/25 cultivation points until your next level.—-

—-Congratulations, you have been named. Names are more than just labels, they influence your abilities, and potential as well—

—Yuro: meaning night, your black midnight fur makes you nearly impossible to see at night, but fully exposed during the day.

Effects: gain skill midnight prowler, gain skill shadow cloak.—

—Midnight Prowler—

—all creatures are 50% less likely to spot you at night, and 50% more likely to find you during the day. If you attack while unnoticed you gain a 50% bonus to attack damage. This is a passive skill and is always active.—

Well it looks like I'll be safer at night, but the daytime is going to suck.

—Shadow cloak:—

—Even during the day, you may have some protection, cloak yourself with shadows, and as long as you are in the midst of a shadow, your skill Midnight Prowler is negated for all debuffs. You gain an extra 50% chance of staying hidden. If you are not in the shadow the debuff from Midnight Prowler stays in effect. All is not lost, although you can easily be seen, it would be difficult for enemies to pinpoint your exact location granting you a plus 50% chance to dodge. —

—This is an active skill that reduces max Spirit Points by 5 points until it is deactivated.

MishiPeshu : Cat Goddess

Description: ????

Effects: ?????—

This will definitely make up for the debuff making it easier to survive during the daytime, but I will need to up my spirit points to make sure I'm not defenseless during the daytime. System why don't I have any Spirit points, doesn't my intelligence and wisdom grant me any SP (spirit points)

Authors Note: from now on Spirit Points will be shortened to SP.

——————————————————————-Response: Yes you do have intelligence and wisdom stats, it's a shame it can't be noticed by host's words or actions. Please note that each point of intelligence grants 5 points to SP, and each point of wisdom grants 0.5 points of SP recovery per minute.....


With annoyance in my voice I said "Then why don't I have any points." This system is really trying my patience, but I better hold my tongue, I don't know what other title my mouth would bring me.

—————————————————————————Response continued: Host should wait for System to finish, unless Host would like a new Title Baka(idiot) added.


With a half hearted smile I said "Please continue my all mighty system"

—Response: As Host hasn't gone through 1st evolution SP is currently locked.——

"I Guess that explains it, but MishiPeshu, why is my previous life's surname, and current first name combined as one"

—Response: The host does not meet the needed requirements to access this information.—

"Ah to hell with it, I'm sure I'll get there soon enough"