Isn't that wonderful how they fall in love with each others when they were younger, and their love stills grows this day. Back to the story, after an wonderful night of love making, as the morning sets in, Sun Bo got up stretching and yawning. She put het armor back on, pick up the bucket and walked out of the cottage to get some water, Town and Teng, Bo walked out of the cottage, " its cold here, you okay mom? Asked, Town Bo, " yes I wait long time to here that, and the wait was worth it, said. Sun Bo, " dog she didn't say anything about you being beautiful, they call me Zhu the great, said. Zhu Zexi, " beat it boy we talking to our n mother and queen, said. Teng Bo, " we make yoy," you are princes be humble, take this in for me, we have a warm dinner before we go over the plans, said. Sun Bo. " mom? Called. Tain, " Bo," I thinking the same thing Tain, when this all over mom?' Yes sons we throw a feast honoring Chinese new years, in fact to welcome and honor the dragon, we have a Christianity to make you the twin dragon sons, when your brother is born he be add as the trio dragon son, answered, Sun Bo, the took the buckets inside" nice to meet you Zhu the great, I am the dragon queen Sun Bo, said. Sun Bo,Yao Bo is up and walked out of the house, " and I am the dragon king, Yao Bo she my wife, said. Yao, he guide het in the cottage in shut the door, he walked in the tree house, they wake up. Time to get to work, back to the story, "here you been Zhu? Asked. Wan Bi. " had an late right so stayed in an hotel. Said. Zhu Zexi, " that queen she never said she had a family, " she does, Sun and Yao been lovers since youth, she they were ready their parents allowed them to get married. Said, sun Shi, " I don't blame him she is very beautiful, said. Bai Xieren, they walked out of the house, as they walked out they ready to plan. " can we help? Asked. Said Mo, Bi " I sure the queen doesn't want to risk their lives Chin Heng, " they can help they where meant to help you ,said. Sun Shi, "all help is welcomed, we keep the safe and bring them back, first we get the Dragon stars army and captains they scatter to the winds, said. Sun Bo, they how are you going to get them my Queen? Back to the story.. They roar out to up their capture and armies, to let them know that she is here and awaken. They were shockrd, " go in disguise Tain, " and go the summons asked them to make us a lotion to Dr guide us,take the back portal, he shake his head and took the back portals, " Teng our son take the same portal and go the kingdom of Tokyo ask to speak to the king and queen, take this to read for us, said. Yao Bo, " I on it mom and dad, he went through with his brother, " Yao and Zhu the great go get us an costume, and capes. Said, sun Bo, " my Queen my love we do not need capes, said. Yao Bo, " you right get the costume hurry, time to take back our home, my power is limited my friends, but , out of thin air dragon star swords appeared in front of them, they took them.and Dragon armor appeared on them. And Zhu and Zexi and Yao Bo left the cottage, plan is in action. * is there an pond or lake I can wash up at? Asked sun Bo. , " yes up the valley, think you should wait for everyone to come back?asked. Wan Bi, " we got time, my guards come, they walked down the valley,in the small town of Shanghai at a costume shop shy Zexi and Yao Bo walked in the door, trying to find the right costumes disguise is tough, back to the story. "