Chapter 12 Whispering Echoes

Reena looked down at Liz shaking her head. "I but Zim looks like a male version of the Gore whore, so I believe he could be the Gore Whore; not the grim Reaper, yet the Whore doesn't like chubby men only the Reaper does. Ug why is this so confusing the Whore She loves girls more. Also, her taste in men is strange. She likes big muscular men who could tear you apart with their bare hands. SO why does Zim fit the Grim Reapers love taste yet? Ug, this is driving me crazy. Zim holds both the Whore and Grim Treats, yet not their personality. The gore whore is a girl and psycho, but Zim is not crazy. Otherwise, we all be dead already.