Information That Hide Within The Romance

Both of them lay there breathing heavily, looking at each other giggling as they held hands. A contract that bound Liz and Reena in a way that marriage itself couldn't ever compete with ever since it lost its integrity.

As the two of them lay there panting, Reena sighed as she looked at Liz.

Seeing Reena, tears swell up behind her eyes. Liz could tell that something was wrong, "Master, what is the matter? It looks as if you're about to cry."

Reena weekly smiled slowly, nodding, before kissing her Slave lips whispering, "Yeah, it is my Father. Ug he was so pissted off. I don't even want to go into it, or it will just ruin everything."

Feeling her master slip next to her ear, Liz slowly rubs Reena's breast as she listens to her Master's words.

Moaning, feeling Liz's hand on her breast, Reena blushed. "I get right to the put my lovely Slave. My dad talked to the underground market manager, who we know as Bossman, from the other day."