
Both Warriors clashed in the forest creating shockwaves throughout the area. Azaroth's Army could not intervene as both titans would easily destroy anyone who came near them during this conflict. Alastair with his Halberd would swing with strength that could cut diamonds in a single blow but Azaroth was prepared for a fight and his round shield was made of a strange gray metal that was absorbing all of Alastair's attacks . Every collision with the Halberd was also causing it to slowly turn red like it was heating up. Azaroth also had a sword with markings and the stilt was oddly sharp. Alastair although angry and still not used to this new form of his , still knew to avoid any attacks from that sword since the dagger from before already indicated that Azaroth will use whatever underhanded methods to win.

Azaroth was well skilled with the sword as well as he would try to get quick pokes in with his sword, but Alastair was able to block the attacks with side stepping and using the halberds pole to deflect some attacks away. He then had an idea and waited for Azaroth to attack again , at which he deflected the attack away and then swept the Halberd under his leg, causing Azaroth to fall. Alastair then continued the momentum of his halberd as he spun around and tried to to chop Azaroth . But Azaroth quickly pulled his shield up to block it but that was exactly what Alastair wanted to happen. As the strike instantly cracked Azaroth's Shield and caused it to break, followed by Alastair then kicking Azaroth away in order to prevent a counter attack.

Azaroth now angry with this action got up , tightly gripping his sword and staring down Alastair as he spoke with anger, "you will pay for that" and yells out a blood curdling roar that even made Alastair cover his ears. Some imps and goblins from Azaroth's army also died from there eardrums rupturing. When the roar ended , Alastair looked up to see , Azaroth was right in front of him with his sword raised readying to strike. Alastair realized it was too late to dodge so he used the pole to block the strike, however Azaroth attacked with such strength that not only was the Halberds pole broken but a bit of Alastair's Armor also got hit between , creating a small wound. Alastair backed away to check what ailment the sword would do, but to his surprise he felt nothing, he even ran his fingers through his wounds to see his blood but it was normal.

Azaroth noticed this and laughed," Do not be afraid Alastair , I no longer need meager trick's to defeat you" Azaroth said ," For your fate had been sealed the second my dagger entered your body." Alastair was confused and asked angrily " Stop speaking in riddles and say what your trying to say demon." Azaroth picked up the dagger used on Alastair from the ground and showed Alastair the blade, the extra blades were pointing out still making the dagger look like a strange fork with blood drenched on them. Alastair stared at the dagger closely and saw the runes drawn on it were burning with a larger one circular rune slowly losing losing parts of it, like it was counting down.

" I knew that you humans can have moments of extreme adrenaline and no longer feel pain, it is a fantastic biological reaction my vizier found while experimenting on studying your kind." Azaroth said , making Alastair more enraged with the fact that they had been torturing innocent humans for some time." So it was expected that your adrenaline would be enough to aid you in removing the blade, however the runes drawn on it were made by using a forbidden art my kind had abandoned, as it required the sacrifice of a 100 Nobel souls. However such a foolish trait does not exist in my kind so we have your men to thank for this final step." This sent Alastair into a fury who charged Azaroth while summoning a decorated spear in his hand, however Alastair felt slower and his body felt heavier all of a sudden , as Azaroth sidestepped away and then immediately smacked Alastair away with the back of his hand sending him flying back . Alastair felt exhausted and his body felt like it was being held down and losing its strength. " the runes represent your life span and when it loses its light , so will you lose your life" Azaroth spoke as the runes on the dagger were slowly becoming dim " In 5 minutes I will finally return the gifts to the rightful owner and make sure that the rest of your insignificant kind are reminded of there place in all of this" As he says this his army starts chanting and praising him from behind showing Alastair the threat these monsters posed to humanity.

Frustrated with the realization of what could happen if he failed , Alastair slowly got up breathing heavily as his entire body was in pain, part of him wanted to give up but if he fell right now all his friends would be left in the hands of that monster. Azaroth cackled when he saw Alastair was still trying to face him " you really are desperate for you end ,aren't you ?" Azaroth said as a Giant fang like blade emerged in his hand " Then again there will be no problems once I'm rid of you, as your legacy end here humans will forever live there miserable and foolish existence under the acolytes rule" . Alastair gave a small laugh as he finally was able to stand on his own "That's where your wrong " which confused Azaroth as he looked at Alastair whose armor was showing bruises and stared at him with silence. " Humans may make mistakes but they learn to better themselves from those mistakes. They are children who can rise to greatest heights given the moment like the knight who fought you." Azaroth felt the energy in Alastair change , as if he was talking to a completely different person. His eyes then opened realizing what had happened as he spoke in malice

" So... you combined yourself to this vessel ... Brother". Alastair looked at him directly with one eye being Alastair's normal brown colored eye while the other was similar to Azaroth's dark pupils but had a light color . " I already knew it was you who gifted these fools with the gifts but to merge yourself with them , you truly have gone mad ". Azaroth said with rage realizing that his brother was the reason Alastair had so much strength compared to other humans.

