Chapter 56

The next morning, Amy decided to finally talk to Kyle, whom she has been avoiding for a while now. She gave him a call, and asked him to meet her at a café. Although, Kyle was surprised to receive a call from Amy after more than two weeks of hearing nothing from her, he agreed to meet with her because he was anxious to talk to her. Thirty minutes after the call, Amy and Kyle were seated in the café not quite far from their homes. They both ordered for coffee and chocolate covered donuts.

“You look a lot better now” Amy began.

“Yeah. But, I still have to stay at home for two more weeks. Doctor’s orders” Kyle replied.

Amy suddenly felt guilty for not making an effort to see him after the kiss.

“Kyle, I’m sorry. I promised I was gonna be with you while you recovered, but I broke my promise”

“I understand. You have your own life to live”

“It’s not that. I-I-We… About the kiss…” Amy stuttered, nervously running her fingers through her hair.