Alastair and Will got ready for another round against the salamander duo , Alastair's axe disappeared and 2 short sword's appeared in its place. The blades had similar engravings on their handles but had different shades of color over them , one had grey mist color on it and the other had an oceanic blue color on it. Malfus growled as he readied to attack again while Draco looked annoyed at how the situation was progressing. Malfus then quickly rushed to attack Alastair , which slightly surprised Draco as his brother didn't coordinate with him.
Malfus went straight for Alastair raising his right axe at him, but Alastair was ready for him this time, and raised his blades to block his attacks, he would use both blades to deflect the axe blows away, Will realizing that Malfus was distracted tried to take aim at him to give Alastair an opening or at the very least damage Malfus but his shot blocked by Draco who simply blocked the arrow by standing in front of it. Draco grinned as he dragged his spear along the ground and spoke with menacing tone" Interesting, you humans are as weak as your weapons". As he finished his sentence , Draco thrusted his spear at Will who in the nick of time was able to block it using his bow , which surprised Draco, since Bows mostly require to be light and weak for better mobility but Wills bow was strong enough to block his attack and not break
. He stepped back in caution to any other tricks, As he pointed at the bow with his spear, " What Weapon is that ?".Will made a smug look , which annoyed Draco a little, Will then ran his finger over the area the spear struck , only a small mark was shown there indicating how dense the bow was" Its red plywood, the most durable and light wood here" Will said praising his weapon as he continued" Although it wasn't easy making this , shaping it bending it hell I've enchanted it twice just for flexibility ,thanks to Alastair and all this dumb thing can do is fire arrows at minimum ranges" . Will said venting on the frustration's of his bows shortcomings, as an average bow can shoot 30 to 40 yards, while his bow with all the enchantments and grinding could only cover 25 yards, meaning he has to plan his shots or get close enough for them to be effective. Draco did not care for Wills frustrations as he charged him while he was distracted , but will reacted in time and quickly reloaded his bow firing one straight at Draco's chest. Although the arrow didn't pierce Draco it still pushed him away which surprised him. He looked back at Will clutching his chest* That was not a normal arrow* he thought.
Will pointed to a few stones on the bow while continuing to explain about his bow" Like I said enchantments , unfortunately for you mine use air bust magic to boost the initial velocity of the arrow." Draco picked up his axe and got ready to attack agitated this time" I do not care , I'll rip your head off either way". As Draco and Will fought , Alastair was holding his own against Malfus well enough, parrying his thrust with the short blades while making sure not to give Malfus any openings. Malfus tried a sweep attack but Alastair jumped over him and kneed him in the face, causing Malfus to stagger as he held his face." This is your last warning , surrender and go back to where you came from." Alastair said with a menacing tone, even though these monsters murdered his friends and attacked the bases, he couldn't risk the lives of Marco, Will and the rest of the people. Malfus looked at Alastair with anger and replied" surrender to you ? you humans must be used to your pathetic excuse of grandeur. by then end of today you and your pathetic kind will be a footnote in the acolytes empire".
As Malfus said this he slammed his spear on the ground causing the clouds to turn grey, Soon lightning began falling from the sky and struck Malfus spear causing an explosion ,fighting ceased between Marco and acolytes as everyone watched the explosion. Soon the smoke cleared and Malfus appeared , his scales now darker and bigger, along with larger muscles and a larger jaw. Malfus then pointed his spear at Alastair firing lightning directly at him, who tried to block it with both his blades, Although the blades were able to take the majority of the blast , the pushback was greater causing Alastair's defense stance to break, and before he could recover a blade went through his shoulder, causing Alastair to grunt in pain. When Alastair checked the area where he was stabbed , their were blades on his wounds almost as if it had vanished. Malfus smiled showing his spear had also changed , it now looked like a trident, with electricity emitting from it. Malfus then stabbed the air in front of him several times, Alastair stared at him with confusion and then realized it was an attack he quickly tried to block it with his swords but still received some cuts on his thighs causing Alastair to fall on one knee . Malfus smiled" Don't worry we still need you alive to extract the gifts , but rest assured ill make sure I will skin your allies alive as you watch especially that human you came here to visit, " Alastair's eyes widened when he heard them mention Alex. " I'll make sure to give you a show with him when we are extracting you" Malfus continued as he raised his spear and about to knock Alastair with the flat side but Alastair quickly ducked under it, grabbed one of his swords and stabbed Malfus in the thigh. Malfus screamed in pain and used his other leg to move back so that Alastair couldn't do a follow up . As he tried to grab the blade it emitted electricity similar to his . " what... what is this" he said growling at Alastair who got up and picked up his second blade which was sparking off the same electricity. Alastair Smiled" The blades I summoned are known for copy magic, once they've been hit by any magic they absorb and produce it as their own. and right now your thunder magic is stunning your legs." Malfus grew furious and used his wings to fly and shouted" My wings are more then enough to take you down "He flew straight at Alastair with