Flooding River (add bonus )

Bailix ran after Reena who chased after the boy who snatched and ran off with Liz.

He had been alone with these two girls for 1 ½ months and at this point he felt like an outsider.

Liz and Reena even though they were in a tight closed dome together with him. They still were able to isolate him.

Though at the time he hated it however in hindsight he was glad they did.

Bailix learn from observing these past endless days his only allies were useless. Liz was incompetent. However she was smart in a her own way. whenever it came to surviving out in the streets with the commons on a 1.5 planet. Liz was definitely quick witted and cunny to sneak away from danger. However when it came to already being stuck in the danger like they were in now.

Bailix found that Liz just couldn’t be trusted. The worst part that disappoint him the most was Reena. He could tell Reena was smart adaptable, tight mouth which was required most for the situation the three of them were in.