Alastair Peacekeeper

During the old age, when kings fought for land and power and the lands were filled with injustice it seemed that mankind would never recover, but one night when the sky was at its darkest, a bright borealis shined on all the lands. It surprised all the people that saw it but many felt a strange power by it. When the night passed people started having strange abilities, some could shoot fire out of their hands, some were able to fly and some were able to wield magic. It almost seemed like everyone had these abilities. Many of these people used these powers to improve their life and it seemed like the villages and towns that suffered from the kingdoms fights were now able to somewhat recover. But where their are gifts their are consequences. Many kingdoms started fighting each other with these new born powers, their were thieves who could now attack villages with ease, The strangest thing was that monsters were spotted all across the land , pale white beings with strong muscle and 3 eyes ,arms and legs .Their were many types of these monsters and it was also found that they would attack humans. To prevent this madness and end these evil , A new organization was formed known as the peace keepers. They were honorable knights from all kingdoms formed to protect the lands from all threats. They would act as negotiators for peace between kingdoms, they would arrest those that threaten human life and fight for safety of all. These knights were led by one man, who taught these men how to use their power for good , how to improve on them. Thanks to him many battles ended with peace and their was peace along the land for many years.

8 years after the Borealis event: Alastair had gone to his hometown to attend a friends wedding. The Peacekeeper headquarters were busy as ever especially since some of the majors had to do Alastair's work. One of these majors was carrying documents while quickly walking along the hallway. While thinking to himself *damn that Alastair, he never gets his reports on time and then stacks up all the work for me to do* the major says as he enters Alastair's office and places it on a desk. As he sighs after seeing the mountain of paperwork, he gets called from behind," Hey Marco what's up ?'. Marco looks behind to see a blonde solider with glasses calling him and replies" oh nothing just fixing Alastair's messes again, one of these days I'm gonna drag him here and make him do his work." The blonde solider makes a worried face" your that mad huh, well why don't you tell him to do his work". Marco lets out another sigh " His good at fighting and the power and secrets he has to keep along with the people's safety is already a burden he has to carry, I don't want him to feel more burdened into doing his work" as he remembers how Alastair improved the peacekeepers and taught him the way of the Peacekeepers. His blonde friend smiles after knowing how much he cares about his friends. But Marco grabbed a piece of paper and started crumbling it " but if he thinks he can keep running from his work every-time his got another thing coming" Marco says with anger while the blonde friend laughs nervously.

Meanwhile in a village far away , a wedding was taking place, all the villagers were happy dancing and singing. While a man in new clothes was in the town square looking worried" Come on where is he" the man said to himself while looking around as if he was waiting for someone. Soon galloping sounds could be heard and the man turned around to see a brown horse running at him with speed, as soon as it got closer the man was worried that it would hit him but the horse stopped right before it could hit him and a rider wearing a hood was scene holding it back. The man looked at the rider and then gave a sigh" I should've known it was you Alastair". The man gave a smile while pulling his hood back " damn i really wanted to give you a surprise on your wedding day." Alastair said . He was large well built man with blonde hair and a small beard, his smile was something that would light up someone's day. As he got off from his horse the man noticed two knights were running at them."what did you do this time" the man said to Alastair , who then noticed the two knights running towards them and then shrugged "not anything note worthy" Alastair replied.When the knights reached them one of them turned to Alastair while gasping for air" Mr Alastair , we told you , no horse riding in public areas". Alastair just smiled" oh come on guys , i just wanted to surprise an old friend, right Alex." Soon the knights took away Alastair's horse with a warning, This made Alex realize something"speaking of surprises you still have that thing i gave you for safekeeping," That made Alastair remember something and he started rummaging through his pockets and took out a small box" don't worry I bought it with me" he said as he gave Alex the box. Alex then opened the box to find a diamond ring inside it and then gave off a sigh of relief. But his expression was still worrisome as if he was still concerned about something. Alastair noticed this and patted on his shoulder" hey everything alright, you look worried,". Alex snapped out of whatever he was thinking about and stared at him, after a while he replied" yeah I'm fine just thinking about something." Alastair gave off a confused look and asked again"about what". Alex then sighed realizing Alastair wont let it go" I'm just worried , I'm getting married today and i don't know if I'll be a good husband for her." Alastair stood their silently after hearing this and then smacked Alex's back hard" Are you serious" he yelled ,which surprised Alex as his friend continued" Both that girl and you were in love from the beginning and to impress her parents you became this cities best scholar" Alastair yelled with excitement and pride ," you my friend are gonna be the best husband that girl is gonna get and if you mess up, or berate yourself, ill come over and kick your ass, to set you straight". This made Alex smile" thanks , I needed that pep talk" ,he then heard church bells and realize the wedding is about to start

" come on Alastair we're gonna be late" he looked back at his friend who was staring into the woods.But for Alastair the reason he was staring into the woods was because he felt something sinister ,something dark staring at him. "Alastair come on we are gonna be late" Alex shouted at him. Alastair looked back at him"yeah yeah I'm coming"

and looked back at the woods.That sinister feeling was gone , it was for a moment but Alastair felt something and now it was gone.He tried not to dwell on it and started walking to the church with his friend.

But deep in the forest a creature of pale white skin and emerald green eyes was staring at Alastair, the creature had strange dismantled teeth with a green thick solution coming out of it, and whatever the solution was caused the greenery it came in contact with to die. The cloak it wore had a symbol on it which was helping it from being detected and an orb on its waist. It grabbed the orb ans spoke into it" Master he is at the village as planned".

And the suddenly a dark and deep voice emitted from the orb"Good,soon we will burn down the symbol of justice and his legacy , stand by for attack".