"The Gifts were always meant for them , you just disliked the fact that humans would be considered our equal " . Alastair spoke in a voice which was his and felt like another at the same time. Azaroth angered to hear this struck some rocks near him sending them flying towards Alastair who simply created a shield which stopped the rocks in front of him followed by Azaroth roaring " We are Gods compared to these vermin, but you and the Elders were so adamant in using the crystals of Eden on them that you would not listen to reason" . This made the being in Alastair feel sorrowful as he replied" And for that you slaughtered our people with your abominations and tried to steal the crystals" . Azaroth replied ," and yet when I came for it , you had already destroyed most of them while using the rest on humans." Blood was slowly coming out of Alastair's mouth as the voice spoke to him in his head * Alastair I fear your body may not last long*. Alastair had already known about the being in his head ,this voice had been him with Alastair the day he got his powers and guided and taught him how to use his powers. Alastair responded * I know , there's only one way to stop them* . The Voice realized what he meant and tried to persuade him against it * There must be another way, if you do it not even I can save you*.

Alastair took a huge breath as he spoke this time " Then that just means that its time to pass on the torch". Azaroth who was annoyed with these events replied " What are you and my brother babbling about ?".

He then looked at the dagger and smiled " It doesn't matter anymore " The final part of the rune was slowly dimming out indicating that Alastair's life will end in a few minutes . But suddenly the air went cold as both of Alastair's hands started glowing and emanating white light. Azaroth though this was there final attempt at an attack so he raised his sword to block it. He did not want to let his guard down even close to victory. As Alastair raised both of his hands preparing to attack, the light from his hands disappeared as he fell on his knees. Azaroth looked at him closely and realized that Alastair had no energy in his body anymore and started laughing wildly " What a Shame , it seems the Human's fate was to die powerless after all". Alastair smiled as he said "look behind , you idiot". Azaroth suddenly realizing that the attack was never coming from the front quickly turned back to see a gigantic portal opening behind him.

The portal was quite wide , almost as wide as the Army. The Monsters expected something to charge out of the portal to attack them but nothing happened but after awhile the goblins and wolves started noticing a change in the wind , and before anyone realized it the Portal started sucking in everything, Azaroth's Army was slowly being absorbed into it and none of them were able to get away. Slowly , his Generals and Vizier were consumed by it, even Norton's corpse was consumed ,Azaroth who was using the sword in his hand as a foot hold to stop himself from being thrown in to portal looked at Alastair, who was also holding on to a tree stump. " You think this will stop me , The portal will close on your death , all I have to do is wait for a minute or two " Azaroth yelled while laughing from all the excitement that was happening. Azaroth who knew he didn't have long to live and was getting frustrated, started yelling ant Azaroth " JUST FALL ALREADY, YOU BASTARD". As he said this an arrow flew past him , hitting Azaroth straight in the left eye and then another arrow hit him in the leg causing him to lose his balance , the portal winds were getting stronger and his arms were holding onto the sword which was now stuck to the Earth.

Alastair looked back to see it was Will, Marco and the rest of the peacekeepers slowly coming towards him but were cautiously moving because of the Portal. Will was the one who fired the arrows but now couldn't get a shot because of the strong winds which were also diverting his arrows away. Alastair suddenly had an idea as he called out to his friends. "Will throw me a potion, Marco get me an ice floor ,Someone throw me a weapon as well". The Peace keepers immediately reacted on these orders , as Will threw a vitality potion to Alastair , Marco created an icy floor next to Alastair and another soldier threw an axe towards Alastair. As soon as Alastair grabbed the axe he let go of the tree he was holding and slid across the ice to Azaroth, who couldn't see him as he was too focused on holding on to the sword. As Alastair got near Azaroth , he readied his axe and with one quick swing cut off the arm that was holding the sword. Azaroth screamed in pain as he started flying into the portal , but before being consumed he yelled in anger " THIS ISNT OVER , I'LL BE BACK, YOU HEAR ME I'LL BE BACK." As his voices roared across the forest , the portal started closing as Alastair gave a small remark " And we will be waiting"