In Yanyang for a while
After the babies were born, all four clans stayed in the cities, Sun holding *Cao Cao Jain, " that's my handsome grandson, " yes grandmommy I just like poppy, granddaddy and great grandpappy, can't believe that I married to the greatest love of my life, she gave me a son and he gave us a grandson, said. Cao Jain, Du Jain walked into the nursey, " have you two talked son? asked. Cao Jain, " her parents are still here, they won't leave and every time I assist they do, she goes the offensive and said that you still here so it is only fair, that's it momma and poppa marrying her was the biggest mistake, I had it, said. Du Jain, Sun Jain put him in the Criddle, they walked up to him, " let's take Cao for a ride and get some air, said. Sun Jain, they walked into the nursery, " is that my new grandson, come to grandma. said, Ren Nu, Du Jain stepped in front, " go home now, he about to go riding with us, poppa get Cao from the Criddle, you better be gone when I return, said. DU Jain, " they have a right to hold him much as your parents do Du, they are welcome just like yours is, " this is my family land and castle your side were fortunate not to be cast out the gates, I getting sick of this Zhang, he stays, this marriage is over take your parents to get the h*ck out my castle, my city, never to return! brat, he pick up his son, walked out of the castle, " Cao go with him, I knew this was going to happen, every queen that got picked by a dragon king or queen pick there queen or king they became one soul, one voice together, they never fight or argue against them, will he work it he at his breaking point, will he talk to you I don't know, this is certain he just end it with you, I will have to call the family to see what it can be done, she walked past them and they got on their horses and ride out of the gates, " he end our marriage, cried, Zhang Jain, " maybe we can talk to him and see will he work it out. said. Ren Nu, they stop on top of the hills looking onward into the sky, " I don't want to hear momma and poppa, I had it with her what the heck my inner dragon was doing picking her for me, said. Du Jain, " it only see the inner dragon of the person because it falls in love of their dragon, that is why there is a dragon test you ask the first son, and for our clan sake you have eyes on you, you must think about the family name, and people, you are not allowed to kick her out the kingdom and castle once you both are married Du, said. , Sun Jain. " then what can I do because I do not want to be with her anymore, I tire her not being one with me, asked, Du Jain. " separated rooms tell her she has to stay in another room, but your marriage is done, can you handle protecting and defending the west alone Du? asked, Cao Jain, " we will find out, said. Du Jain, She looked at Cao Jain, he looked at her, and at the same time he knew what she was thinking, " see why can I have a woman like my mother, you both still are one together not divide, I want that, I the only one in this family that doesn't have a wife like that. cried, Du Jain. " *Cao Cao your father having a fit, over your mother, yes we still are, he does know what I thinking just like I know what he thinking, who said you don't, said. Sun Jain, " your mother is thinking and I agree that maybe we should stay for a few days to help you get up on your feet, and find you assistance to help with protecting, you need to be strong for *Cao, the people, and the kingdom. can you do that son? asked, Cao Jain, he shake his head, and they head back to the city, and ride into the gates. He got off his horse, " because of the family I can't kick you out of the city and castle, but I have another room set up for you, we are done, I need someone to be one with Zhang, not divide with me, I need a queen that doesn't think about her self and parents first but put the people first, that do anything to protect them, our dragons may be for each other but we are not it, you, not a wife or queen mistrial, he walked into the castle. " momma please, Yuan Jain walked up, " he stills loves her right? search your heart Sun, said. Yuan Jain, " mother in a way, that is not the point, she is unbalanced right now her mind soul and body are not on protecting the people, and attending to the people is on her parents, we can talk to her, try to get her to understand what good will it do, he needs someone to be one with him, said. Sun Jain, " if he wants someone like you, and he may still feel for her, my love is one of a kind, said. Cao Jain, " if I help you, teach you to be a queen, a protector of the people, I not saying he would take you back or not, maybe if he sees you acting more like a dragon queen, he might come around, this got to you that you want my help or not, said. Sun, " he wishes you to be more like his mother, grandmother, great grandmother, great great great grandmother, great-great-great-great grandmother, great-great-great-great-great grandmother, great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother, and great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother, queen of the people, take your mother in law offer, while she still here, once they leave they gone, said. Yuan Jain,