You Two Are In Danger part 2

While Liz was in the weapon shop

"Hey, you're Reena."

Reena turns around, accidentally letting go of Liz's leash.

As she gasped,

"Who are you?"

"I don't have time to tell you that you and whoever your friend is must leave with me now?" The Tall Man's body was shivering. He looked around him as if afraid someone was following or watching him.

Reena tilted her head confused, "What are you talking about? Oh wait, are you saying someone out bided me. if so, here I bid more on it."

The Tall Man grabbed Reena's hand as she screamed, "get your hands off me."

"Look, I'm not here to hurt you; I'm here to try to get you out of here. So why can't you just believe me."

Reena struggled herself out of the man. Hold on here, as she barked back, pulling out a Chainwingly eying the man, "You attack me, a person who is still under the rules of the safe code. How dare you to lay a hand on me."

The guy quickly backed away from the girl, who took out her wing blade.

As Reena swayed in her hand as the chains rattled next to her, the tall man held up his hand, "Sorry, okay, I know I did wrong, and I'm sorry, but I swear, please put that weapon away. I didn't mean to harm you."

Reena danced the Chainwingly around her hips. The A Chainwingly is a chain of shape blades that resembles whip and is used in a bit of the same way, yet also a lot different. Reena shouted at the man, "You didn't mean harm, then tell me why shouldn't I call out for help and let people take you in for breaking the UM Safety Rules?"

"Fine, fine, I guess it was pointless to hope that you would believe me, Reena, since why you should be in this dangerous world? There no way anyone could blindly trust anyone unless you're a fool."

Reena nodded her head. "Yes, now tell me the reason why I should believe you and why do you look so scared. Why should I trust that you are here to help me? I can't even trust my own dad, the savior of this horrible world. So why should I trust you? the whine I never seen you before?"

"My name is Dawnbary; I know your father."

Reena rolled her eyes. "Yes, Dawnbary, a lot of people know my dad. Get to the point."

"Well, he saved me from death, and I never thought I get the chance to repay him… and yet you are here, his only daughter at a time like this. That is why I have come here even though I am going against the rules of my orders. So that I can repay your father, who saved my life now, do you trust me?" Dwanbary looked at Reena as he held his hand up in the air. As if he was surrendering to his guilt.

"Oh, and how are you repaying a debt to my did by grabbing his only daughter. I don't understand what is going on unless you're telling me someone on my item has outbid me. If so, that doesn't require saving. However, I will put down more metal on this item if that is the case; I want to buy it no matter what, and I'm willing to give all the metal I have in my U bank to get it. If this is not why you are here, please tell me we must clarify what is going on so I can understand. Other than that, You can leave because, as you can see, I'm still under the safety of the underground market laws; on top of it. I have my father's reputation, so I don't see why I even need saving."

"Yes, yes, I understand your claim, but just trust me okay. The Underground Market's gotten a lot more uncontrollable ever since TTRG started to allow anyone who has lived past the age of 3 the ability to join a TTRG School." Dawnbary kept scanning the area around as his face distorted.

Reena suddenly right then realized that Liz wasn't next to her, however, at that moment She heard a loud yell come from within the weapon shop and the next thing that Dawnbary and her saw was a young girl who looked to be of 3 future years old being dragged out by a leash by a teenage girl screaming out

"Don't ever come back, you street fuck."


Back to the present

Reena Held onto Liz's leach once more as Downbary gazed around before saying, once again

"Yes, we must go now. My rank only goes so far, and people are watching us." He said seriously. His voice was deep and robust sounding; however, a quiver in his words made it clear he was afraid.

Liz nodded her head feeling dissatisfied with herself; if only she had listened to Reena before and didn't come to this place should have had to put her roommate in danger like this.

She looked up at reen as the 3 of them circled the Underground market, trying to dodge everyone following them. With Dawnbary with them, it made it doable. However, a few times they were stopped by some groups of people who thought it seem like Dawnbary manage to settle it over his private U chip chat with them since, they would allow them to pass.

Liz didn't care or pay attention to what the Dawnbary was doing. Instead, she was more worried about herself.

Liz saw Reena's eyes look back at her for a second, and they had a look of sadness in them; Liz message over Reena over a private chat on her U chip so no one would hear it,

"I'm sorry for dragging you here."

"It's not your fault. I thought we were safe because my dad is a silver rank member, though I should have known better. Silver rank is not influenced at all in the rank of TTRG, and I put too much faith into it."

(Author here Next chapter going to be a lot longer.)