Silver Fang

A murky mist coats a forest of tall trees. Beyond lies a fortress castle with stones gate and walls the color of ash. A scream tore through the castle’s empty hallway and vacant rooms. The cries were the loudest on the other side of the door where a maid stood.

Her black hair tied in a bun, the white highlight at the end of her bangs couldn’t hide the twinkle in her brown eyes. The smell of raw meat and a hint of strawberries oozed out of the room.

“Daira! I need more water and towels!” Alina yelled from inside the bedroom.

“Right away.” She lifted her black dress and white apron and ran.

Soon the woman who stood between her and the master would be no more. She would comfort him in his sorrow. In return, he’ll reward her with a noble title. She had seen him do it for so many in her fifty years of service. She would be free to go where ever she wanted in the human realm. Maybe go see one of those big picture shows. No longer will she have to fear being marked like the other maids. The chances of that human giving birth to a half-breed and living were slim to none.

The wind almost pushed her off her feet. In a single glance, a black cloak rushed past her.

Master! Alina yelled.

Daira turned around. Her eyes widened. The door hanging by its hinge.

A moment later, a baby’s wail filled the castle.

She knew she wasn’t supposed too but what was one little bite. Daira's fangs pierced the skin of a tall male hiker. He did not scream or fight her. At Daira’s command, he was her doll of flesh and blood in the misty forest. She sucked in the sweet liquid. It warmed her icy body with every sip.

A momentary pleasure from tending to a haft-breed and its sleeping mother for three years.

“Are you done?”

She opened her eyes to Alina, the other maid of the castle. Her disheveled short brown hair, her apron a mess of red spots, and her right arm wrapped in bandages. She would lecture Daira about feeding off humans, but she didn’t seem to have the energy to do so.

Daira licked her lips. “Can’t you see I’m eating?”

“That’s enough. Any more and the poor man will die.”

“I have more self-control than that. You look like you need to relax.” Daira stretched the man’s shirt between his neck and shoulders. “Why not come over here and take a sip?”

Aline’s blue eyes threaten to rip Daira apart.

She shrugged. “Fine. Ms. Kill joy.” She stared deep into the man’s empty eyes. “Go to town and never come back here.” He did as she command.“There it’s done. Now, what do you want?”

“Lady Anastasia is awake.”

Daria and Alina were in the presence of Master Constantine. They both bowed and covered their mouths. He was in his studies reading a book by the fire when the two entered. By the time they lift their heads, he loomed over them.

Compared to the hiker, the Master was a giant with a glare that could set anyone ablaze. His voice was deep and firm. “I will be away for a few days. Alina, take care of Anastasia. she’s still in a poor state after giving birth and being turned. Daria, you will look after Randolph.”

Alina shook her head.

“You may speak, Alina.”

“With all due respect Master, I can take care of them both.”

“No, you must give your attention to Anastasia. She needs to get used to feeding or she may turn on her own child.”

Constantin stepped closer to Daira. “I know that you have been feeding off humans. I distinctly remember telling you to lure them away.’’

Her heart pounded against her chest.

“If I could. I would ask someone else to do this. If you hurt my child. I will feed off you until only your bones remain. Your answer.”

She uncovered her mouth. “Yes. Master.”

“If you hurt the young master,” said Alina. She carried a silver tray of pills and a red glass. Daira strolled behind her in the hallway.

“I am not a fool. I know you both will kill me if I do.”

“Foolish is what you are. Never have you ever thought of anyone other than yourself!”

“Go on. Tell me how you really feel.”

This was a test of her loyalty. She was sure of that, but it was still an opportunity to gain the Masters’ favor. She wasn’t planning on failing this time.

Daira and Alina entered the Lady’s bedroom decorated in golden brown. Lamps lit on both sides of the Canopy bed, aided by the sunlight peeking through the glass window.

“It is time for the Mistress to take her medication,” Alina announced.

A tiny hand opened the white fabric draped over the bed. Young Master Randolph, age three. His sharp, thin eyes scowled similarly to the master. His round face and soft hair were like his mother's.

Daira mustered up a kind smile. “Young Master, the Mistress has to rest after taking her medicine.”

Randolph turned to his mother. “Can I stay a little longer?”

The human woman sat up and stroke the boy’s short black hair.” Go play. You can tell me more about your adventures later.”

Randolph frowned. “Okay.” He jumped off the bed and reached for Daira's hand, but misses it.

“Come, Young Master. It’s lunchtime,” said Daira.

She glanced at the child, he stared at the marble floor.

“How come mom gets a juice with her”

Daira groaned in silence. His stutter reminded her she needed to teach him how to read. “The medicine? It’s a special juice that will make her feel better.”

He looks back at his mother. She bit her upper lip when she took the glass. "I don’t think she likes it."

As soon a Daire closed the door behind them. The Young master ran. She stood in his path in a flash.

“Young Master, the dining room is this way.”

His lips puckered. His eyes watered and he wailed.

“Young Master!?” She kneeled in a panic. Her hands hovered over him not knowing what to do with them. Young Master! Please stop crying.”

He tapped her on the nose and grinned. “Tag your it!” he ran.

Alina rushed out of the bedroom. “What’s going-. She stared at Daira. “Why are you on the floor? Did something happen to the Young Master?”

“It’s nothing.” Her voice cracked. “He was just... playing.”