"CAN we talk to you?" opening of my group.
"Sure, what's that?" they are looking for a seat to face me.
"It's a serious matter. You probably know what VB is going through. Right now, I don't understand why you and Roselle have to fight that fight." Thine's weak statement.
"I know you, but how are we going to do it? I'm sorry to all of you I'm actually having a problem right now between Viper and the family." I explained.
"We already know about that."
I sadly looked at them carefully before I spoke.
"I'm leaving as the leader of Viper Berus but before you stop me I want our destructive organization to return. I don't want this to happen help me. Let's get Christina back to that Marco."
"Christina has already made up her mind, and they are also separated Zayn, and this is also the biggest reason why she broke up with VB. She is so mad at you and Zayn. She thought you agreed with her. Reign, what is it really are you with Zayn" Leah's question annoyed me.