Chapter 9 No Regrets

Rolling around on the spike table Liz, Cried out in pain. As the Slave Tracker ripped through her skin and into her heart. As she could feel the small tracker embedding itself into her heart. Like it had found a place to call home.

Bossman covered the crying girl's mouth to damper the loud screams as they complained, "Wow Fuck you sure have some loud Lungs on you for such a quiet, quiet little mouse.

Liz didn't bother to retort back, feeling the tracker penetrated like a drill into her beating heart as it built a home inside of her. If she didn't know any better, she would think what was shot into her heart was alive. It sure moved around more than just some object.

The Bossman Smiled, seeing the looked on Liz's face. "Oh, so you just notice that tracker is more than just an object, your right. It will set up a system throughout your veins. SO your Reena will know your every movement.