his spear aimed directly at him. Alastair stood still raising his sword and as soon as Malfus was a few feet away from him pointed his sword straight at Malfus chest. It almost seemed like both of them would collide but Alastair would be stabbed by the spear first, but Alastair did not move inviting Malfus with the attack, as Alastair's body was seconds away from contact ,Alastair spoke in an ominous voice as "Intactilis" and all of a sudden the spear went through him but it did not effect him , even Malfus passed through him instead of colliding, Alastair's entire body was transparent and as soon as their bodies separated, Alastair was back to normal and quickly turned to stab Malfus in the chest and as Malfus was moving to fast caused the blade to move through his torso. causing green liquids to fall out as he fell over. Malfus fell down as he was bleeding barely breathing, his eyes looking at Alastair "Bastard" he said with a weak voice, as his blood was coming out of his mouth as well." Alastair looked at Malfus with pity" you were a good fighter but your anger and ego were your downfall" Alastair said turning away from Malfus . As he walked away Malfus used all of his strength for one final attack, he grabbed his spear and tried to plunge it at Alastair who just stepped to the side, easily dodging the spear, and countered by using his two blades to slash at his chest and cut off one of his wings. This attack dealt the final blow to Malfus , as his body fell on the ground .Draco saw this and fell into rage as he ignored Will and ran straight at Alastair screaming with rage. Alastair saw this and raised his short sword preparing for another fight although he was still tired from the last fight and was still recovering from the wounds. But Will acted fast and loaded tow arrows on his bow, While pulling one of them he muttered something which caused runes to appear on the arrow, as Will fired the arrow , Draco already knew he was about to attack so he stopped to block the arrow making sure not to let his guard down he had one of his eyes on Will while the other on Alastair. But as soon as the Arrow flew half way the tunes activated and caused the arrow to go upwards, Draco smiled and though* even with their gifts they don't know how to use special magic*. Will then fired the second arrow quickly straight at Draco aiming towards his eye, The arrow flew with great speed but before the arrow could hit him in the eye Draco grabbed it , showing off his speed and strength but he then noticed the arrow tip. It was a small sack attached to the tip, this confused Draco as a soft surface on an arrow doesn't make any sense until he smelt something coming from the sack and then he realized what it was but before he could react the sack exploded with shrapnel piercing on his hard skin. When the explosion cleared Draco was bleeding badly with one shrapnel piece stuck in his eye but he was still standing looking at Will," you think that was enough to stop me, a pathetic excuse for explosion, I am the vanguard of the acolytes I've faced bigger and more serious threats then a coward who fights behind his allies." Will just stood their silently and responded " That arrow was never meant to kill you , the first one was" . That's when Draco felt it as he looked up and saw the first arrow coming straight for him, he tried to move but couldn't , his whole body was being unresponsive. "Oh and just so you know those shards were dipped with a paralysis agent I use" Will yelled to him. So Draco could just stand there doing nothing but he remembered* Wait his arrows didn't pierce my armor before * and with this though he was confident in being able to withstand the attack of the arrow which was falling straight towards him, until Will muttered another spell" Coactus Deinceps" and the rune at the feathered end of the arrow started glowing as a large gust of wind sped the arrow , before Draco could realize what happened the arrow pierced through his eye all the way into his neck killing him instantly. Alastair looked at Will and smiled" thought you were going rusty with your shots" with which responded " says the guy who cant even keep his swords on hand. Malfus was laying on the ground as his life was seeping away , saw as his brother fell and looked at Alastair with rage and could only think of what he wished to say* I don't care how many decades pass, I don't care how deformed I grow I swear on my life and my brothers i Will rip you apart and everyone you ever cared for and loved , this is my oath and I will wait as long as I have to in order to fulfill it*. Alastair felt a cold chill behind his back but just thought it was the after effects of the battle with Malfus as he drank a health potion will threw at him. When he was finished drinking , Clapping could be heard from the Acolyte camp, as Azaroth was amused by the events that took place in front of him. " you impress me Alastair, even a lowly human being able to use a speck of the gifts is no small task." Alastair just stared at Azaroth with anger not forgetting what he did to his Allies, Alastair had fought many battles and wars but he had never met anyone as cruel as Azaroth someone who would have pleasure from slaughtering innocents and cruelly displaying it as a trophy, But Azaroth continued to speak " But lets see if you can use these gifts to their full strength " he said as he nodded to a monster with black spiked armor and a head similar to a boar, it was obvious that this man was a high ranking officer for the acolytes as he walked to a sack and pulled out something , Alastair couldn't see what it was but Will could see with far sight and what he saw shocked him he looked at Alastair" its one of our men". Alastair looked at him with surprise and then back at the general who was carrying the Peacekeeper by the neck. The general placed the mans head on a tree stump while two Imps with wings held his head down there with a collar attached to 2 rods. Azaroth smiled as he spoke" now then lets see if your resolve will allow you to save your ally".